Jesus: His Story in Stone

Book Description

Jesus: His Story in Stone is a reflection on still-existing stone objects that Jesus would have known, seen, or even touched. Each of the seventy short chapters is accompanied by a photograph taken on location in Israel. Arranged chronologically, the one-page meditations compose a portrait of Christ as seen through the significant stones in His life, from the cave where He was born to the rock of Calvary. While packed with historical and archaeological detail, the book’s main thrust is devotional, leading the reader both spiritually and physically closer to Jesus.

Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (Baker Reference Library)

Book Description

Fifteen years after its original publication comes a thoroughly revised edition of the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Every article from the original edition has been revisited. With some articles being removed, others revised, and many new articles added, the result is a completely new dictionary covering systematic, historical, and philosophical theology as well as theological ethics.

The Things of Earth

Book Description

God’s world is full of good things. Ice-cold lemonade. The laughter of children. College football. Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. A late night with old friends around a blazing campfire. God certainly knows how to give good gifts to his children. But where is the line when it comes to enjoying all the pleasurable things our world affords? In The Things of Earth, professor Joe Rigney offers perplexed Christians a breath of fresh air by lifting the burden of false standards and impossible expectations related to the Christian life—freeing readers to gratefully embrace every good thing we receive from the hand of God. Helping us avoid our tendency to forget the Giver on the one hand and neglect his gifts on the other, this much-needed book reminds us that God’s blessings should drive us to worship and that a passion for God’s glory can be as wide as the world itself.

The Kindness Challenge

Book Description

Have we ever needed kindness more? Learn which ways of acting, speaking, and thinking will improve your relationships and make the greatest difference for your life. “This book has the potential to change the emotional climate of our culture.”—Gary Chapman, New York Times bestselling author of The Five Love Languages Think of your toughest relationship. Think of a relationship that is good but could be great. Think of a group of people that drives you nuts. You want to show more kindness and generosity, but sometimes you’re just tired, stretched, and frustrated. Besides, would small actions make that big a difference? Yes! After years of extensive research, Shaunti Feldhahn has concluded that kindness is a superpower. It can change any relationship, make your life easier and better, and transform our culture. But how does it work? And how can you show kindness when you don’t feel like it? In The Kindness Challenge, Shaunti explores . . . • Three simple acts that make all the difference in any relationship (with a spouse, child, co-worker, brother-in-law . . .) • Whether kindness is ever the wrong approach • The seven ways you may be unkind and never realize it • Eight types of kindness—and which might be the best fit for you • Ten sneaky obstacles that get in the way of giving praise • Practical ways to persevere when kindness is tough • How kindness in marriage leads to benefits in the bedroom (yes, really!) • Why your acts of kindness today can help transform the world With self-assessments, day-to-day tips, a 30-day challenge, and specific kindness ideas, The Kindness Challenge can make your toughest relationships better and your good relationships great—starting today.

Jesus Christ: The Real Story

Book Description

The story of Jesus Christ goes much deeper than His crucifixion and resurrection. Few will dispute that a man named Jesus Christ lived 2,000 years ago and that He was a great teacher who impacted the world. Christ made a controversial claim—that He was the very Son of God, the long-prophesied Messiah—causing religious authorities in Jerusalem to reject Him, hate Him and eventually succeeded in having Him put to death. Likewise, the local Roman civil authorities also saw Him as a threat and became complicit in His execution. The religions of His day, both Judaism and paganism, opposed the growth of His teachings and used unlawful and violent means to try to destroy the Church He founded. The government of Rome also came to vigorously persecute the followers of this Jewish teacher from Galilee. Today, there is much confusion and questions concerning this controversial figure. Where can you go for the answers? The Bible. This Bible Study aid booklet, "Jesus Christ: The Real Story" will help explain what is written in the Bible about Jesus Christ. You can discover the answers to these questions and more: Who was Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Where did He come from? When was Jesus Christ born? What did Jesus teach? Was He God in the flesh? What did Jesus look like? Was He only a man? Why did He die? Discover the true, fascinating story that so few understand. The story of the greatest Man who ever lived and the misunderstood message He preached—the gospel (good news) of the coming Kingdom of God! Chapters in this ebook: -- Introduction - Jesus Christ: The Real Story -- Who—and What—Was Jesus Christ? -- Jesus Christ's Disciples Understood Him to Be the Creator -- Jesus Christ: 'The Rock' of the Old Testament -- The Family of God -- Jesus' Amazing Fulfillment of Prophecy -- The Bible Prophesied the Exact Year the Messiah Would Appear -- Was Jesus Born on Dec. 25? -- A Sinless and Miraculous Life -- Could Jesus Perform Miracles? -- Did Jesus Really Die and Live Again? -- Roman Forms of Crucifixion -- When Was Jesus Christ Crucified and Resurrected? -- The Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection -- Do Other Nonbiblical Sources Confirm Jesus Christ's Existence? -- Much More Than a Man -- Was Jesus a Created Being? -- The God Who Became a Human Being -- Jesus' Family Connections -- Did Jesus Have Long Hair? -- The Messiah's Misunderstood Mission -- What Do 'Messiah' and 'Jesus Christ' Mean? -- What Was Jesus' Gospel? -- Salvation Is Entrance Into the Kingdom of God -- Other Names for the Kingdom -- Jesus' Teaching on God's Law -- Other Important Ways Jesus Fulfilled the Law -- Christ's New Commandment -- Does the New Covenant Abolish the Commandments? -- Jesus Christ and the Festivals of the Bible -- Who Killed Jesus? -- Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God -- The Tearing of the Temple Veil -- Alive Again Today and Forever -- Your Date With Destiny: Meeting the Real Jesus -- 'Even So, Come, Lord Jesus!' Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "Perhaps the boldest claim Jesus made about His identity was the statement, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John:8:58)...What was going on here? Jesus was revealing His identity as the actual One whom the Jews knew as God in the Old Testament." "The New Testament writers cite messianic prophecies from the Old Testament more than 130 times. By some estimates the Old Testament contains 300 prophetic passages that describe who the Messiah is and what He will do. Of these, 60 are major prophecies. What are the chances of these prophecies being fulfilled in one person?" "A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that December 25 is an unlikely date for Christ’s birth. Here are two primary reasons..." "How can we fit “three days and three nights” between a Friday-afternoon crucifixion and a Sunday-morning resurrection?"

Jesus the Bridegroom

Book Description

Did Jesus claim to be the "bridegroom"? If so, what did he mean by this claim? When Jesus says that the wedding guests should not fast "while the bridegroom is with them" (Mark 2:19), he is claiming to be a bridegroom by intentionally alluding to a rich tradition from the Hebrew Bible. By eating and drinking with "tax collectors and other sinners," Jesus was inviting people to join him in celebrating the eschatological banquet. While there is no single text in the Hebrew Bible or the literature of the Second Temple Period which states the "messiah is like a bridegroom," the elements for such a claim are present in several texts in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Hosea. By claiming that his ministry was an ongoing wedding celebration he signaled the end of the Exile and the restoration of Israel to her position as the Lord's beloved wife. This book argues that Jesus combined the tradition of an eschatological banquet with a marriage metaphor in order to describe the end of the Exile as a wedding banquet.

Studies in the Sermon on the Mount Vol 1

Book Description

A spiritual classic, this detailed and comprehensive study by one of the greatest expository preachers of our time explains Christ's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount and incisively applies it to the Christian life. With characteristic vigor and emotional vitality Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents a brilliant and detailed exposition of one of the best known but most frequently misunderstood passages of Scripture. Here is a comprehensive and exhaustive study of our Lord's words as recorded in Matthew chapter five. This beautiful portion of the Sermon on the Mount is carefully analysed, its contents outlined and thoughtfully arranged, and vastly rich and abundant truths are gleaned for the reader's spiritual nurture. The author brought a wealth of devoted study as well as a profound spiritual appreciation to the work of interpreting this greatest address of our delightful experience in meditation. It presents depth of thought in simple language and beauty of style and contains a veritable thesaurus of spiritual truths drawn from the entire Bible.

A Teacher Called Nicodemus

Book Description

In a day when most religious leaders were known for their efforts to discredit the ministry of Jesus, there came one who earnestly sought Him. In a day when most religious leaders mocked Jesus as He hung on a cross, there came one who meekly helped bury His body. And in a day when most religious leaders felt threatened by Jesus, there came one who courageously chose to take a stand for Him.This is the story of a teacher called Nicodemus who God used to teach what it means to seek God, not only in word, but also in deed. Just as his life was a testimony to the people of his day, it remains an example to us today.There is an adage that says, "if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." Nicodemus was a humble man who willingly stood boldly for truth. Explore his story through this novella - the portion you may already know, and the rest of the story that could have been.


Book Description

Galatians is one of the earliest of the Pauline letters and is therefore among the first documents written by Christians in the first century. Paul’s letter to the Galatians deals with the first real controversy in the early church: the status of Jews and gentiles in this present age and the application of the Law of Moses to gentiles. Paul argues passionately that gentiles are not “converting” to Judaism and therefore should not be expected to keep the Law. Gentiles who accept Jesus as Savior are “free in Christ,” not under the bondage of the Law. Galatians also deals with an important pastoral issue in the early church as well. If gentiles are not “under the Law,” are they free to behave any way they like? Does Paul’s gospel mean that gentiles can continue to live like pagans and still be right with God? For Paul, the believer’s status as an adopted child of God enables them to serve God freely as dearly loved children. Galatians: Freedom through God's Grace is commentary for laypeople, Bible teachers, and pastors who want to grasp how the original readers of Galatians would have understood Paul’s letter and how this important ancient letter speaks to Christians living in similar situations in the twenty-first century.

Building Up One Another

Book Description

"Building Up One Another" focuses on significant actions that Christians are called to take toward one another to help build up the body of Christ. The author explores 12 specific "one another" Bible commands and gives practical steps for developing them. This new, updated version contains a personal and group study guide.