Capitalism, Lakouism, and Libertarian Communism

Book Description

This work highlights the Haitian sociopolitical economic organization, Lakous. It posits that the Lakou is a form of libertarian communism that must be vertically integrated at the nation-state level so that the people can experience total freedom from neoliberal capitalist relations of production and their deleterious effects, such as exploitation and climate change.

A Theory Of Socialism And Capitalism

Book Description

This groundbreaking work by economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe offers a compelling critique of both socialism and capitalism from a libertarian perspective. Hoppe argues that socialism suffers from an inherent lack of economic calculation, due to the absence of private property and markets. He also criticizes capitalism for its reliance on state power to enforce property rights, arguing that true freedom requires the abolition of the state altogether. This book is a stimulating challenge to conventional economic thinking, and offers a thought-provoking vision of the future of economic organization. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Neoliberal Globalization

Book Description

This work uses the theory of phenomenological structuralism to put forth the argument that neoliberal globalization represents a Durkheimian mechanicalization of the world via the Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism under American hegemony. It concludes that America attempts to “enframe” nation-states around the latter form of social integration via the systemicity of the dollar backed by the world’s commodities, which it privatizes. Amidst reactionary nationalism and fascism, which emerges to protect the citizenry of the world from the exploitative effects of the whole process, climate change threatens the American globalist project.

The Vodou Ethic and the Spirit of Communism

Book Description

Using a variant of structuration theory, what Paul C. Mocombe calls phenomenological structuralism, this work explores and highlights how the African religion of Vodou and its ethic, i.e., syncretism, materialism, communal living or social collectivism, democracy, individuality, cosmopolitanism, spirit of social justice, xenophilia, balance, harmony, and gentleness, gave rise, under the leadership of oungan yo, manbo yo, gangan yo, and granmoun yo, to the Haitian spirit of communism and the “counter-plantation system” (Jean Casimir’s term) in the provinces and mountains of Haiti. What Mocombe calls the Vodou Ethic and the spirit of communism of the African people of Haiti would be juxtaposed against the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism of the white, mulatto, gens de couleur, and petit-bourgeois free black classes of the island. This latter worldview, the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism, Mocombe goes on to argue, exercised by the free bourgeois blacks and mulatto elites, Affranchis, on the island undermined the revolutionary and independence movement of Haiti commenced by subjects/agents, oungan yo, manbo yo, gangan yo/dokté fey, and granmoun yo, of the Vodou ethic and the spirit of communism, and made it the poorest, most racist, and tyrannical country in the Western Hemisphere.

Haitian Epistemology

Book Description

This work explores the philosophical basis for the author’s theory of phenomenological structuralism. The text is intended for scholars, educators, and students working in the fields of Haitian studies, philosophy, and sociological theory, and gives a hermeneutical approach to understanding and resolving the structure/agency problematic of the social sciences.

The Essence of Academic Performance

Book Description

This volume is a collection of research on academic performance. Chapters cover such topics as targeting underserved urban youth, education and science, community-based projects, pedagogy, and developing educational programs, among others. Written by experts, this book offers a comprehensive view of recent developments in the field of academic performance.

Race and Class Distinctions Within Black Communities

Book Description

This book offers both a philosophical and sociological model for understanding the constitution of identity in general, and black social identity in particular, without reverting to either a social or racial deterministic view of identity construction. Using a variant of structuration theory (phenomenological structuralism) this work, against contemporary postmodern and post-structural theories, seeks to offer a dialectical understanding of the constitution of black American and British life within the class division and social relations of production of the global capitalist world-system, while accounting for black social agency.

A Defence of History and Class Consciousness

Book Description

This work is commonly held to be the foundational text for Western Marxism. As Stalinism took over in Russia, Lukacs was subjected to attacks for deviation. In the 1920s he wrote this response.

The Soul-less Souls of Black Folk

Book Description

Since the 1960s, there have been two schools of thought on the origins and nature of black consciousness: the adaptive-vitality school and the pathological-pathogenic school. The latter argues that in its divergences from white American norms and values, black American consciousness is nothing more than a pathological form of and reaction to American consciousness, rather than a dual (both African and American) counter hegemonic opposing 'identity-in-differential' (the term is Gayatri Spivak's) to the American one. Proponents of the adaptive-vitality school argue that the divergences are not pathologies but African 'institutional transformations' preserved on the American landscape. The purpose of this work is to understand black consciousness by working out the theoretical and methodological problems from which these two divergent schools are constructed, in order to arrive at a more sociohistorical, rather than racial, understanding of black consciousness. Using a variant of structuration theory to account for the sociohistorical development of black consciousness formation within the American social structure, author Paul Mocombe concludes that black American life is dual and pathological only in relation to a particular interpretive community, the black bourgeoisie or liberal middle class.