Calvin's Doctrine of the Work of Christ

Book Description

The revival of interest in the Protestant Reformation in the mid-twentieth century was marked by several studies of John Calvin. J.F. Jansen, however, noted that these had shed new light on almost every aspect of his thought except that which lies at the heart of his theology – the doctrine of Christ’s work. In Calvin’s Doctrine of the Work of Christ, Jansen corrects this omission, providing a fresh study of Calvin’s work in this area with special reference to his exegetical writings. Besides critiquing Calvin’s development of the doctrine, he also examines the traditional theological formula of the three offices of Christ as prophet, priest and king. Reacting against the return to this formula by contemporary theologians such as Emil Brunner, he shows that an alternative conception of Christ’s work is possible.

John Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life

Book Description

In this thorough investigation of Calvinist doctrine, John Leith defines the Reformer's teaching on Christian life in the context of his theology. He begins with a discussion of what it means to say that the purpose of Christian life is the glory of God. He then discusses Christian life in relation to four aspects of Calvinist thought: justification by faith alone; providence and predestination; history and the transhistorical; church and society.Leith's concluding statement summarizes the importance of this book. "Calvin's doctrine of the Christian life represents a magnificent effort to give expression to what it means to have to do with the living God every moment of one's life. No interpretation of the sola gloria Dei ["only God's glory"] has been more vivid and dynamic than Calvin's. For this reason he speaks to the needs of this generation, which, at least until recently, has been more frequently concerned about the glory of humankind than that of God and which has fallen victim to many false gods and vicious ideologies. Yet if Calvinism is to render its full service to our day, it must be interpreted in the context of the shared faith of the total Christian community. On the basis of Calvin's own principles, no human statement of Christian faith can ever be final and must be continually reformed by the Christian community's apprehension of the word of God as revealed in Jesus Christ."

Calvin's Doctrine of The Christian Life

Book Description

In his study of a wide range of Calvin's works, Dr. Wallace has found that all Calvin's decisions on widely differing aspects of the Christian life can be understood and seen in their unity as they arise from his doctrine of the person and work of Christ as involving, once-for-all, the sanctification and destiny of the Church. In this context the book shows that humanity lives the Christian life as they seek to fulfill their calling to royal priesthood in Christ in union with his death and resurrection.

Calvin's Doctrine of the Word and Sacrament

Book Description

Charles Hodge viewed Calvin's doctrine of the union of believers with Christ's humanity in the Lord's Supper as an uncongenial foreign element in Calvin's thought, having no root in the system. Robert L. Dabney found Calvin's doctrine to be a strange opinion, which he had to reject because it is not only incomprehensible, but impossible. Were these eminent theologians correct, or did they miss the genius of Calvin's thinking at this point? Back in print at last, Ronald Wallace's classic study is a careful examination of Calvin's Commentaries, Institutes, Sermons, and Tracts, designed to clarify the teaching of the great Reformer. The following two sentences from the preface aptly sum up the author's intention: ÒWhat is most important in the study of Calvin today is to reveal what the Reformer himself actually said, in order that misconceptions about his teaching may be cleared away. Therefore this work is not a critical study of Calvin, but an attempt to express his teaching as copiously, fairly, and sympathetically as possible. Dr. Wallace's book is also valuable for the insight it gives into Calvin's method of interpreting Scripture, especially the Old Testament.

The Christian Life

Book Description

A leading expert on John Calvin brings together the reformer's most profound reflections on what it means to live a fully Christian life. The Christian Life includes excerpts from Calvin's impressive theological writings and illuminating sermons, as well as a selection of his stately prayers. Editor John H. Leith focuses on Calvin's spirituality, which arose out of the reformer's conviction that theology's primary importance is to encourage piety, to edify, and to transform human life and society. Calvin's writings have much to tell about the manner and style of Christian living. The writings gathered in The Christian Life draw upon Calvin's own heartfelt commitment to the ideals of life in Christ and to the responsibility to the community he served as pastor, preacher, teacher, and counselor. Here, then, is Calvin's own pattern for the conduct of the fully Christian life, which stresses that it is in Christian people living in Christian community and in society that we see most clearly the reality of faith. The Christian Life shares Calvin's thinking on such essential questions as the nature of sin; the importance of self-denial and cross-bearing to the Christian life; maintaining the proper balance between the present life and the life to come; the role of grace; the concept of Christian freedom; the place of prayer; the centrality of community; ideas of the elect and predestination; and the deepest purposes of God for his people. He relates all issues to the fundamental question of piety and how Christians can best attune themselves to God's unfolding plans in everyday life. This compact volume makes available to readers as never before some of the most accessible and rewarding writings of this foremost figure in the history of Christian thought. The selections in The Christian Life will introduce the reader to an influential form of Christian piety; but above all, they provide a clue to how Christians today may live and cope with the problems of personal and public life in a highly pluralistic and secular culture, in which the traditional guides and support for Christian living seem to have lost vitality and vigor.

Grace and Gratitude

Book Description

This book is the first major study of Calvin's doctrine of the Lord's Supper in twenty-five years and the first attempt to show the eucharistic shape of Calvin's entire theology. The core of Calvin's doctrine of the Eucharist is the analogy of ÒfeedingÓ on Christ, the Bread of Life. This analogy, argues Gerrish, links Calvin's thoughts to the ÒHoly BanquetÓ with the rest of his theology. The systematic character of Calvin's theology rests in part on his consistent understanding of God as father and fountain of good and his conception of the gospel as the message of free adoption. The father's liberality in feeding his children and their answering gratitude (or lack of it) is a thread that runs through Calvin's entire summary of piety; creation, the work of Christ, baptism, and the Lord's Supper.

Calvin's Doctrine of the Last Things

Book Description

The far-reaching revival of evangelical theology is linked in Europe, Britain, and the United States with a re-discovery of the fundamental truths which the great reformers taught. In no instance is this more sharply seen than in the reformers' view of the fundamental eschatological character of the Gospel. In this book Heinrich Quistorp provides an illuminating survey of Calvin's conception of Hope, Immortality, Judgment, and Consummation in Christ. In his exposition of Calvin's Doctrine the author shows that for the reformer hope is in fact the touchstone of a true and living faith. . . . Christ is the foundation and the end of the hope of those who share communion with Him. His second coming is nothing other than the unfolding of that atoning work which He accomplished at His first coming. For those in the reformed tradition who wish to have a concise account of Calvin's teaching this book will be a first-rate book of reference, and for all readers it will reveal something of the range and power of Calvin's view of the Christian faith as it faces present time and eternal destiny.

Calvin's Calvinism

Book Description

Calvin’s Calvinism A Translation of 1. The Eternal Predestination of God 2. The Secret Providence of God By John Calvin and translated by Henry Cole, D.D. This unique book constitutes the only original writings of John Calvin devoted “expressly, exclusively, and purposely” to the capital “Calvinistic” doctrines of The Eternal Predestination of God, and The Secret Providence of God. They are Calvin’s own testimony and real mind concerning the doctrines of God’s electing, predestinating and sovereign grace, constitute his own exposition and expression of faith, and beautifully display the spirit in which he held and taught these great Biblical truths. These important treatises were published in 1552 and 1558 respectively and lay locked in the original language of Calvin’s day until translated by Henry Cole, D. D., 300 years later in 1856 under the present title of Calvin’s Calvinism. The first treatise on Eternal Predestination consists of 131 pages; the second on Secret Providence covers 127 pages, the later embracing arguments (Calumnies) against Calvin and his refutation of each particular point. Illuminating “Dedicatory Prefaces” and prefaces by the translator add significance to the main content of this important volume.