Curriculum or Craftsmanship

Book Description

Sociologist Harry L. Gracey spent two years studying an East-Coast school system, which he calls "Brookview," and determined that the bureaucratic social structure of schools can have a profound and irreversibly negative effect on the creativity of teachers. This volume tells the story of the "Wilbur Wright" elementary school in Brookview. It examines the relationship between the educational institution as a bureaucracy and the goals of the two main types of teaching orientation found in elementary schools such as Wright. The majority of teachers are "production" oriented. They believe that their job is to see that the children in their charge complete as much of the standardized grade level curriculum as possible during the school year. They do achieve some success in preparing children for life in a society where bureaucracy is the dominant form of social organization. The other significant type of teaching orientation is that of the "craftsmen." These instructors see their goal as the development of each individual's learning potential, with the curriculum built upon the specific needs and interests of each child. Bureaucratic school structures do nothing to promote this kind of teaching. Any ideas that are at variance with the school's organizational structure will fail. The craftsman teachers do not have the time to communicate the standardized programs desired by the school board and also to make use of their own individualistic techniques. Further, the continued use of the former cancels the effects of the craftsman approach. In delineating his conclusions, Professor Gracey includes his observations on the community and educational setting of the study, the two types of teachers, the administration, the parents, and the children's response to educational organization. This study is unique in approaching its educational subject matter from a sociological point of view; Professor Gracey intended it as a study of behavior in organizations. It should also serve educational goals, however, and will therefore interest educators and concerned citizens as well as sociologists.

Structural Effects

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Assessment, Bureaucracy, and Consolidation

Book Description

American education has changed dramatically over the last century. The small, locally controlled school, supported by a concerned educational village fostered learning, personal accountability, patriotism and economic growth for a young nation. Today, however, American schools are typically large, consolidated, bureaucratic organizations controlled by state and/or municipal governments. The administration of these schools is hierarchical and corporate in form while its curriculum is oriented toward the needs of the business community. Assessment through standardized testing, moreover, has become the cornerstone of American education. Assessment, Bureaucracy, and Consolidation: TheIssues Facing Schools Today examines this remarkable transformation in the form and function of education and assesses the problems and possibilities for the future of schools and our nation. Additional key features of this book include: •A clear comprehensive history of the modern American school from the nineteenth century to the present and its impact on teachers, students, parents and the community at large •An Explanation of the impact of bureaucratic organization and the movement toward large schools •Critiques of past reform experiments in public education •A Placement of the contemporary standardized assessment movement in historical context •A reevaluation of the relationship between education and business •An evaluation of returning education to locally controlled schools, reconnecting educational practitioners with the educational village

The Dynamics of Bureaucracy

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An organisation analysis of the Tasmanian Education Department.

Bureaucracy and Professionalism

Book Description

This work explains the rise and evolution of an occupational group in its efforts to professionalize, and offers an interpretive analysis of the factors that have historically shaped and influenced public school supervision.

Bureaucracy in Education

Book Description