Book Description
This document summarizes the activities conducted by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) during 1998 in its continuing efforts to accomplish its primary objective of linking research, policy, and practice in vocational education and training (VET). The following are among the 1998 CEDEFOP projects and activities discussed: activities promoting competencies and lifelong learning (key qualifications and curricular renewal; training in micro-enterprises; identification, validation, and accreditation of nonformal learning); projects monitoring developments in the European Union member states (descriptions of VET systems, statistical indicators of effectiveness, VET funding, innovation in VET, and VET quality); projects serving European mobility and exchanges (transparency of qualifications, needs and problems of mobility in Europe; and VET scenarios and strategies); thematic networks (network on trends, qualifications, and occupations; and training of trainers network); exchange and dialogue (Study Visits Programme, Agora Thessaloniki, partnerships in policy and development, and support for research cooperation); and information collection and dissemination (CEDEFOP publications, library and documentation service, CEDEFOP's Electronic Training Village, translation services, terminology coordination, conference and interpreting services, public relations, and activities of CEDEFOP's Brussels office). Appended are the following: CEDEFOP publications in 1998, information about CEDEFOP's financial and human resources in 1994-1998, and a list of members of CEDEFOP's management board. (MN)