Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life

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In every age, the Church must proclaim anew the beauty and abundance of grace contained in the Sacrament of Marriage. Married couples constitute the majority of the faithful, and they are often pillars of support in parishes, schools, apostolates, volunteer groups, and almost every other Catholic institution. Beginning with his apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis has expressed his desire for the Church to offer a better and more thorough preparation of engaged couples for marriage. The Holy Father has called for a relatively broad approach, inspired by the baptismal catechumenate, that would enable couples to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage with greater awareness, beginning with an experience of faith and personal encounter with Jesus. Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life provides pastoral guidelines for dioceses and parishes in strengthening preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. By investing renewed energy toward this effort, the Church can help couples understand the gift of the Sacrament of Marriage, the meaning of spousal love, and marriage as their authentic vocation.

Homiletic Directory

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Blessed Is Marriage

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Author of the bestselling book, Happy Together, John Bosio draws from his experience as a family therapist and committed believer to provide a path for a loving marriage inspired by the Beatitudes. He offers couples both theological grounding and inspiration as they seek to strengthen their marriage committment.

Habits for a Healthy Marriage

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Drawing on his experience of forty years as a psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons presents twelve habits that can foster healing and growth in Catholic marriages. This books helps couples to identify and resolve the major emotional conflicts that weaken their relationships and hurt their marriages. Habits for a Healthy Marriage is unique because it draws on the field of positive psychology, which focuses on growth in virtues. Each chapter names a common marital problem along with a particular virtue that can help couples to overcome that problem. It shows that the road to healing is paved with forgiveness, not only between spouses but also within their families of origin. Along the way the author incorporates the luminous writing of Saint John Paul II on marriage and the timeless wisdom of the Catholic Church. Whether you are newly engaged, recently married, or married for many years, the conflict-resolving strategies described in this book—the habits of a healthy marriage—can help you to protect your relationship from the emotional storms that often lead to quarrelling and mistrust, and sometimes to separation and divorce.

Your Godchild: What It Means to Be a Catholic Godparent

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The role of godparent has special meaning for Catholics because it extends far beyond Baptism. Your Godchild speaks to the concerns of new godparents by exploring the meaning of this lifelong commitment to their godchild's journey of faith. Topics covered: What is the sacrament of Baptism? What does it means to be a godparent? Must godparents be baptized Catholics? Why do we baptize babies? What is prayer? What are godparents' responsibilities to godchildren? This informative booklet is packed with activities for godparents and godchildren, tips on spiritual nurturing, and ways to explore their role when making this important commitment. "Booklet"

Theology Today

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Since the Second Vatican Council, an exciting array of new theological voices, themes, and venues for reflection has emerged. This addresses the vital question of what exactly is Catholic theology. It considers basic perspectives and principles that characterise Catholic theology and offers criteria by which diverse theologies may be recognised as authentically Catholic.


Book Description

ANGELO CARD. SCOLA, Stanislao Grygiel. “Un pensatore” / Stanislao Grygiel. “A Thinker” PIERANGELO SEQUERI, La semantica teologica del sacro / The theological semantics of the Sacred MARCO GALLO, Liturgia e sacro: trasformazioni. Presiedere un rito alla prova dell’epoca democratica e della crisi degli abusi / Liturgy and the sacred: transformations. Presiding rite on the trial of the democratic era and the abuse crisis GUILLAME LE BLANC, La rivoluzione del “prendersi cura”: verso un’etica per ogni vita / The “caring” revolution: towards an ethics for every life JUAN JOSÉ PEREZ-SOBA, La integración eclesial ante el desafío de los excluidos. Una reflexión a los cincuenta años de A Theory of Justice de John Rawls / Ecclesial integration in the face of the challenge of the excluded. A reflection fifty years after John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice STEPHAN KAMPWOSKI, The contribution of Pope Francis’ Magisterium to the Theology of Marriage and Family / Il contributo del magistero di- Papa Francesco alla teologia del matrimonio e della famiglia ORIETTA RACHELE GRAZIOLI, Il Responsum del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede sulla benedizione delle coppie omosessuali / Responsum of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on blessing same-sex couples

The Catholic Guide to Dating After Divorce

Book Description

In the first book written specifically for the 11 million divorced Catholics in the United States, Lisa Duffy— columnist and creator of the “Journey of Hope” divorce recovery program—combines personal experience, Church teaching, and more than twenty years of ministering to those wounded by divorce to offer a guide that shows how faith can be a catalyst for healthy dating and relationships. Encouraging yet forthright, The Catholic Guide to Dating After Divorce offers sound advice to anyone who has experienced the deflating effects of divorce, but is not ready to give up on love. Affirming the universal need for intimacy, Duffy—a relationship expert, columnist, and creator of the "Journey of Hope" divorce recovery program—shows how faith can be a catalyst for healthy relationships, helping to identify and uproot emotionally harmful habits and boosting authenticity and confidence. Duffy identifies five essential characteristics of spiritually healthy people—being available, affectionate, communicative, faithful, and magnanimous—and shows how cultivating these qualities can bring out the best, most confident, and most attractive version of anyone. Quizzes, journaling questions, and action steps will help the reader grow in these areas. The book concludes with an appendix on resources for those who need help working through an annulment or who are in need of other post-divorce resources.

Our Joy in Being Catholic

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