The European Coal and Steel Community

Book Description

The European Coal and Steel Community has been called "a new structure in the marches between internal and international law. " 1 To describe this new type of structure the term "supra national" has found increasing usage. Supranational organs have been defined as standing "midway between 'international' and federal organs. " International organizations - such as the United Nations or the Council of Europe - are based on the "sovereign equality" of their members and non-intervention in domestic affairs; they are really at the intergovernmental level. Supra national organs transcend international organizations in both these respects without, however, constituting a federal state. They are based "not on a mere restriction, but on a transfer of [national] sovereignty, but a transfer of sovereignty in a particu lar area only. " 2 This pilot experiment in supranational organization is of twofold importance. In the first place, although operating on a regional level only, it could teach valuable lessons concerning future attempts at world organization through the "functional approach. " In Prof. Mitrany's words, national divisions must be overlaid "with a spreading web of international activities and agencies, in which and through which the interests and life of all the nations would be gradually integrated. " 3 The Coal and Steel Community could be an excellent testing ground for the develop ment of an international community, growing from the satis faction of common needs which people of different nations share.

Current Catalog

Book Description

First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

The Common Market's Labor Programs

Book Description

European Yearbook

Book Description

Le troisieme volume de l'Annuaire Europeen suit le schema deja trace par ses predecesseurs, qui, pour autant que nous puissions en juger d'apres les critiques publiees, paraissent avoir rencontre l'approbation generale des lecteurs auxquels l'ouvrage Hait destine. Le volume III est cependant plus mince que les volumes anterieurs: l'ampleur du second volume (et, partant, son cont) ayant depasse les previsions initiales, on a voulu en effet maintenir une moyenne raisonnable au double point de vue du format et du prix. Les articles reproduits dans ce volume et la documentation comprise dans la partie II embrassent, selon nous, les principaux developpements intervenus dans la cooperation europeenne au cours de la periode consideree, c'est-a-dire, en principe, l'annee civile 1955 avec, pour des raisons de continuite, certaines incursions dans l'annee 1956. On relevera cependant une lacune majeure: l'omission de toute documentation concernant la Relance europeenne amorcee en juin 1955, a Messine, par la Con ference des six ministres des affaires Hrangeres des Etats mem bres de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de I' Acier et les negociations ulterieures de Bruxelles en vue de l'etablissement du Marche commun et de I'Euratom. Etant donne que ces nego ciations Haient encore en cours au moment ou ce volume a He mis sous presse, i1 a semble preferable d'attendre leur conclusion et d'en donner un aperc;u plus complet dans le volume IV.

Index of NLM Serial Titles

Book Description

A keyword listing of serial titles currently received by the National Library of Medicine.

Intl Biblio Pol SC 1965

Book Description

First published in 1966. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


Book Description

The Community of Oil Exporting Countries

Book Description

The Community of Oil Exporting Countries (1972) looks at the oil producing countries of the developing world and their economic reliance on oil. This reliance comes with an unwillingness to leave their economic fate to the vagaries of competition, leading to co-operative schemes that protect them from trade receipt fluctuations. This book is a close reading of the situation, and the resulting co-operative efforts.