Catholic Ethics in Today's World

Book Description

Business ethics - The Death Penalty - War and peace - Medical ethics Euthanasia - Medical ethics at the end of life - Sexual ethics - Global economic ethics.

Catholic Ethics in Today's World

Book Description

In Catholic Ethics in Today's World, Drs. Jozef Zalot and Rev. Benedict Guevin, OSB, address what they describe as a sense of confusion expressed by many about what the Catholic Church really teaches on a range of ethical topics, as well as why it teaches what it does. In an accessible and engaging presentation, the authors demonstrate how the Catholic Church approaches many of the social, sexual, and medical challenges that face today's world communities, and they discuss the moral principles the Church provides for the formation of our consciences with respect to these challenges. In the text, the authors fully recognize the breadth of dialogue among moral theologians regarding the teachings of the Church and that there is disagreement among faithful Catholics about issues facing the world today. Upholding the value of critical dialogue among different parties, in this text Zalot and Guevin wish to offer a baseline from which people can understand what the Catholic Church teaches on a particular topic, so that they will be able to critically evaluate the teaching on its own merits and in light of the critique of others. Catholic Ethics in Today's World is an excellent starting point for reflection on the ethical challenges we face in the contemporary world.

Catholic Bioethics and Social Justice

Book Description

Catholic health care is one of the key places where the church lives Catholic social teaching (CST). Yet the individualistic methodology of Catholic bioethics inherited from the manualist tradition has yet to incorporate this critical component of the Catholic moral tradition. Informed by the places where Catholic health care intersects with the diverse societal injustices embodied in the patients it encounters, this book brings the lens of CST to bear on Catholic health care, illuminating a new spectrum of ethical issues and practical recommendations from social determinants of health, immigration, diversity and disparities, behavioral health, gender-questioning patients, and environmental and global health issues.

An Introduction to Catholic Ethics since Vatican II

Book Description

This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Catholic ethics in the wake of the Second Vatican Council (1962-5), an event widely considered crucial to the reconciliation of the Catholic Church and the modern world. Andrew Kim investigates Catholic responses to questions of moral theology in all four principal areas: Catholic social teaching, natural law, virtue ethics, and bioethics. In addition to discussing contemporary controversies surrounding abortion, contraception, labor rights, exploitation of the poor, and just war theory, he explores the historical sources of the Catholic worldview. Beginning with the moral vision revealed through the person of Jesus Christ and continuing with elaborations on this vision from figures such as Augustine and Aquinas, this volume elucidates the continuity of the Catholic moral tradition. Its balance of complexity and accessibility makes it an ideal resource for both students of theology and general readers.

The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Book Description

Any vision of capitalism's future prospects must take into account the powerful cultural influence Catholicism has exercised throughout the world. The Church had for generations been reluctant to come to terms with capitalism, but, as Michael Novak argues in this important book, a hundred-year-long debate within the Church has yielded a richer and more humane vision of capitalism than that described in Max Weber's classic The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Novak notes that the influential Catholic intellectuals who, early in this century saw through Weber's eyes an economic system marked by ruthless individualism and cold calculation had misread the reality. For, as history has shown, the lived experience of capitalism has depended to a far greater extent than they had realized on a culture characterized by opportunity, cooperative effort, social initiative, creativity, and invention. Drawing on the major works of modern Papal thought, Novak demonstrates how the Catholic tradition has come to reflect this richer interpretation of capitalist culture. In 1891, Pope Leo XIII condemned socialism as a futile system, but also severely criticized existing market systems. In 1991, John Paul II surprised many by conditionally proposing "a business economy, a market economy, or simply free economy" as a model for Eastern Europe and the Third World. Novak notes that as early as 1963, this future Pope had signaled his commitment to liberty. Later, as Archbishop of Krakow, he stressed the "creative subjectivity" of workers, made by God in His image as co-creators. Now, as Pope, he calls for economic institutions worthy of a creative people, and for political and cultural reformsattuned to a new "human ecology" of family and work. Novak offers an original and penetrating conception of social justice, rescuing it as a personal virtue necessary for social activism. Since Pius XI made this idea canonical in 1931, the term has been rejected by the Right as an oxymoron and misused by the Left as a party platform. Novak applies this newly formulated notion of social justice to the urgent worldwide problems of ethnicity, race, and poverty. His fresh rethinking of the Catholic ethic comes just in time to challenge citizens in those two large and historically Catholic regions, Eastern Europe and Latin America, now taking their first steps as market economies, as well as those of us in the West seeking a realistic moral vision.

The Church in the Modern World

Book Description

Gaudium et Spes, Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, marked fundamental shifts in ethical methodology, in how we do ethics in the Catholic tradition, and in how we think about ethical and ecclesial issues in the Catholic Church in the modern world. On the document’s fiftieth anniversary, this book explores the historical origins of Gaudium et Spes, its impact on the Church’s ecclesial self-understanding, and its implications for doing Catholic theological ethics for the specific ethical issues of marriage, social justice, politics, and peacebuilding.The book engages in the ongoing communal discernment of the aggiornamento sought by the council’s convener, Pope John XXIII, seeking to bring the Church up to date in the twenty-first century.

Peter Singer and Christian Ethics

Book Description

This book explores a number of important issues to illuminate the common ground between Peter Singer and Christian ethics.

Introduction to Moral Theology

Book Description

The comprehensive introduction to Catholic moral theology by the leading theologian and author of The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics. In Introduction to Moral Theology, Father Romanus Cessario, O.P. presents and expounds on the basic and central elements of Catholic moral theology written in the light of Veritatis splendor. Since its publication in 2001, this first book in the Catholic Moral Thought series has been widely recognized as an authoritative resource on such topics as moral theology and the good of the human person created in God’s image; natural law; principles of human action; determination of the moral good through objects, ends, and circumstances; and the virtues, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Beatitudes. The Catholic Moral Thought series is designed to provide students with a comprehensive presentation of both the principles of Christian conduct and the specific teachings and precepts for fulfilling the requirements of the Christian life. Soundly based in the teaching of the Church, the volumes set out the basic principles of Catholic moral thought and the application of those principles within areas of ethical concern that are of paramount importance today.

The Ongoing Renewal of Catholicism

Book Description

Broad. Engaging. Accessible. Appealing. These are just a few of the words reviewers used to describe The Ongoing Renewal of Catholicism. In The Ongoing Renewal of Catholicism, Professor Brennan Hill has provided a wonderfully engaging, progressive look at Catholic theology for today. Dr. Hill's discussion introduces to readers the foundations of Catholic thought, follows the development of that thought, and looks closely at the issues of today's world and Catholicism's response. While firmly rooted in the Catholic tradition, the author takes an ecumenical approach by incorporating teachings and insights from other Christian churches and world faiths.

Choosing the Good

Book Description

An intelligent discussion of the foundations and methods in ethics and ways to apply a Christian worldview to our secular culture.