Cartas a Un Angel

Book Description

¿Hay algo más hermoso que descubrir la vida paso a paso?... ¿Algo más increíble, que perseguir un sueño?... ¿Conocer la verdad, enfrentarse a la realidad, comprender lo imposible.....? Todo esto y más, podrás encontrar en esta fascinante historia, de mano de su protagonista, Vanesa; una adolescente, que cree amenazada su existencia, si no encuentra pronto respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Incansable, comenzará un recorrido, en busca de posibles soluciones, para su mundo y el de su familia, y todas aquellas personas, con las que conectará inmediatamente. Correrías con pandilleros juveniles, conversaciones extraordinarias, risas, diversión....e incluso misterio, le esperan al lector, en este libro, lleno de magia, que nos muestra la esencia de los seres humanos, recordándonos, que todo, todo, en este loco mundo, puede ser posible.

Other Letters to Milena / Otras Cartas a Milena

Book Description

Other Letters to Milena/Otras cartas a Milena offers a parallel translation of a mixed-genre work by acclaimed Cuban writer Reina María Rodríguez in which poetry merges into creative nonfiction, culminating in a series of essays.

Gary - Una carta de cincuenta años.

Book Description

Gary, un drama humano, que habla del amor que se inicia y del que no floreció, de las tragedias de la guerra y la esperanza que nace. Christian Follonier llega a casa del señor Finnegan y le encuentra colgando. ¿Qué habrá llevado al huraño anciano a intentar suicidarse?

Concise Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature

Book Description

The Concise Encyclopedia includes: all entries on topics and countries, cited by many reviewers as being among the best entries in the book; entries on the 50 leading writers in Latin America from colonial times to the present; and detailed articles on some 50 important works in this literature-those who read and studied in the English-speaking world.

Thais Un Angel Sin Alas

Book Description

María Isabel Mathieu Avila. Nació en Santafé de Bogotá, el 23 de Mayo de 1953. Hija de Hernando Mathieu y Luzmila Avila de Mathieu. Amante de sus tres hijos, de la música clásica como también de la naturaleza en toda su expresión, a la que rinde pleitesía plasmándola en sus fotografías, haciendo alarde de ello al dedicarle, casi que con exclusividad, la que es su profesión. Poseedora de una percepción extrasensorial que maravilla a quienes le han conocido, y han tenido tiempo para escudriñar sobre los poderes de la mente, y sin temor a equívocos, le han llamado "la vidente". "Mayi" como la llaman desde muy niña, en este sencillo ejemplar, ofrece al lector cinco historias llenas de veracidad, bellos sentimientos y sinceridad, y que titula: "Amor de ojos verdes" "Shantall" "Simplemente...un Rayo de Luz" "Mi vida entre sus brazos" "Sardina" Historias dedicadas, a todas aquellas personas quienes permitan a la autora, entrar en sus corazones. Especialmente a su sufrida madre patria.


Book Description

Vol. 1 includes "Organization number," published Nov. 1917.

Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature

Book Description

A comprehensive, encyclopedic guide to the authors, works, and topics crucial to the literature of Central and South America and the Caribbean, the Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature includes over 400 entries written by experts in the field of Latin American studies. Most entries are of 1500 words but the encyclopedia also includes survey articles of up to 10,000 words on the literature of individual countries, of the colonial period, and of ethnic minorities, including the Hispanic communities in the United States. Besides presenting and illuminating the traditional canon, the encyclopedia also stresses the contribution made by women authors and by contemporary writers. Outstanding Reference Source Outstanding Reference Book

The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and the City

Book Description

This book is about the impact of literature upon cities world-wide, and cities upon literature. It examines why the city matters so much to contemporary critical theory, and why it has inspired so many forms of writing which have attempted to deal with its challenges to think about it and to represent it. Gathering together 40 contributors who look at different modes of writing and film-making in throughout the world, this handbook asks how the modern city has engendered so much theoretical consideration, and looks at cities and their literature from China to Peru, from New York to Paris, from London to Kinshasa. It looks at some of the ways in which modern cities – whether capitals, shanty-towns, industrial or ‘rust-belt’ – have forced themselves on people’s ways of thinking and writing.

Hacia la Luz Blanca:Las Revelaciones del Arcángel Miguel

Book Description

What happens to a soul after death? What is a register? What is it like in heaven? What is the best way to pray? Can the Bible and the Rue be viewed as accurate historical religious records or something else? These are some of the spiritual questions which are explored in Into the White Light. The author was awakened by a big, bright white light. As a professional psychic and medium she identified the energy as coming from a divine source. In subsequent visions the presence identified himself as Archangel Michael. As overseer of the Virtues and guide to light workers, he telepathically channeled a profoundly amazing body of spiritual myths, truths, and prophecies to the author. It begins with the time of the Creation and ends with prophecies for the 21st century, including the discovery of a new planet the angel calls Nebulon. It reads like a sacred book in the depth of knowledge the angel shared because he told the author these truths as parables. It is a profoundly enlightening book for all faiths and for anyone on a spiritual path!