Cathedra Veritatis: On the Extension of Papal Infallibility

Book Description

This work explores the extension of papal infallibility with regard to its object (doctrine of faith and morals) and with regard to its act (ordinary teaching and extraordinary or solemn definition). Two main questions are taken up in the first part: whether it is certain that the pope is able to speak infallibly about doctrines pertaining to faith or morals which are not directly included in the deposit of faith (e.g. the canonization of saints); and secondly, whether this secondary object of infallibility extends to everything pertaining to faith and morals (so as to include, for example, every particular moral norm of the natural law). The second part is then primarily concerned with the question as to whether the pope is infallible only in the exercise of his extraordinary magisterium or whether the ordinary papal magisterium might also be infallible in some cases.

The Ages of the Earth

Book Description

Negationism is an irrational but useful tool for manipulation. Almost nobody supports the Flat Earth model or the geocentrism, but some European educational laws still offer a confessional education that treats as real the myth about Adam and Eve. This book recounts the struggle that human mind has maintained, over two millennia, against creationist myths. The journey takes place between cosmogonies, theological dogmas, natural philosophy, Deism and the inevitable secularism of the Age of Enlightenment.

War Against the Papacy

Book Description

""It was to St. Peter that our Lord entrusted the Keys of the Kingdom and vowed that his faith would never fail. For centuries the Petrine office has been the bulwark of truth against heresies and ideologies which threaten the integrity of the Church's faith. In War Against the Papacy, James Larson explains why the apparent auto-demolition of the papacy under the post-conciliar popes has not changed this fundamental reality - and why attacks against the papacy, even in the name of tradition, betray a lack of trust in Christ's promise to St. Peter. James Larson is a Catholic author whose notable contributions include articles in the magazine Christian Order as well as the voluminous website War Against Being (www.waragainstbeing). He well-researched essays advocate a return to God using the golden wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas as our lodestar. War Against the Papacy is his first print book.

The Gift of Infallibility

Book Description

Infallibility is a deeply misunderstood idea, within as well as outside the Catholic Church. It remains a subject of great theological debate, especially regarding papal infallibility and the ordinary magisterium of the Church. In The Gift of Infallibility, theologian James T. OಙConnor clarifies the idea of infallibility. He provides a helpful translation of the ಜrelatioಝ or official explanation by Bishop Gasser given at Vatican I, the Church council that defined the dogma of papal infallibility. Also included in this important volume is the first draft of chapter 4 of the Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, as well as the final, official chapter of the constitution. Despite its importance in all theological discussions on the doctrine of infallibility, Bishop Gasserಙs relatio had never until recently been translated from the Latin original into English. The relatio reveals a mind which is logical in process and fully acquainted with the historical and theological aspects of the question. This volume concludes with a recently updated theological summary on the topic of infallibility by Father OಙConnor. The Gift of Infallibility is immensely important for theologians and others who wish to understand the way by which the Holy Spirit safeguards the Church. It will be of great value to the general student as well as to the specialist.

Are Canonizations Infallible?

Book Description

For a long time now, the majority position of Catholic theologians has been that canonizations conducted by the pope are infallible and inerrant. A minority current has always existed that disputes this view. Perennial difficulties with the nature and extension of papal infallibility as well as problems peculiar to recent decades in the Church make it timely to reexamine a debate that has lain dormant for too long, and to give proponents of the minority view an opportunity to make their case. The twelve contributors, sharing a desire for a candid and searching inquiry, argue both sides of the question fairly and fully. Each author brings distinct facts, observations, and arguments to the conversation. The result is a panoramic review of the historical, doctrinal, liturgical, and moral aspects of canonization, which displays a greater complexity than summaries in encyclopedias and manuals would suggest. This book is published as a spur to intensive theological engagement with a quaestio disputata that should not be prematurely treated as definitively solved. Essays by Phillip Campbell - Fr. Thomas Crean, O.P. - Roberto de Mattei - William Matthew Diem - Christopher Ferrara - Msgr. Brunero Gherardini - Fr. John Hunwicke - Peter A. Kwasniewski - John R.T. Lamont - Joseph Shaw - Fr. Jean-François Thomas, S.J. - José Antonio Ureta

The Popes and Science

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The Spirit of Catholicism

Book Description

This is the 1929 English translation of the original German text first published in 1924 and authored by one of the world’s most distinguished Christian philosophers, Dr. Karl Adam. This book is a brilliant and evocative study of the fundamental concepts of the Catholic Faith, from its tenets, its historical development and the role of the Church in world society. For many on the outside, Catholicism, according to Dr. Adam, represents a daunting and somewhat foreign confused mass of conflicting forces that has somehow survived the tests of time. Catholicism is simultaneously new yet quite old; holy yet corrupt; hierarchical yet personal; dogmatic yet utilitarian, and so on. How can someone outside the Church get a good grasp on the essence of Catholicism when it is so vast and seemingly complex? Those attempting to grasp the very heart and spirit of Catholicism should read Karl Adam’s book, which is a most elegant and concise exploration of the faith and an attempt to address these ambiguities. What are the fundamental attributes of the Catholic Church? What is the source from which it has drawn vigor and life through its two thousand years of life on earth? What are the secret sources of its incredible vitality in the world today? The author answers these and many other questions about the nature and structure of the Church. He examines the essential nature of the Catholic Church from the basic premise that it was expressly founded by Christ, traces its historical development and analyzes its actual functioning through the ages.

A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Description

Are you missing half the story about the last days? Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist—but he is only half the story. Many people are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy—a woman who rides the beast. Who is this woman? Tradition says she is connected with the church of Rome. But isn’t such a view outdated? After all, today’s Vatican is eager to join hands with Protestants worldwide. “The Catholic church has changed” is what we hear. Or has it? In A Woman Rides the Beast, prophecy expert Dave Hunt sifts through biblical truth and global events to present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist’s future empire. Eight remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman’s identity beyond any reasonable doubt. A provocative account of what the Bible tells us is to come.

The Bad Popes

Book Description

The stories of seven popes who ruled at seven different critical periods in the 600 years leading into the Reformation.