Canadian Agriculture at a Glance

Book Description

Cette publication présente les données courantes et les tendances historiques pour certaines variables clés comme la superficie moyenne par ferme, les revenus agricoles moyens par ferme, les pratiques de gestion des terres utilisées, le niveau de scolarité moyen des exploitants agricoles, etc., étudiées à partir de la base de données du recensement de l'agriculture et de la base de données agriculture-population. Ces données sont présentées sous une forme faisant largement appel aux cartes et aux graphiques. Plus de 30 auteurs ont contribué à 51 articles de fond qui traitent d'un large éventail de sujets, allant de la pommiculture au rôle de la femme en agriculture. Cette publication contient plus de 250 pages illustrées de cartes en couleur, de figures et de tableaux.

Canadian Agriculture at a Glance

Book Description

This all-new edition presents agriculture-related data on Canada's agri-food industry, including transportation, food consumption and markets. It includes over 40 short analytical articles with complementary maps and graphics.

Canadian Agriculture in the 21st Century

Book Description

The Canadian Farming Community is facing numerous ongoing challenges, including rapidly changing technologies, the gradual erosion of the rural lifestyle, growing consumer concerns about the healthiness of food, and growing environmental concerns (including climate change). This book begins with an historic overview of agriculture in Canada, followed by a statistical profile of the contemporary Canadian farm/ranch, supporting agri-industrial complex, and the innumerable farm organizations in Canada. The vital role of international trade and government support in the evolution of Canadian agriculture is also highlighted. Resource management issues and related “hot button” issues (e.g. climate change, GMO’s) are also addressed in considerable detail. In addition, Dr. Anderson identifies the likely trends in Canadian agriculture in the immediate years ahead. Emphasizing the diversity, complexity, strength and vitality of the agricultural sector, Canadian Agriculture in the 21st Century ultimately highlights how it effectively molds and remains integral to the socioeconomic fabric of both rural and urban Canada. An underlying theme is the importance of having Canadian agriculture become increasingly ecofriendly in the challenging years ahead, particularly the need to gradually adopt more sustainable, regenerative (organic) technologies and the need to more pro-actively serve as a vital CO2 sink in climate change mitigation. Dr. Anderson also suggests that the public should financially compensate farmers/ ranchers for protecting environmental amenities that accrue to everyone. A complimentary theme is the need for Canadian agriculture to become increasingly sensitive to consumer concerns, particularly with respect to rigorous health standards, animal welfare, and sustainable resource management.

People in Canadian Agriculture

Book Description

Analyse descriptive de la population impliquée en agriculture au Canada, selon qu'elle exploite une ferme, travaille sur une ferme ou touche un revenu agricole net. Cette population agricole élargie est comparée à la population canadienne en fonction d'un certain nombre de variables tirées du Recensement de la population de 1991. Les caractéristiques des familles d'agriculteurs sont comparées avec celles de la famille canadienne typique. Les caractéristiques personnelles des exploitants agricoles et leur incidence sur le type et la taille de la ferme sont aussi soulignées.

The Rural-urban Fringe in Canada

Book Description

Strengthening Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Multiple Risks

Book Description

This report explores how countries can strengthen the resilience of their agricultural sectors to multiple risks. A shifting risk landscape in agriculture – due to increasing weather variability, natural hazards, pests and diseases, and market shocks – will require public and private actors to consider the risk landscape over the long term, place a greater emphasis on what can be done ex ante to reduce risk exposure and increase preparedness, and prioritise investments that build resilience capacities both on-farm and for the sector as a whole.

Rethinking Agricultural Policy Regimes

Book Description

Through international case studies, this book evaluates how various policy challenges are having an impact on specific agricultural policy regimes, and what future lessons might be learnt from key policy experiments around neoliberalism and multifunctionality.

The Canada Year Book

Book Description

The Sacred Balance

Book Description

In this extensively revised and enlarged edition of his best-selling book, David Suzuki reflects on the increasingly radical changes in nature and science — from global warming to the science behind mother/baby interactions — and examines what they mean for humankind’s place in the world. The book begins by presenting the concept of people as creatures of the Earth who depend on its gifts of air, water, soil, and sun energy. The author explains how people are genetically programmed to crave the company of other species, and how people suffer enormously when they fail to live in harmony with them. Suzuki analyzes those deep spiritual needs, rooted in nature, that are a crucial component of a loving world. Drawing on his own experiences and those of others who have put their beliefs into action, The Sacred Balance is a powerful, passionate book with concrete suggestions for creating an ecologically sustainable, satisfying, and fair future by rediscovering and addressing humanity’s basic needs.