C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory II

Book Description

This book consists of a collection of original, refereed research and expository articles on elliptic aspects of geometric analysis on manifolds, including singular, foliated and non-commutative spaces. The topics covered include the index of operators, torsion invariants, K-theory of operator algebras and L2-invariants. There are contributions from leading specialists, and the book maintains a reasonable balance between research, expository and mixed papers.

C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory

Book Description

This book consists of reviewed original research papers and expository articles in index theory (especially on singular manifolds), topology of manifolds, operator and equivariant K-theory, Hopf cyclic cohomology, geometry of foliations, residue theory, Fredholm pairs and others, and applications in mathematical physics. The wide spectrum of subjects reflects the diverse directions of research for which the starting point was the Atiyah-Singer index theorem.

Elliptic Theory and Noncommutative Geometry

Book Description

This comprehensive yet concise book deals with nonlocal elliptic differential operators. These are operators whose coefficients involve shifts generated by diffeomorphisms of the manifold on which the operators are defined. This is the first book featuring a consistent application of methods of noncommutative geometry to the index problem in the theory of nonlocal elliptic operators. To make the book self-contained, the authors have included necessary geometric material.

C * -Algebras and Elliptic Operators in Differential Topology

Book Description

The aim of this book is to present some applications of functional analysis and the theory of differential operators to the investigation of topological invariants of manifolds. The main topological application discussed in the book concerns the problem of the description of homotopy-invariant rational Pontryagin numbers of non-simply connected manifolds and the Novikov conjecture of homotopy invariance of higher signatures. The definition of higher signatures and the formulation of the Novikov conjecture are given in Chapter 3. In this chapter, the authors also give an overview of different approaches to the proof of the Novikov conjecture. First, there is the Mishchenko symmetric signature and the generalized Hirzebruch formulae and the Mishchenko theorem of homotopy invariance of higher signatures for manifolds whose fundamental groups have a classifying space, being a complete Riemannian non-positive curvature manifold. Then the authors present Solovyov's proof of the Novikov conjecture for manifolds with fundamental group isomorphic to a discrete subgroup of a linear algebraic group over a local field, based on the notion of the Bruhat-Tits building. Finally, the authors discuss the approach due to Kasparov based on the operator $KK$-theory and another proof of the Mishchenko theorem. In Chapter 4, they outline the approach to the Novikov conjecture due to Connes and Moscovici involving cyclic homology. That allows one to prove the conjecture in the case when the fundamental group is a (Gromov) hyperbolic group. The text provides a concise exposition of some topics from functional analysis (for instance, $C^*$-Hilbert modules, $K$-theory or $C^*$-bundles, Hermitian $K$-theory, Fredholm representations, $KK$-theory, and functional integration) from the theory of differential operators (pseudodifferential calculus and Sobolev chains over $C^*$-algebras), and from differential topology (characteristic classes). The book explains basic ideas of the subject and can serve as a course text for an introduction to the study of original works and special monographs.

Index Theory of Elliptic Operators, Foliations, and Operator Algebras

Book Description

Combining analysis, geometry, and topology, this volume provides an introduction to current ideas involving the application of $K$-theory of operator algebras to index theory and geometry. In particular, the articles follow two main themes: the use of operator algebras to reflect properties of geometric objects and the application of index theory in settings where the relevant elliptic operators are invertible modulo a $C^*$-algebra other than that of the compact operators. The papers in this collection are the proceedings of the special sessions held at two AMS meetings: the Annual meeting in New Orleans in January 1986, and the Central Section meeting in April 1986. Jonathan Rosenberg's exposition supplies the best available introduction to Kasparov's $KK$-theory and its applications to representation theory and geometry. A striking application of these ideas is found in Thierry Fack's paper, which provides a complete and detailed proof of the Novikov Conjecture for fundamental groups of manifolds of non-positive curvature. Some of the papers involve Connes' foliation algebra and its $K$-theory, while others examine $C^*$-algebras associated to groups and group actions on spaces.

Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Elliptic Operators

Book Description

Modern theory of elliptic operators, or simply elliptic theory, has been shaped by the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem created 40 years ago. Reviewing elliptic theory over a broad range, 32 leading scientists from 14 different countries present recent developments in topology; heat kernel techniques; spectral invariants and cutting and pasting; noncommutative geometry; and theoretical particle, string and membrane physics, and Hamiltonian dynamics. The first of its kind, this volume is ideally suited to graduate students and researchers interested in careful expositions of newly-evolved achievements and perspectives in elliptic theory. The contributions are based on lectures presented at a workshop acknowledging Krzysztof P Wojciechowski''s work in the theory of elliptic operators. Sample Chapter(s). Contents (42 KB). Contents: On the Mathematical Work of Krzysztof P Wojciechowski: Selected Aspects of the Mathematical Work of Krzysztof P Wojciechowski (M Lesch); Gluing Formulae of Spectral Invariants and Cauchy Data Spaces (J Park); Topological Theories: The Behavior of the Analytic Index under Nontrivial Embedding (D Bleecker); Critical Points of Polynomials in Three Complex Variables (L I Nicolaescu); Chern-Weil Forms Associated with Superconnections (S Paycha & S Scott); Heat Kernel Calculations and Surgery: Non-Laplace Type Operators on Manifolds with Boundary (I G Avramidi); Eta Invariants for Manifold with Boundary (X Dai); Heat Kernels of the Sub-Laplacian and the Laplacian on Nilpotent Lie Groups (K Furutani); Remarks on Nonlocal Trace Expansion Coefficients (G Grubb); An Anomaly Formula for L 2- Analytic Torsions on Manifolds with Boundary (X Ma & W Zhang); Conformal Anomalies via Canonical Traces (S Paycha & S Rosenberg); Noncommutative Geometry: An Analytic Approach to Spectral Flow in von Neumann Algebras (M-T Benameur et al.); Elliptic Operators on Infinite Graphs (J Dodziuk); A New Kind of Index Theorem (R G Douglas); A Note on Noncommutative Holomorphic and Harmonic Functions on the Unit Disk (S Klimek); Star Products and Central Extensions (J Mickelsson); An Elementary Proof of the Homotopy Equivalence between the Restricted General Linear Group and the Space of Fredholm Operators (T Wurzbacher); Theoretical Particle, String and Membrane Physics, and Hamiltonian Dynamics: T-Duality for Non-Free Circle Actions (U Bunke & T Schick); A New Spectral Cancellation in Quantum Gravity (G Esposito et al.); A Generalized Morse Index Theorem (C Zhu). Readership: Researchers in modern global analysis and particle physics.


Book Description

These notes are based on the course of lectures I gave at Harvard in the fall of 1964. They constitute a self-contained account of vector bundles and K-theory assuming only the rudiments of point-set topology and linear algebra. One of the features of the treatment is that no use is made of ordinary homology or cohomology theory. In fact, rational cohomology is defined in terms of K-theory.The theory is taken as far as the solution of the Hopf invariant problem and a start is mode on the J-homomorphism. In addition to the lecture notes proper, two papers of mine published since 1964 have been reproduced at the end. The first, dealing with operations, is a natural supplement to the material in Chapter III. It provides an alternative approach to operations which is less slick but more fundamental than the Grothendieck method of Chapter III, and it relates operations and filtration. Actually, the lectures deal with compact spaces, not cell-complexes, and so the skeleton-filtration does not figure in the notes. The second paper provides a new approach to K-theory and so fills an obvious gap in the lecture notes.

Third Siberian School: Algebra and Analysis

Book Description

This book contains papers presented at the Third Siberian School: Algebra and Analysis, held in Irkutsk in the summer of 1989. Drawing 130 participants from all over the former Soviet Union, the school sought to acquaint Siberian and other mathematicians with the latest achievements in a wide variety of mathematical areas and to give young researchers an opportunity to present their work. The papers presented here range over topics in algebra, analysis, geometry, and topology.

An Invitation to C*-Algebras

Book Description

This book gives an introduction to C*-algebras and their representations on Hilbert spaces. We have tried to present only what we believe are the most basic ideas, as simply and concretely as we could. So whenever it is convenient (and it usually is), Hilbert spaces become separable and C*-algebras become GCR. This practice probably creates an impression that nothing of value is known about other C*-algebras. Of course that is not true. But insofar as representations are con cerned, we can point to the empirical fact that to this day no one has given a concrete parametric description of even the irreducible representations of any C*-algebra which is not GCR. Indeed, there is metamathematical evidence which strongly suggests that no one ever will (see the discussion at the end of Section 3. 4). Occasionally, when the idea behind the proof of a general theorem is exposed very clearly in a special case, we prove only the special case and relegate generalizations to the exercises. In effect, we have systematically eschewed the Bourbaki tradition. We have also tried to take into account the interests of a variety of readers. For example, the multiplicity theory for normal operators is contained in Sections 2. 1 and 2. 2. (it would be desirable but not necessary to include Section 1. 1 as well), whereas someone interested in Borel structures could read Chapter 3 separately. Chapter I could be used as a bare-bones introduction to C*-algebras. Sections 2.

Integrable Structures of Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Models of Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

Integrable quantum field theories and integrable lattice models have been studied for several decades, but during the last few years new ideas have emerged that have considerably changed the topic. The first group of papers published here is concerned with integrable structures of quantum lattice models related to quantum group symmetries. The second group deals with the description of integrable structures in two-dimensional quantum field theories, especially boundary problems, thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and form factor problems. Finally, a major group of papers is concerned with the purely mathematical framework that underlies the physically-motivated research on quantum integrable models, including elliptic deformations of groups, representation theory of non-compact quantum groups, and quantization of moduli spaces.