
Book Description

Nofel hirddisgwyliedig yr awdures dalentog Angharad Price, a enillodd y Fedal Ryddiaith yn 2002 gyda'r clasur O! Tyn y Gorchudd. Nofel yw hon am Jaman Jones sy'n dychwelyd i'w dref enedigol ar ol etifeddu tA* ei fodryb, ac mae'n cynnig sylwebaeth ddeifiol ar fywyd tref Gymreig ar ddechrau'r 21ain ganrif.

Two Rivers from a Common Spring: The Books Council of Wales at 60

Book Description

A volume celebrating sixty years since the establishment of the Books Council of Wales, comprising sixteen chapters by various scholars and contributors in the field. A Welsh companion volume is available: O'r Hedyn i'r Ddalen (9781914981036).

Hystoria Gweryddon Yr Almaen

Book Description

Medieval Welsh literature is rich in hagiographical lore and numerous Welsh versions of the Lives of saints are extant, recording the legends of both native and universal saints. Although the cult of St Ursula and the 11,000 virgins is well known internationally, this is the first time that a scholarly edition of her Welsh legend has been published in its entirety. Hystoria Gweryddon yr Almaen was adapted into Welsh by Sir Huw Pennant and it survives in a unique manuscript – Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Peniarth MS 182 (c. 1509–1514). The edition is accompanied by a full glossary, as well as detailed textual and linguistic notes, and information on the development and transmission of the legend. The peculiarities of the Welsh text are considered in the introduction as well as the similarities it shares with other versions. The volume also considers the wider cultural context of the legend and discusses the Welsh cult of St Ursula and her companions. Welsh tradition claims that Ursula was Welsh and she became associated with the church at Llangwyryfon in Ceredigion and other minor Welsh chapels.

Archaeologia Cambrensis

Book Description

The Medieval Welsh 'Englynion Y Beddau'

Book Description

Edition and translation of this important genre of Old Welsh poetry.The "Stanzas of the Graves" or "Graves of the Warriors of the Island of Britain", attributed to the legendary poet Taliesin, describe ancient heroes' burial places. Like the "Triads of the Island of Britain", they are an indispensable key to the narrative literature of medieval Wales. The heroes come from the whole of Britain, including Mercia and present-day Scotland, as well as many from Wales and a few from Ireland. Many characters known from the Mabinogion appear, often with additional information, as do some from romance and early Welsh saga, such as Arthur, Bedwyr, Gawain, Owain son of Urien, Merlin, and Vortigern. The seventh-century grave of Penda of Mercia, beneath the river Winwæd in Yorkshire, is the latest grave to be included. The poems testify to the interest aroused by megaliths, tumuli, and other apparently man-made monuments, some of which can be identified with known prehistoric remains.This volume offers a full edition and translation of the poems, mapped with reference to all the manuscripts, starting with the Black Book of Carmarthen, the oldest extant book of Welsh poetry. There is also a detailed commentary on their linguistic, literary, historical, and archaeological aspects. translation of the poems, mapped with reference to all the manuscripts, starting with the Black Book of Carmarthen, the oldest extant book of Welsh poetry. There is also a detailed commentary on their linguistic, literary, historical, and archaeological aspects. translation of the poems, mapped with reference to all the manuscripts, starting with the Black Book of Carmarthen, the oldest extant book of Welsh poetry. There is also a detailed commentary on their linguistic, literary, historical, and archaeological aspects. translation of the poems, mapped with reference to all the manuscripts, starting with the Black Book of Carmarthen, the oldest extant book of Welsh poetry. There is also a detailed commentary on their linguistic, literary, historical, and archaeological aspects.

The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive single-volume history of literature in the two major languages of Wales from post-Roman to post-devolution Britain.