Nanocarbon-Inorganic Hybrids

Book Description

Nanocarbon-Inorganic Hybrids is dedicated exclusively to the new family of functional materials, covering a multidisciplinary research field that combines materials science, chemistry and physics with nanotechnology and applied energy science. It provides a concise introduction into fundamental principles of nanocarbons, defines hybrids and composites, explains the physics behind sustainability, and illustrates requirements for successful implementation in energy applications. It further reviews the current research on developing concepts for designing nanocarbon hybrids, unravels mechanistic details of interfacial electron transfer processes and highlights future challenges and perspectives associated with exploiting these exciting new materials in commercial energy applications and beyond. This comprehensively written book is indispensable for Master and PhD students seeking to become familiar with a modern fi eld of knowledge-driven material science as well as for senior researchers and industrial staff scientists who explore the frontiers of knowledge.

Photophysics of Carbon Nanotubes Interfaced with Organic and Inorganic Materials

Book Description

Photophysics of Carbon Nanotubes Interfaced with Organic and Inorganic Materials describes physical, optical and spectroscopic properties of the emerging class of nanocomposites formed from carbon nanotubes (CNTs) interfacing with organic and inorganic materials. The three main chapters detail novel trends in photophysics related to the interaction of light with various carbon nanotube composites from relatively simple CNT/small molecule assemblies to complex hybrids such as CNT/Si and CNT/DNA nanostructures. The latest experimental results are followed up with detailed discussions and scientific and technological perspectives to provide a through coverage of major topics including: -Light harvesting, energy conversion, photoinduced charge separation and transport in CNT based nanohybrids -CNT/polymer composites exhibiting photoactuation; and -Optical spectroscopy and structure of CNT/DNA complexes. Including original data and a short review of recent research, Photophysics of Carbon Nanotubes Interfaced with Organic and Inorganic Materials makes this emerging field of photophysics and its applications available to academics and professionals working with carbon nanotube composites in fundamental and applied fields

Synthesis and Applications of Nanocarbons

Book Description

A crucial overview of the cutting-edge in nanocarbon research and applications In Synthesis and Applications of Nanocarbons, the distinguished authors have set out to discuss fundamental topics, synthetic approaches, materials challenges, and various applications of this rapidly developing technology. Nanocarbons have recently emerged as a promising material for chemical, energy, environmental, and medical applications because of their unique chemical properties and their rich surface chemistries. This book is the latest entry in the Wiley book series Nanocarbon Chemistry and Interfaces and seeks to comprehensively address many of the newly surfacing areas of controversy and development in the field. This book introduces foundational concepts in nanocarbon technology, hybrids, and applications, while also covering the most recent and cutting-edge developments in this area of study. Synthesis and Applications of Nanocarbons addresses new discoveries in the field, including: · Nanodiamonds · Onion-like carbons · Carbon nanotubes · Fullerenes · Carbon dots · Carbon fibers · Graphene · Aerographite This book provides a transversal view of the various nanocarbon materials and hybrids and helps to share knowledge between the communities of each material and hybrid type.

Carbon Nanotube - Inorganic Hybrids

Book Description

Aquesta Tesi descriu la preparació de varis híbrids formats per nanotubs de carboni i material inorgànic per a diferents aplicacions, que van des de l'electrònica fins a la biomedicina. El propòsit d'aquesta recerca ha estat treballar en la funcionalització de nanotubs de carboni mitjançant la decoració externa i l'emplenat amb materials inorgànics per obtenir híbrids amb propietats funcionals. Com a pas previ a la funcionalització, els nanotubs de carboni s'han de purificar per a eliminar les impureses no desitjades. En aquesta Tesi, hem proposat un mètode de purificació per a nanotubs de carboni multicapa consistent en l'ús servir vapor d'aigua, que és un agent oxidant lleu. Hem investigat l'efecte del temps de tractament amb vapor d'aigua en el grau de purificació i escurçament dels nanotubs de carboni. Hem vist que la purificació amb vapor d'aigua genera mostres de nanotubs de carboni d'alta qualitat i amb les puntes obertes. A més, hem apreciat que la seva llargada pot ser modulada fàcilment. Un cop purificats els nanotubs de carboni, hem preparat diferents tipus d'híbrids mitjançant la incorporació del material a les seves parets. Hem procedit a la decoració externa dels nanotubs de carboni amb nanopartícules d'òxid de ferro superparamagnètiques a través d'un mètode dut a terme in situ. S'ha aconseguit obtenir un agent de contrast dual tant per ressonància magnètica com per imatge nuclear a través del etiquetat de les nanopartícules amb 99mTc. A més, s'ha mostrat que l'ús de nanotubs de carboni més curts milloren les propietats magnètiques de l'híbrid, obtenint així valors de relaxivitat més elevats. D'altra banda, hem incorporat de manera covalent clústers de metalacarborans a les parets de nanotubs de carboni monocapa, formant un híbrid amb alt contingut de 10B, que serà apropiat per la teràpia per captura neutrònica de bor. Diferents rutes sintètiques han estat investigades. La dispersabilitat de l'híbrid resultant ha estat més alta que en el cas dels nanotubs de carboni monocapa oxidats i, per tant, l'híbrid és un candidat potencial per a aplicacions biomèdiques. Finalment, hem investigat l'emplenat de nanotubs de carboni multicapa amb un sòlid van der Waals per capil·laritat del material en la seva fase fosa. Hem reportat per primer cop la formació de nanotubs monocapa inorgànics dins dels nanotubs de carboni. Així mateix, hem investigat la transformació dinàmica dels nanomaterials encapsulats sota la irradiació amb un feix d'electrons. També hem demostrat, utilitzant la teoria de la funció de densitat, que els nanotubs monocapa inorgànics són estables. Els resultats presentats en el marc d'aquesta Tesi expandeixen la capacitat dels híbrids formats per nanotubs de carboni i material inorgànic.

Nanocarbon-Inorganic Hybrids

Book Description

This book covers a multidisciplinary research field that combines materials chemistry and physics with nanotechnology and applied energy sciences. On the one hand, itincludes introductory chapters on carbon nanomaterials (including synthesis, modification and characterization) and on composites and hybrids (definition and principles). On the other hand, italso provides a critical overview of the present state of research, discussing materials challenges and various energy applications as well as fundamental topics, such as interfacial transfer processes.

Hybrid Nanomaterials

Book Description

Two of the hottest research topics today are hybrid nanomaterials and flexible electronics. As such, this book covers both topics with chapters written by experts from across the globe. Chapters address hybrid nanomaterials, electronic transport in black phosphorus, three-dimensional nanocarbon hybrids, hybrid ion exchangers, pressure-sensitive adhesives for flexible electronics, simulation and modeling of transistors, smart manufacturing technologies, and inorganic semiconductors.

Carbon Nanotubes for a Green Environment

Book Description

Carbon Nanotubes for a Green Environment: Balancing the Risks and Rewards describes the synthesis, characterization, and unique applications of undoped and doped carbon nanotubes as well as hybrids of them with grapheme or nanocomposites, focusing on green aspects of carbon nanotube applications. The volume shows new approaches used for tapping the potential and promise of key materials in isolation or combined with other materials. The research-oriented chapters highlight a spectrum of applications of carbon nanotubes as novel materials for energy storage as well as for environmental remediation, wastewater treatment, green health care products, and more. Chapters explore the use of carbon nanotubes for remediation methods for wastewater treatment such as by using graphene oxide-carbon nanotube composites and by applying undoped and doped carbon nanotubes for removing contaminates. The book also looks at the application of carbon nanotubes for enhanced oil recovery and for heavy metal separation. Other chapters look at the rheological behavior of carbon nanotubes-based materials and their role in processing for various products, the thermal and electrical transport in carbon nanotubes composites, carbon nanotubes-based composite materials for electromagnetic shielding applications. The biomedical applications of carbon nanotube-based nanomaterials also explored, such as FTIR spectroscopy.

Carbon Nanotubes

Book Description

Carbon Nanotubes are among the strongest, toughest, and most stiff materials found on earth. Moreover, they have remarkable electrical and thermal properties, which make them suitable for many applications including nanocomposites, electronics, and chemical detection devices. This book is the effort of many scientists and researchers all over the world to bring an anthology of recent developments in the field of nanotechnology and more specifically CNTs. In this book you will find: - Recent developments in the growth of CNTs- Methods to modify the surfaces of CNTs and decorate their surfaces for specific applications- Applications of CNTs in biocomposites such as in orthopedic bone cement- Application of CNTs as chemical sensors- CNTs for fuelcells- Health related issues when using CNTs