Calvin Versus Hyper-Spurgeonism

Book Description

In 1995, the Rev. Iain Murray of the Banner of Truth Trust, gave a paper to the Grace Baptist Assembly on the subject of Spurgeon's Battle with Hyper-Calvinism. That paper, much extended, was later published in book format by the Banner of Truth Trust, with the title of "Spurgeon V. Hyper-Calvinism: The Battle for Gospel Preaching In that book, Spurgeon is allowed to speak for himself by the many quotations taken from his published sermons in both the New Park Street Pulpit and the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit. Use is made in the book of Spurgeon's sermon on the text of Scripture, 1 Tim. 2:4, "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to a knowledge of the truth." This book is an answer to that publication. It comprises of Three articles. A Sermon by John Calvin on 1 Timothy 2:4, A contemporary view of Spurgeon by A J Baxter and an Examination of Spurgeon's exegesis by H L Williams.

The Calvinism Debate

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Chapters include The Central Errors of Calvinism, Beware of Quick prayerism, Calvin's Camels, Calvinism's Proof Texts Examined, and What About Hyper-Calvinism?

Christianity Versus the God of Calvin

Book Description

According to the author, Satan laughs at the idea of people believing the worst about God, and as a result of Satan's plan, a false religion is taking American churches and seminaries by storm--a religion driven by the idea that God hates most of mankind. (Christian)


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Calvin on the Ropes

Book Description

At the moment, there are two powerful trends developing within evangelicalism: - a pernicious postmodernism that demeans moral and intellectual certainty and presses for accommodation among competing "truths" - a postmodernism that's now "institutionalizing" itself among many of the so-called "emerging churches;" and - a resurgent five point Calvinism that casts itself in opposition to postmodernism and, therefore, appeals to college Christians who are desperately looking for a spiritual and intellectual mooring that will safeguard their beliefs from being swept into a sea of relativism. In short, the one, postmodernism and the relativism it's producing among American intellectuals, has led to the other, a resurgence of five point Calvinism. Calvinism is closely argued, tightly bound, and scrupulously logical. Its logic, however, is its undoing - because it argues Calvinist conclusions from Calvinist premises that don't always line up with the Biblical text. The whole edifice rests on a flawed foundation that a careful exegesis of Romans reveals to anyone who is equipped with a little background in pre-modern thought. _________________________________________ Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum writes: This book is highly recommended to both Dispensational Calvinists and Covenantal Calvinists as well as to Arminians, and also to all of those who do not see themselves in any of these categories for an honest evaluation of what the Book of Romans really says about God's program for salvation and God's program for Israel. Arnold Fruchtenbaum Ariel Ministries Douglas Shearer has recently retired from pastoring the church he helped to found in 1982. He and his wife Sita have been married for 45 years - and together have raised four children - two sons and two daughters: Kendra, Greg, Alan, and Margo. They are all married and raising families of their own - each of them and their spouses dedicated to serving the Lord.

Calvinism Hyper Calvinism and

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Hyper-Calvinism... Is It the Truth?

Book Description

After a life-time experience of seeing his Calvinistic faith ridiculed and maligned with false euphemisms, and with almost no reply by other writers, the author presents an offensive/ defensive book on "Hyper-calvinism," answering sharply, or articulating the faith of those often charged as "Hypers." Among the sharp hard-hitting answers, the author treats such topics as: natural vs. spiritual religions; a contrast of Calvinism, Neo-calvinism, and Hyper-calvinism; Hyper-calvinism and proselytizing; a discussion of a Finished or completed salvation; Do Hyper-calvinists believe in Duty Faith? Hyper-calvinism and soul winning; Hyper-calvinism and Antinomianism; Hyper-calvinism vs. Fuller/Spurgeonism; To whom is the gospel preached? The Doctrinal "down-grade", Sovereignty, and Human Accountability; and a montage of miscellany including minor topics. The author well documents his defense with an Appendage covering eight additional topics from older writers.