Capitalist World Development

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Corbridge provides a fascinating review of the conflict of interest between metropolitan capitalism and the development of the periphery of the modern world system.

Phases of Capitalist Development

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In this collection authors from eight different countries, representing a wide variety of academic disciplines and theoretical perspectives, investigate the differing phases of capitalist development. They offer diverse and powerful analyses of the postwar boom, economic crises and globalization within this context.

Capitalism and the Third World

Book Description

Capitalism and the Third World is the first comprehensive assessment of dependency and world systems scholarship, and questions whether such theories offer a scientific basis for the study of international relations. Wil Hout skilfully compares the theories of dependency and world systems with their theoretical predecessors and competitors. In the first part of the book comparisons are made with traditional economic and neo-Marxist theories of imperialism, the liberal theory of international free trade, Prebisch's structuralism and modernisation theories. The second part analyses the writings of Andre Gunder Frank, Samir Amin, Johan Galtung and Immanuel Wallerstein, and tests three causal models derived from the writings of these scholars using quantitative macro-political and macro-economic data. This valuable study will be widely used for courses on international political economy and development economics. It will be of particular interest to those studying the political economy of North-South relations.

Capitalism, Alone

Book Description

For the first time in history, the globe is dominated by one economic system. Capitalism prevails because it delivers prosperity and meets desires for autonomy. But it also is unstable and morally defective. Surveying the varieties and futures of capitalism, Branko Milanovic offers creative solutions to improve a system that isn’t going anywhere.

Engendering Development

Book Description

Engendering Development demonstrates how gender is a form of inequality that is used to generate global capitalist development. It charts the histories of gender, race, class, sexuality and nationality as categories of inequality under imperialism, which continue to support the accumulation of capital in the global economy today. The textbook draws on feminist and critical development scholarship to provide insightful ways of understanding and critiquing capitalist economic trajectories by focusing on the way development is enacted and protested by men and women. It incorporates analyses of the lived experiences in the global north and south in place-specific ways. Taking a broad perspective on development, Engendering Development draws on textured case studies from the authors’ research and the work of geographers and feminist scholars. The cases demonstrate how gendered, raced and classed subjects have been enrolled in global capitalism, and how individuals and communities resist, embrace and rework development efforts. This textbook starts from an understanding of development as global capitalism that perpetuates and benefits from gendered, raced and classed hierarchies. The book will prove to be useful to advanced undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in courses on development through its critical approach to development conveyed with straightforward arguments, detailed case studies, accessible writing and a problem-solving approach based on lived experiences.

Spaces of Global Capitalism

Book Description

Fiscal crises have cascaded across much of the developing world with devastating results, from Mexico to Indonesia, Russia and Argentina. The extreme volatility in contemporary political economic fortunes seems to mock our best efforts to understand the forces that drive development in the world economy. David Harvey is the single most important geographer writing today and a leading social theorist of our age, offering a comprehensive critique of contemporary capitalism. In this fascinating book, he shows the way forward for just such an understanding, enlarging upon the key themes in his recent work: the development of neoliberalism, the spread of inequalities across the globe, and ‘space’ as a key theoretical concept. Both a major declaration of a new research programme and a concise introduction to David Harvey’s central concerns, this book will be essential reading for scholars and students across the humanities and social sciences.

Socialist Models of Development

Book Description

Socialist Models of Development covers the theories and principles in socialism development. This book discusses the social evolution of different countries and the historical backgrounds that influence such evolution. The opening sections deal with the socialism and economic appraisal of Burma, Iraq, Syria, Tanzania, and Africa. These topics are followed by discussions of the prospects and problems of the transition from Agrarianism to Socialism of some countries, including Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and Mozambique. Other sections examine the Socialist Cuba and the intermediate regimes of Jamaica and Guyana. The North Korean model of socialism, a comparative study of Romanian socialism and Greece capitalism, as well as a socialist model of economic development of the Polish and Bulgarian are presented. The concluding sections are devoted to the role of management in socialist development and to the agricultural productivity under socialism. The book can provide useful information to sociologists, political analysts, students, and researchers.

In the Mirror of the Third World

Book Description

In Marx's familiar dictum, the more-developed country shows the less developed an image of its own future. Turning this idea upside down, In the Mirror of the Third World looks to the contemporary Third World for a reflection of European history. The resulting view challenges standard accounts of European social, economic, and political development. Sandra Halperin's analysis of the European experience begins where studies of Third World development often start: considering the legacies of colonial domination. Europe also had a colonial past, she reminds us, and the states of Europe, like those of today's Third World, were the product of colonialism and imperialism. From this starting point, Halperin traces features characteristic of Third World development through the history of European capitalism: enclave economies oriented to foreign markets; weak middle classes; alliances among the state, traditional landowning elites, and new industrial classes; unstable and partial democracy; sharp inequalities; and increasing poverty—all as much a part of European society on the eve of World War I as they are of developing countries today. Halperin also emphasizes the emergence of a militant, literal religion in Europe and its critical role in the class struggles of the nineteenth century.

Law & Capitalism

Book Description

Recent high-profile corporate scandals—such as those involving Enron in the United States, Yukos in Russia, and Livedoor in Japan—demonstrate challenges to legal regulation of business practices in capitalist economies. Setting forth a new analytic framework for understanding these problems, Law and Capitalism examines such contemporary corporate governance crises in six countries, to shed light on the interaction of legal systems and economic change. This provocative book debunks the simplistic view of law’s instrumental function for financial market development and economic growth. Using comparative case studies that address the United States, China, Germany, Japan, Korea, and Russia, Curtis J. Milhaupt and Katharina Pistor argue that a disparate blend of legal and nonlegal mechanisms have supported economic growth around the world. Their groundbreaking findings show that law and markets evolve together in a “rolling relationship,” and legal systems, including those of the most successful economies, therefore differ significantly in their organizational characteristics. Innovative and insightful, Law and Capitalism will change the way lawyers, economists, policy makers, and business leaders think about legal regulation in an increasingly global market for capital and corporate governance.