The Canadian Light Source

Book Description

The creation of the Canadian Light Source (CLS) in Saskatoon, which began operation in 2004, was the largest science project in Canada in the last fifty years. The multi-beam facility operates more than five thousand hours per year and has more than one thousand Canadian and international users from a wide range of science, medical, and engineering disciplines. This book describes the decades of intense research from many scientists to justify this project and the resulting outstanding research covering many areas of the physical, biological, medical, and agricultural sciences. With personal accounts and frank narration, this book describes the long history leading to the CLS, beginning in Saskatoon in the 1930s. The core of the book highlights the remarkable and unselfish collaboration and cooperation of a few hundred people from Canadian and international universities, governments, and industry, showcasing how the Canadian Light Source represents pure and applied research at its finest.

The Canadian Light Source

Book Description

This book details the people and politics involved in the development of the Canadian Light Source, the benefits to be gained from such scientific collaboration and cooperation, and the scientific successes from this world-class facility.

X-Ray Absorption and X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy

Book Description

During the last two decades, remarkable and often spectacular progress has been made in the methodological and instrumental aspects of x–ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. This progress includes considerable technological improvements in the design and production of detectors especially with the development and expansion of large-scale synchrotron reactors All this has resulted in improved analytical performance and new applications, as well as in the perspective of a dramatic enhancement in the potential of x–ray based analysis techniques for the near future. This comprehensive two-volume treatise features articles that explain the phenomena and describe examples of X–ray absorption and emission applications in several fields, including chemistry, biochemistry, catalysis, amorphous and liquid systems, synchrotron radiation, and surface phenomena. Contributors explain the underlying theory, how to set up X–ray absorption experiments, and how to analyze the details of the resulting spectra. X-Ray Absorption and X-ray Emission Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications: Combines the theory, instrumentation and applications of x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies which offer unique diagnostics to study almost any object in the Universe. Is the go-to reference book in the subject for all researchers across multi-disciplines since intense beams from modern sources have revolutionized x-ray science in recent years Is relevant to students, postdocurates and researchers working on x-rays and related synchrotron sources and applications in materials, physics, medicine, environment/geology, and biomedical materials

XAFS for Everyone

Book Description

XAFS for Everyone provides a practical, thorough guide to x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy for both novices and seasoned practitioners from a range of disciplines. It’s enhanced with more than 200 figures as well as cartoon characters who offer informative commentary on the different approaches used in XAFS spectroscopy. This second edition now includes chapters on spatial and temporal resolution, alternative measurement modes including resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) and high-energy resolution fluorescence detection (HERFD), and an expanded chapter on experimental design. In addition, this edition adds new sections on wavelet transforms, blind source separation, free electron lasers, and theoretical XANES standards, as well as three new case studies. XAFS for Everyone covers sample preparation, data reduction, tips and tricks for data collection, fingerprinting, linear combination analysis, principal component analysis, and modeling using theoretical standards. It describes both near-edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) applications in detail. Examples throughout the text are drawn from diverse areas, including materials science, environmental science, structural biology, catalysis, nanoscience, chemistry, art, and archaeology. In addition, eight case studies from the literature demonstrate the use of XAFS principles and analysis in practice. The text includes derivations and sample calculations to foster a deeper comprehension of the results. Whether you are encountering this technique for the first time or looking to hone your craft, this innovative and engaging book gives you insight on implementing XAFS spectroscopy and interpreting XAFS experiments and results. It helps you understand real-world trade-offs and the reasons behind common rules of thumb. Key Points: New cases studies will be added to the end of the book Multiple sections are being refreshed or almost completely re-written to reflect the changes in the field since the first edition. For example: important new synchrotron light sources have come in to operation across the world, including NSLS-II in North America, MAX IV and Solaris in Europe, the Taiwan Photon Source in eastern Asia, and SESAME in the Middle East. New analysis software has been developed, while other software has fallen in to disuse. Discussions of wavelength dispersive detectors will be added throughout the book, as well as wavelet transforms

Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Environmental Systems

Book Description

In contrast to the classical books which largely focus on separate, individual physicochemical and biological aspects, this book aims to integrate the frontiers of knowledge on the fundamentals and the impact of physicochemical and biological interactions and processes of AOCs in soil, sediment, water and air. The specific objectives of this book are to address: (1) fundamental biophysico-chemical processes of AOCs in the environment, (2) occurrence and distribution of AOCs in air, water, and soil, and their global cycling, (3) the state-of-the-art analytical techniques of AOCs, and (4) restoration of natural environments contaminated by AOCs. The book also identifies the gaps in knowledge on the subject matter and as such provides future directions to stimulate scientific research to advance the chemical science on biophysico-chemical interfacial reactions in natural habitats. By virtue of complex nature of the interactions of AOCs with different environmental components and matrixes, no single available technique and instrument is satisfactory yet for determining their fate, transport, availability, and risk in the environment. In order to fully understand the biophysico-chemical interactions and processes of AOCs in the environment, it is critical to know chemical, physical and biological properties of AOCs and their analytical techniques. The book is unique because of its multidisciplinary approach as it provides a comprehensive and integrated coverage of biophysico-chemical reactions and processes of AOCs in various environments, associated analytical techniques, and restoration of natural environments contaminated by AOCs.

Nanoimprint Lithography: An Enabling Process for Nanofabrication

Book Description

Nanoimprint Lithography: An enabling process for nanofabrication presents a comprehensive description of nanotechnology that is one of the most promising low-cost, high-throughput technologies for manufacturing nanostructures, and an emerging lithography candidates for 22, 16 and 11 nm nodes. It provides the exciting, multidisciplinary field, offering a wide range of topics covering: principles, process, material and application. This book would be of specific interest for researchers and graduate students in the field of nanoscience, nanotechnology and nanofabrication, material, physical, chemical, electric engineering and biology. Dr. Weimin Zhou is an associate professor at Shanghai Nanotechnology Promotion Center, China.

Reviews Of Accelerator Science And Technology - Volume 8: Accelerator Applications In Energy And Security

Book Description

As accelerator science and technology progressed over the past several decades, the accelerators themselves have undergone major improvements in multiple performance factors: beam energy, beam power, and beam brightness. As a consequence, accelerators have found applications in a wide range of fields in our life and in our society. The current volume is dedicated to applications in energy and security, two of the most important and urgent topics in today's world.This volume makes an effort to provide a review as complete and up to date as possible of this broad and challenging subject. It contains overviews on each of the two topics and a series of articles for in-depth discussions including heavy ion accelerator driven inertial fusion, linear accelerator-based ADS systems, circular accelerator-based ADS systems, accelerator-reactor interface, accelerators for fusion material testing, cargo inspection, proton radiography, compact neutron generators and detectors. It also has a review article on accelerator science and technology in Canada with a focus on the TRIUMF laboratory, and an article on the life of Bruno Touschek, a renowned accelerator physicist.

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

Book Description

Targeted for chemists, the current textbook outlines the principles, experimental methods and data analysis in X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). The authors introduce EXAFS, Near-Edge XAS, X-Ray Imaging and many other advanced experimental techniques. A special section of the book is devoted to applications of XAS in chemistry, materials and environmental sciences.

Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics

Book Description

Dieses Buch beleuchtet die wichtigsten Aspekte der Verarbeitung und Charakterisierung von Ferroelektrika und Multiferroika auf Nanoebene, präsentiert eine umfassende Beschreibung der jeweiligen Eigenschaften und legt dabei den Schwerpunkt auf die Unterscheidung von Größeneffekten bei extrinsischen Eigenschaften wie Rand- oder Interface-Effekte. Eingegangen wird auch auf neuartige Nanoebene. Das Fachbuch ist in drei Abschnitte unterteilt und beschreibt die Verarbeitung (Nanostrukturierung), Charakterisierung (nanostrukturierter Materialien) und Nanoeffekte. Unter Rückgriff auf die Synergien zwischen Nano-Ferroelektrika und -Multiferroika werden Materialien behandelt, die auf allen Ebenen einer Nanostrukturierung unterzogen werden, von Technologien für keramische Materialien wie ferroelektrische Nanopulver, nanostrukturierte Keramiken und Dickschichten sowie magnetoelektrische Nanokomposit-Materialien bis hin zu freistehenden Nanoobjekten mit spezifischen Geometrien wie Nanodrähte und Nanoröhren auf verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen. Grundlage des Buches ist die europäische Wissensplattform im Wissenschaftsbereich innerhalb der Aktion von COST (Europäische Zusammenarbeit in Wissenschaft und Technik) zu ein- und mehrphasigen Ferroika und Multiferroika mit begrenzten Geometrien (SIMUFER, Ref. MP0904). Die Autoren der Kapitelbeiträge wurden sorgfältig ausgewählt, haben allesamt ganz wesentlich zur Wissensbasis für das jeweilige Thema beigetragen und gehören vor allem zu den renommiertesten Wissenschaftlern des Fachgebiets.