Business Groups, the Financial Market and Economic Development

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Business groups are an important aspect of the industrial organization of many developing countries. This paper develops a theory suggesting that they may be organizations that facilitate economic development in the presence financial market constraints.An important function of the stockmarket is the diversification of risk that comes with specialized, productive technology. But in the face of serious information problems a well functioning stockmarket may fail to emerge, relegating the economy to a low productivity-poverty trap. Bilateral links between a firm and a group of others may be a more cost effective way to achieve risk-sharing. Such business groups may be feasible when a full-fledged stockmarket is not. As modernization takes place, either because information problems become less severe or more firms enter the economy, business groups actually expand in size before being abruptly rendered obsolete by the stockmarket. This is consistent with stylized facts from a number of emerging economies.

Business Groups in the West

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This volume aims to explore the evolution of large enterprises in today's developed economies in the West. It focuses on the economic institution of the business group and understanding the factors behind its rise, growth, resilience, and/or fall; its behavioural and organizational characteristics; and its contributions to economic development.

Money and Capital in Economic Development

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This books presents a theory of economic development very different from the "stages of growth" hypothesis or strategies emphasizing foreign aid, trade, or regional association. Leaving these aside, the author breaks new ground by focusing on the use of domestic capital markets to stimulate economic performance. He suggests a "bootstrap" approach in which successful development would depend largely on policy choices made by national authorities in the developing countries themselves. Central to his theory is the freeing of domestic financial markets to allow interest rates to reflect the true scarcity of capital in a developing economy. His analysis leads to a critique of prevailing monetary theory and to a new view of the relation between money and physical capital—a view with policy implications for governments striving to overcome the vicious circle of inflation and stagnation. Examining the performance of South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, and other countries, the author suggests that their success or failure has depended primarily on steps taken in the monetary sector. He concludes that monetary reform should take precedence over other development measures, such as tariff and tax reform or the encouragement of foreign capital investment. In addition to challenging much of the conventional wisdom of development, the author's revision of accepted monetary theory may be relevant for mature economies that face monetary problems.

Financial Structure and Economic Development

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A country's level of financial development and the legal environment in which financial intermediaries and markets operate critically influence economic development. In countries whose financial sectors are more fully developed and whose legal systems protect the rights of outside investors, economies grow faster, industries dependent on external finance expand more quickly, new firms are created more easily, firms have more access to external financing, and firms grow faster.

Business Groups and Financial Markets

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This work builds on the classical sociological contributions of Weber, Simmel, and Toennies, and makes the case for different and alternative ideal-typical models of business relations, which the author calls "English" and "German." The "English" model of business relations is characterized by free competition between firms. They abide by the ethical rules of fair business and the moral economy in market exchanges. Their relations are accordingly based on mutual trust. As a rule, they do not cultivate privileged relations with political authorities. By contrast, the "German" model involves hierarchical relations between a group's major firm and its smaller units. There is no moral community binding together the different groups, and therefore no mutual trust between them. Business groups maintain close relations, based on reciprocal favours, with authorities. The author compares the London and New York Stock Exchanges in the late nineteenth century, finding the former better approximates the "English" model, and shows this model's superior performance. "English" model countries such as Taiwan have been shown to be more competitive in market exchanges than countries such as South Korea, which approximate the "German" model. A new epilogue makes use of more recent information and confirms Segre's arguments.

Organizations, Individualism and Economic Theory

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Most economic theory is based on the assumption that economies grow in a linear fashion. Recessions, depressions and (financial) crises are explained by policy mistakes. However, economic development has historically been uneven, and this state of affairs continues today. This book argues that twentieth century economic theory has marginalized individualism and organizational variety, and puts forward the case for a pluralist approach. This book represents a unique synthesis of business theory and economic theory, which pinpoints the problems with many current mainstream theories and sets out new agendas for research. Here, Maria Brouwer argues that market competition is not about adapting to changes from outside, but is driven by human motivation and goal directed behavior. This gives managerial skills, which do not traditionally have a significant place in mainstream economic theory, a key role. It also highlights the need for organizations that have a motivational culture and appreciate human capital. This differs from the traditional view of the firm as a production function dictated by technology. Brower argues that organizations should be depicted as voluntary associations of people that pursue goals of their own, while firms compete on markets, where relative performance determines their fate. This argument builds on older theories of innovation and market competition that live on in business school curricula, and paints a picture of an economy directed by individuals and firms. This signals a bold departure from standard economic thinking.

Financial Markets and the Real Economy

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Financial Markets and the Real Economy reviews the current academic literature on the macroeconomics of finance.

Asian Business Groups

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The Asian economic landscape is dominated by various types of business group. Asian Business Groups provides a comprehensive review and introduction to the different types of business group. The origins and founding context of groups from particular national settings form the basic structure of the book. Emphasis is given to both the similarities and differences in group governance and performance and the implications for Asian international competitiveness are addressed. Multidisciplinary framework that integrates managerial, sociological, and economic perspectives on business groups and permits analysis of both their positive and negative aspects Comprehensive survey of empirical findings on the financial and market performance Sensitivity to the changing historical context and major events that have shaped business group development and dynamics

Entrepreneurial Finance, Innovation and Development

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Entrepreneurship is now unanimously considered a major engine for socio-economic development, mainly because it creates jobs and innovation. Governments around the world pay special attention to removing entrepreneurial barriers in order to support development via different policies, especially entrepreneurial finance. Developing, emerging and transition economies (DETEs) significantly differ from industrialized countries because of their specific conditions: institutions, infrastructure facilities, and bureaucratic procedures within the administrative system. Thus, firms and their entrepreneurs in and from DETEs may behave differently, particularly in terms of their financial strategies. Therefore, contextualizing is critical to better understand the relationship between entrepreneurial finance, innovation, and development in DETEs. This book provides a systematic and profound understanding of how finance, entrepreneurship, innovation, and their interactions contribute to economic development in DETEs, which cover a large number of countries in Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Africa. The book mainly includes empirical studies and is divided into four parts. Part A includes four chapters which adopt a multinational approach to examine different sources and types of finance for entrepreneurship and small business in different groups of countries classified as DETEs. Part B also includes four chapters and focuses on entrepreneurial finance in specific countries belonging to the DETEs. Part C goes beyond the business scope of entrepreneurial finance and includes three chapters concerned with the relationship between finance, women's entrepreneurship, and poverty. Part D includes three chapters focusing on the comparison within developing countries as well as between developing and developed countries. This essential and comprehensive resource will find an audience amongst academics, students, educators, and practitioners, as well as policymakers and regulators.

Evolution of Markets and Institutions

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The new institutional economics has been one of the most influential schools of thought to emerge in the past quarter century. Taking its roots in the transaction cost theory of the firm as an economic organization rather than purely a production function, it has been developed further by scholars such as Oliver Williamson, Douglas North and their followers, leading to the rich and growing field of the new institutional economics. This branch of economics stresses the importance of institutions in the functioning of free markets, which include elaborately defined and effectively enforced property rights in the presence of transaction costs, large corporate organizations with agency and hierarchical controls, formal contracts, bankruptcy laws, and regulatory institutions. In this timely volume, Murali Patibandla applies some of the precepts of the new institutional economics to India - one of the world's most promising economies.