Training in the CGIAR System

Book Description

Introduction to training in the CGIAR system; Effects of training; A closer look at training; Review and points of view.

Case Studies of Training in the CGIAR System

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Compendium of ILRI research impacts and adoption, 1975-1998

Book Description

Impact of chemoprophylactic control of trypanosomosis in coastal Kenya; Economic impact of N'Dama cattle in tsetse-affected areas of Zaire, Togo, Ethiopia and The Gambia; Adoption of dairy feeding management in the Ethiopian highlands; Costs and benefits of alternative theileriosis control strategies in Zimbabwe; Impacts of east coast fever immunisation in coastal and highland Kenya; Fodder bank adoption in northern Nigeria; Impact of land tenure on adoption of alley farming in West Africa; Impact of crossbred dairy-draft technology in Ethiopia; Impact of livestock on alley farming systems in West Africa; Impact of dairy intensification on Africa peri-urban milk production systems; Constraints to use of animal traction in semi-arid West Africa; Impacts of dairy intensification on nutrition and health in coastal Kenya; Economic impact of theileriosis and its control in Africa.

ISNAR Agricultural Research Indicator Series

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Fully-sourced country-specific files on the basic resources committed to national agricultural research systems for 154 developing and developed countries.

The CGIAR at 31

Book Description

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) was established in 1971 to support the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in funding four international agricultural research centres in Colombia, Mexico, Nigeria and the Philippines. As the first global programme to receive grants from the World Banks net income, the CGIAR now consists of 16 autonomous international centres, with a membership of 62 countries, including 24 developing and transition economies. This report evaluates the work of CGIAR and makes several recommendations to address the future challenges it faces in promoting agricultural research.