Campaign Finance Law 98

Book Description

In order to saty abreast of State campaign finance laws, the Federal Election Commission issues this volume entitled Campaign Finance Law every two years as an updated outline summary of the State laws.

Campaign Finance Law 98

Book Description

Soft Money Hard Law

Book Description

"For the first time in more than a quarter century, Congress has passed and the president has signed into law a major reform the of the way political campaigns are financed. Effective November 6. 2002, the law shuts down much 'soft money' raised and spent by political parties and outside groups. The law also will affect how political campaigns are funded, how political advertising is conducted, how laws are enforced, and how nonprofits and political parties conduct voter registration and other grassroots activities."--Book description.

Inside the Campaign Finance Battle

Book Description

In 2002 Congress enacted the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), the first major revision of federal campaign finance law in a generation. In March 2001, after a fiercely contested and highly divisive seven-year partisan legislative battle, the Senate passed S. 27, known as the McCain-Feingold legislation. The House responded by passing H.R. 2356, companion legislation known as Shays-Meehan, in February 2002. The Senate then approved the House-passed version, and President George W. Bush signed BCRA into law on March 27, 2002, stating that the bill had "flaws" but overall "improves the current system of financing for federal campaigns." The Reform Act was taken to court within hours of the President's signature. Dozens of interest groups and lawmakers who had opposed passage of the Act in Congress lodged complaints that challenged the constitutionality of virtually every aspect of the new law. Following review by a special three-judge panel, the case is expected to reach the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003. This litigation constitutes the most important campaign finance case since the Supreme Court issued its decision in Buckley v. Valeo more than twenty-five years ago. The testimony, submitted by some of the country's most knowledgeable political scientists and most experienced politicians, constitutes an invaluable body of knowledge about the complexities of campaign finance and the role of money in our political system. Unfortunately, only the lawyers, political scientists, and practitioners actually involved in the litigation have seen most of this writing—until now. Ins ide the Campaign Finance Battle makes key testimony in this historic case available to a general readership, in the process shedding new light on campaign finance practices central to the congressional debate on the reform act and to the landmark litigation challenging its constitutionality.

Campaign Finance Law

Book Description

Campaign Finance and the Citizens United Supreme Court Case

Book Description

In a five-to-four ruling, the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC invalidated two provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA). It struck down the long-standing prohibition on corporations using their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures. As a result of the Court's ruling, it appears that federal campaign finance law does not limit corporate and, most likely, labour union use of their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures. This book examines campaign finance with its relation to the Citizens United States Supreme Court case.