Book Description

The Book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG FIVE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD MOLDAVIA, centered on of BUKOWINA, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, and has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Bukowina is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Moldavians emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E – book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Bukowina rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross – fires of many adversities… Bukowinian Being


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG FIVE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Transsylvanialogos, Siebenbürgenlogos or Erdelylogos, are becoming, through their endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG FIVE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E - book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities, many of them being created by human oneself… Being of Unio Trio Logos


Book Description

The OnLine Book, LOGOS BLISSBURG FIVE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Siebenbürgenlogos, is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Transsylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, LOGOS BLISSBURG FIVE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E - book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Being of Logos


Book Description

The Book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG SIX, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD MOLDAVIA, centered on of BUKOWINA, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, and has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Bukowina is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Moldavians emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E – book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Bukowina rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross – fires of many adversities… Bukowinian Being


Book Description

The Book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG TWO, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD MOLDAVIA, centered on of BUKOWINA, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, and has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Bukowina is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Moldavians emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E – book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Bukowina rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross – fires of many adversities… Bukowinian Being


Book Description

…BLESSING EARTH… A strange geological complex of planetary genesis and evolution, retaining for itself, since its beginning of ca. about 4.5 billion years ago, on atmosphere, an hydrosphere and a lithosphere, all as basic preconditions of transition from a-biotic life (inorganic life) towards pre-biotic life (pre-organic life) and biotic life (organic life)… …BLESSING EARTH… A more than strange network spectra of ABIOTIC LIFE + PREBIOTIC LIFE, towards BIOTIC LIFE, through which building blocks of Inorganic life (Gravitation, Electromagnetic field, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Methane, Ammonia, Water vapor) + Building Blocks of Pre-organic life (water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, acidity, soil and rocks), had generated the Building Blocks of Organic life (Nucleic Acids, Amino Acids, Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates), which are the basic units of any kind of metabolism (anabolism + catabolism), of any kind of self-replication, of self-assembly or of autocatalysis… …BLESSING EARTH… This huge synthesis and assembly, among the cosmological – sphere (Sun energy and Sun gravitation), among geological – sphere (Earth magnetism and Earth gravitation), with biosphere (living organism spectra), with ecosphere (biomes and biotope of living systems), by giving through billions and billions years of genesis and evolution, and through billions and billions Species, all interacting within environmental conditions, all in struggle for existence and all in battlefield of surviving through the best, the presence of human, as rational being, as intelligent being and creative being… …BLESSING EARTH… A Consubstantiation of cosmology + geology + biology + ontology factors, by consecrating thus, the Hydrogen, the Carbon, the Oxygen, the Nitrate, the Iron, reunited within genetic acids DNA and RNA, as carriers of all living codes of heritage, or in Amino Acids of proteins, containing an Amino group, a Carboxyl group and Hydrogen atom, like a bestowing divine favors, coexisting in every living element of our planetary system… Being of Blessing Earth


Book Description

The Book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD MOLDAVIA, centered on of BUKOWINA, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, and has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Bukowina is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Moldavians emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E – book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Bukowina rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross – fires of many adversities… Bukowinian Being


Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and um - thinking of the whole of the European Union history and historiology,, after big waves of union’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years 2016 and the present 2020… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last twenty years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2020, having catastrophic consequences over European Union… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and rewritten published and republished with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics and meaning, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know very well the history of Europe itself, must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and the citizens of Europe, the science and technology of Europe, the art and religions of Europe, the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium Times, all in detail, all in reality, all in morality and rationality, including here the ideologies, the irrationality and tragedies of Europe, culminating in 20th century, with two world wars… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in anthropo-sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries… …It is the first time in Human Known History and Historiology (logos of history, reasoning of history, wisdom of history), when, a Constitution is becoming also a vector of knowledge, sensing and re-sensing a searching and researching project in Antropos-Sapientology, finally, a form of concrete epistemology, a substantial gnoseology, having an explicit and implicit proper function of axiology in oneself, for oneself and through oneself… Constitutionalist of European Union


Book Description

Could be translated the quasi-untranslatable form of human creation, namely those in art of poetry, which is the deepest pulses and impulses of our inwards origins, those deeper which can not be known, which are beyond of our area of investigating, of analyzing, even through the addition of psychoanalysis?... Could be rewritten through an individuality, something which is primarily pre-written or proto-written, through the powerful tools of the Species Sapiens itself, in its triad of abstract development, those of articulated language, of symbol alphabet and of abstract thinking, creator of the greatest jump from nature to culture?... Could be reset the whole of triad of Sapiens evolution, Archaic Sapiens – Premodern Sapiens – Modern Sapiens, assuming about 500.000 years long of evolution, co- evolution, synergetic evolution and revolution, through a life of creativity asserted somewhere around the 50 years of real creativity?... With other words, could be done within 50 years of powerful creativity in modern human or SAPIENTOHUMAN, a correlation with the age of whole Sapiens (biologic + ontologic), assumed at the age of 500.000 years long, i.e., with 10.000 times bigger, of general over individual?... Our combination book of philosophy, of anthropology, of sapientology and poetry, is making or remaking a such endeavour, a such daring, through the sensing and re-sensing of SAPIENTOHUMAN, or better says of ANTHROPOSAPIENTOHUMAN, in dreaming of oneself towards of another level of fulfilment and overcoming… Script of Anthroposapientohuman


Book Description

The OnLine Book, LOGOS BLISSBURG FOUR, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Siebenbürgenlogos, is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Transsylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, LOGOS BLISSBURG FOUR, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E - book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Being of Logos