Causing His Name to Live

Book Description

William J. Murnane (1945-2000) dedicated his life to the epigraphic recording and historical interpretation of the monuments of pharaonic Egypt. In tribute to his important contributions to Egyptology, a prominent group of his colleagues and students offer a range of new studies on Egyptian epigraphy and historiography. Amarna studies loom large in the volume as they did in Murnane's own work. Several chapters investigate the art, history and chronology of the reigns of Akhenaten and his immediate successors. Other contributions deal with historical issues, especially those connected with the epigraphic and archaeological aspects of the Theban temples of Karnak and Luxor. The book is richly illustrated with photographs and drawings.


Book Description

This book provides an original treatment of the concept of good and beauty in ancient Egypt. It seeks to examine the dimensions of nefer, the term used to describe the good and the beautiful, within the context of ordinary life. Because the book is based upon original research on ancient Egypt it opens up space for a review of the aesthetics of other African societies in the Nile Valley. Thus, it serves as a heuristic for further research and scholarship.

The Standard

Book Description

Where I Stand-Back to the Basics of the Word

Book Description

Written to break down denominational barriers, this book attempts to bring the body of believers that Christ calls "The Church" back to their first love, and back to one another in one mind, one accord and one faith.

The Living Age

Book Description

pt. 1. Causes of error

Book Description

Living under the Evil Pope

Book Description

In Living under the Evil Pope, Martina Mampieri presents the Hebrew Chronicle of Pope Paul IV, written in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Italian Jewish moneylender Benjamin Neḥemiah ben Elnathan (alias Guglielmo di Diodato) from Civitanova Marche.

Desert Harvest

Book Description

Everyone really lives in the desert of his or her own cell, his or her own soul. Today this solitary existence is heightened by the loneliness created by the modern world. Perhaps never before in the history of the world have so many people been forced to enter their personal loneliness because of circumstances. The monk enters these deserts voluntarily, whereas now the world is peopled by reluctant monks who have not chosen to be alone. Their loneliness could become communion. The key, of course, is to choose the desert. This book is an attempt to share with all desert dwellers everywhere, the committed and the reluctant, the fruits of what God has taught.