Book Description
Cannabis, or hemp, being just a plant, is illegal in Spain: its use, possession and trade can be punished with prison sentences. Is that because of health reasons, because cannabis can be harmful? This essay will demonstrate that that is not the reason. Is cannabis illegal because it’s addictive? Because it’s psychoactive? Because it’s a drug? Again, no, and this essay will unveil why cannabis constitutes one of the most important crops for humanity, and the actual reasons that lead to its criminalisation. More than 250 million people in the world used drugs in 2018, according to the UN World Report on Drugs. Of all of them, the most popular is cannabis. In Spain, according to the 2020 European Drug Report, in the year 2017, more than five and a half million people used illegal drugs; beyond that year, the number of adults admitting to having used illegal drugs at least once in their lives reaches 35%, some 16 million people. These figures are a cause of concern for an ample spectrum of society, which link drug use to severe damages to physical and mental health and personal relations, economic ruin, and, ultimately, death. This essay primarily focuses on the history and legal status of cannabis in Spain, but the majority of facts and conclusions could be extrapolated to other drugs and countries, and it’s based on the latest scientific and medical research and statistics; but, above all, this essay unveils a conspiracy whose consequences negatively impact the general public in Spain, in a number of different aspects ranging from health, to politics, to corruption, to the economy, to the media, and to the rights enshrined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978.