The Ongoing Challenge of Managing Carbon Monoxide Pollution in Fairbanks, Alaska

Book Description

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic air pollutant produced largely from vehicle emissions. Breathing CO at high concentrations leads to reduced oxygen transport by hemoglobin, which has health effects that include impaired reaction timing, headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, clouding of consciousness, coma, and, at high enough concentrations and long enough exposure, death. In recognition of those health effects, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as directed by the Clean Air Act, established the health-based National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for CO in 1971. Most areas that were previously designated as "nonattainment" areas have come into compliance with the NAAQS for CO, but some locations still have difficulty in attaining the CO standards. Those locations tend to have topographical or meteorological characteristics that exacerbate pollution. In view of the challenges posed for some areas to attain compliance with the NAAQS for CO, congress asked the National Research Council to investigate the problem of CO in areas with meteorological and topographical problems. This interim report deals specifically with Fairbanks, Alaska. Fairbanks was chosen as a case study because its meteorological and topographical characteristics make it susceptible to severe winter inversions that trap CO and other pollutants at ground level.

Managing Carbon Monoxide Pollution in Meteorological and Topographical Problem Areas

Book Description

The regulation of carbon monoxide has been one of the great success stories in air pollution control. While more than 90 percent of the locations with carbon monoxide monitors were in violation in 1971, today the number of monitors showing violations has fallen to only a few, on a small number of days and mainly in areas with unique meteorological and topographical conditions.

Temporal and Spatial Trends of Fine Particulate Matter Composition in Fairbanks, Alaska

Book Description

Fairbanks, AK experiences extreme winter pollution episodes that result in violations of the Fine Particulate (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards and pose significant health risks for inhabitants. We analyzed the 2006-2014 wintertime (November 1 to the end of February) PM2.5 composition from four sampling sites in the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) to provide insight into sources and trends. We developed conversions for particulate carbon measurements that were sampled/analyzed with different methods to allow quantitative comparisons. Using these conversions, we found excellent mass closure between PM2.5 mass concentration reconstructed from particulate composition and directly measured PM2.5 mass concentration. The North Pole Fire Station #3 site (NPFS3) PM2.5 mass concentration is nearly double the concentration at other sites in the FNSB and significantly different (t-test on log normalized data, 95% conf.). We observe significant differences (t-test, 95% conf.) in the PM2.5 composition between the NPFS3 site and all other sites for most components. Comparison to source profiles indicates that the difference in SO42−/PM2.5 and organic carbon (OC)/PM2.5 ratios is attributable to greater use of wood heat in the areas surrounding the NPFS3 site than in Fairbanks. This interpretation is supported by the results of the Home Heating Survey, which found a greater reported use of wood for heat in North Pole than in Fairbanks. Interannual variability is observed in the PM2.5 composition. The increase in fuel oil price in 2009 is correlated with an increase in OC/PM2.5 ratio and a decrease in the SO42−/PM2.5. The interannual variability of the SO42−/PM2.5 and NH4+/PM2.5 ratios are correlated. The particles appear to be neutralized until 2010 when a drop in NH4+ is not accompanied by as large of a drop in anions leaving the particles acidic. The mean sulfur oxidation ratio is 5%, attributable to primary and possible secondary oxidation of SO2. The results of our analysis supports modeling results that wood smoke contributes a large fraction to the Fairbanks area PM2.5. Our work also identified changes in the concentration, composition and spatial distribution of PM2.5 that may help air quality managers in identifying effective PM2.5 control strategies.

The Ongoing Challenge of Managing Carbon Monoxide Pollution in Fairbanks, Alaska

Book Description

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic air pollutant produced largely from vehicle emissions. Breathing CO at high concentrations leads to reduced oxygen transport by hemoglobin, which has health effects that include impaired reaction timing, headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, clouding of consciousness, coma, and, at high enough concentrations and long enough exposure, death. In recognition of those health effects, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as directed by the Clean Air Act, established the health-based National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for CO in 1971. Most areas that were previously designated as "nonattainment" areas have come into compliance with the NAAQS for CO, but some locations still have difficulty in attaining the CO standards. Those locations tend to have topographical or meteorological characteristics that exacerbate pollution. In view of the challenges posed for some areas to attain compliance with the NAAQS for CO, congress asked the National Research Council to investigate the problem of CO in areas with meteorological and topographical problems. This interim report deals specifically with Fairbanks, Alaska. Fairbanks was chosen as a case study because its meteorological and topographical characteristics make it susceptible to severe winter inversions that trap CO and other pollutants at ground level.