Catalogue d'une collection d'estampes de choix, d'après les grands peintres italiens, flamands and françois, tant en feuilles qu'en volumes, ainsi que de divers dessins coloriés and autres, en feuilles and montés, avec des filets d'or à l'entour. Du cabinet de M*** [Jousse de Champremeaux]. Dont la vente commencera le mardi 27 mars 1770 and jours suivans [au 7 avril], rue Dauphine, à l'Hôtel d'Espagne

Book Description

Catalogue d'une collection d'estampes de choix, d'après les grands peintres italiens, flamands & françois, tant en feuilles qu'en volumes, ainsi que de divers dessins coloriés & autres, en feuilles & montés, avec des filets d'or à l'entour. Du cabinet de M*** [Jousse de Champremeaux]. Dont la vente commencera le mardi 27 mars 1770 & jours suivans [au 7 avril], rue Dauphine, à l'Hôtel d'Espagne

Book Description

Patriotic Taste

Book Description

During the final decades of the ancient regime, prominent collectors in Paris commissioned and collected French paintings of the period, works by Greuze, Fragonard, David and others that together comprised 'l'Ecole Francoise' - the French School. In this book, an art historian discusses six of these collectors and the collections they assembled, showing that private patronage in this period was revitalized by this patriotic desire to collect contemporary art. Colin B. Bailey explains why a taste for modern art emerged at this time and how it was encouraged and fostered. Examining the relationship between artist and patron, he discusses the degree of influence these enlightened patrons and collectors expected to exercise when new works were being commissioned. Bailey shows that collectors of eighteenth-century French painting seem not to have made rigid distinctions between the various genres or styles of the Academy's practitioners. Instead, history paintings and genre paintings - both rococo and neo-classical - were exhibited proudly on their walls as superb examples of the French School.