Cartea vinurilor romanesti (The Wine Book of Romania)

Book Description

„Nu pot decât să-i fiu recunoscător dnei Marinela V. Ardelean pentru efortul său, mereu reiterat, de a face cunoscut profilul românesc al oenologiei europene. Cititorul, localnic sau străin, află tot ce nu ştia, sau ştia vag, despre un patrimoniu care îşi merită locul printre valorile protejate ale civilizaţiei noastre. Inventarul e amplu şi alcătuit cu acribie, autoarea are toate calităţile unui comunicator eficient: expertiză (globală şi circumstanţială), hărnicie inteligentă, profesionalitate pragmatică, farmec personal. Mai în glumă, mai în serios, ea reuşeşte, prin acest volum, ceea ce nu reu¬şeşte istoria contemporană: unificarea spaţiului românesc, consemnarea continuităţii dintre spaţiul de dincoace de Prut şi cel al Republicii Moldova. Avem ce bea, avem ce citi, avem ce visa. Un cuvânt de laudă şi pentru ţinuta grafică a cărţii: avem şi ce privi! Lectură plăcută! Noroc!“ – Andrei Pleșu „I can only thank Mrs Marinela V. Ardelean for her effort, always reiterated, to make the Romanian profile of European oenology known. The reader, local or foreign, finds out everything he did not know, or he barely knew, about a patrimony that deserves its place among the protected values of our civilization. The inventory is extensive and rigurous, the author has all the qualities of an efficient communicator: expertize (global and circumstantial), intelligent workmanship, pragmatic professionalism, personal charm. As a joke, but not really, she succeeds, through this volume, where contemporary history fails: the unification of the Romanian space, marking the continuity of the space between this side of the Prut and the Republic of Moldova. We have what to drink, we have what to read, we have what to dream of. A word of praise for the graphic outfit of the book too: we also have what to look at! Enjoy your reading! Cheers!“ - Andrei Pleșu


Book Description

"The Influence of Wine on Society" explores the rich and multifaceted history of wine and its profound impact on diverse spheres of human life. From its role in ancient rituals and modern celebrations to its influence on economics and culture, this book details how wine has been a symbol of luxury, sophistication, and community throughout the centuries. With an in-depth look at its role in health, politics, and technology, this work invites the reader on an exciting journey through the history and culture of wine, revealing how a simple beverage can have such a broad and lasting impact on society.

The wine book of Romania

Book Description

Cartea Vinurilor Româneşti

Book Description

Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting

Book Description

This book presents a thoughtful and thorough account of diverse studies on Chinese translation and interpreting (TI). It introduces readers to a plurality of scholarly voices focusing on different aspects of Chinese TI from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. The book brings together eighteen essays by scholars at different stages of their careers with different relationships to translation and interpreting studies. Readers will approach Chinese TI studies from different standpoints, namely socio-historical, literary, policy-related, interpreting, and contemporary translation practice. Given its focus, the book benefits researchers and students who are interested in a global scholarly approach to Chinese TI. The book offers a unique window on topical issues in Chinese TI theory and practice. It is hoped that this book encourages a multilateral, dynamic, and international approach in a scholarly discussion where, more often than not, approaches tend to get dichotomized. This book aims at bringing together international leading scholars with the same passion, that is delving into the theoretical and practical aspects of Chinese TI.

The Enigma of Stonehenge

Book Description

The history and meaning of Stonehenge with photographs of the ancient monument as it is today.

Translators Through History

Book Description

Acclaimed, when it first appeared, as a seminal work – a groundbreaking book that was both informative and highly readable – Translators through History is being released in a new edition, substantially revised and expanded by Judith Woodsworth. Translators have played a key role in intellectual exchange through the ages and across borders. This account of how they have contributed to the development of languages, the emergence of literatures, the dissemination of knowledge and the spread of values tells the story of world culture itself. Content has been updated, new elements introduced and recent directions in translation scholarship incorporated, providing fresh insights and a more nuanced view of past events. The bibliography contains over 100 new titles and illustrations have been refreshed and enhanced. An invaluable tool for students, scholars and professionals in the field of translation, the latest version of Translators through History remains a vital resource for researchers in other disciplines and a fascinating read for the wider public.

Time-Reversal Symmetry

Book Description

This book introduces new developments in the field of Time-Reversal Symmetry presenting, for the first time, the Wigner time-reversal operator in the form of a product of two- or three time-reversal operators of lower symmetry. The action of these operators leads to the sign change of only one or two angular momentum components, not of all of them. It demonstrates that there are six modes of time-reversal symmetry breaking that do not lead to the complete disappearance of the symmetry but to its lowering. The full restoration of the time-reversal symmetry in the six cases mentioned is possible by introducing six types of metaparticles. The book also confirms the presence of six additional time-reversal operators using a group-theoretical method. The problem is only where to seek these metaparticles. The book discusses time-reversal symmetry in classical mechanics, classical and relativistic electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and theory of quantized fields, including dynamical reversibility and statistical irreversibility of the time, Wigner’s and Herring’s criteria, Kramers theorem, selection rules due to time-reversal symmetry, Onsager’s relations, Poincaré recurrence theorem, and CPT theorem. It particularly focuses attention on time-reversal symmetry violation. It is proposed a new method of testing the time-reversal symmetry, which is confirmed experimentally by EPR spectroscopy data. It shows that the traditional black-white point groups of magnetic symmetry are not applicable to magnetic systems with Kramers degeneration of energy levels and that magnetic groups of four-color symmetry are adequate for them. Further, it addresses the predicted structural distortions in Kramers three-homonuclear magnetic clusters due to time-reversal symmetry that have been identified experimentally. Lastly, it proposes a method of synthesis of two-nuclear coordination compounds with predictable magnetic properties, based on the application of the time-reversal transformation that was confirmed experimentally.

The Intercultural City

Book Description

In a world of increasing mobility, how people of different cultures live together is a key issue of our age, especially for those responsible for planning and running cities. New thinking is needed on how diverse communities can cooperate in productive harmony instead of leading parallel or antagonistic lives. Policy is often dominated by mitigating the perceived negative effects of diversity, and little thought is given to how a ?diversity dividend? or increased innovative capacity might be achieved. The Intercultural City, based on numerous case studies worldwide, analyses the links between urban change and cultural diversity. It draws on original research in the US, Europe, Australasia and the UK. It critiques past and current policy and introduces new conceptual frameworks. It provides significant and practical advice for readers, with new insights and tools for practitioners such as the ?intercultural lens?, ?indicators of openness?, ?urban cultural literacy? and ?ten steps to an Intercultural City'. Published with Comedia.