Developmental Refinement of Primary Visual Cortex Subcortical Efferents

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Understanding of how neural circuits process information from the environment, produce a percept of the external stimuli, and then evoke a behavioral response has been an ultimate goal in neuroscience. To achieve this long-standing goal, we must first understand how neural circuits are established. The functionality of a mature sensory system is highly dependent on the proper formation of precise neuronal connections that convey information about environmental stimuli to specific regions of the central nervous system. The formation of neural circuitry in the developing animal occurs in a series of regulated steps. Developing neuronal precursors first undergo a series of progressive events such as cell division, cell differentiation, cell migration, neuronal extension via elongation of their axon branches, axon guidance, and establishment of synapses. During these progressive events, neurons extend an exuberant number of axons and form an excess of broad connections. The developing nervous system will subsequently undergo a series of regressive events such as cell death, synapse elimination, and pruning of axons. These regressive events refine the immature broadly patterned neural connectivity into a mature precise neural network. Perturbations of axon pruning may result in abnormal neuronal connections, which in turn can lead to deleterious behavioral effects associated with several neuropsychological disorders. The focus of my dissertation research is on the study of regulatory mechanisms underlying axon pruning during the formation of neural circuitry in the mammalian central nervous system, specifically layer 5 pyramidal corticopontine and corticospinal neurons in the visual cortex (V1). I extensively investigate the development of V1 layer 5 pyramidal neurons because both small-scale pruning of visual corticopontine terminal zone (TZ) axons and large-scale stereotyped axon pruning of visual corticospinal tract (CST) axons occur within the same cells. Surprisingly, the precise timing of development and refinement of corticopontine and corticospinal projections of V1 layer 5 pyramidal neurons are not characterized, the mechanisms for small-scale pruning of visual corticopontine TZ axons are completely unknown, and the mechanisms for large-scale stereotyped pruning of visual CST axons are incompletely determined. For my dissertation research, I investigate the development and refinement of corticopontine and corticospinal projections from V1 layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Specifically in Chapter 2, I investigate whether both small-scale pruning of visual corticopontine TZ and large-scale pruning of visual CST axons are regulated by the same set of molecular and neural activity mechanisms or differentially regulated. I will show that both small- and large-scale stereotyped pruning of V1 efferent axons are simultaneously and coordinately regulated by the same set of mechanisms: 1) Semaphorin-3F (Sema3F) signaling through Neuropilin-2 (NPN2), Plexin-A3 (PLA3), and Plexin-A4 (PLA4) co-receptors, and 2) spontaneous retinal waves, not extrinsic visually-evoked activity. By using mouse genetics and comparative approaches, I will also present several lines of evidence to demonstrate that it is the initiation of Stage 3 spontaneous retinal waves, rather than the entire duration, that is necessary for both small-scale visual corticopontine terminal axon pruning and large-scale stereotyped visual CST pruning. In Chapter 3, I investigate the development of corticospinal projections from V1 layer 5 pyramidal neurons into the spinal cord and determine whether visual CST axons descend in multiple spinal cord locations. I will demonstrate that visual CST axons initially extend into both dorsal contralateral and ventral ipsilateral spinal cord and that subsequent large-scale stereotyped pruning will eliminate visual CST axons from both spinal cord locations. I will show that subsequent large-scale stereotyped pruning of dorsal contralateral visual CST axons is regulated by both Sema3F signaling and spontaneous retinal waves interacting along the same pathway, whereas large-scale stereotyped pruning of ventral ipsilateral visual CST axons is regulated by spontaneous retinal waves but not Sema3F signaling.Thus overall, my research has elucidated molecular and neural activity mechanisms regulating axon pruning of layer 5 V1 efferent neurons to advance understanding of regulatory mechanisms underlying axon pruning during the formation of neural circuitry in the mammalian central nervous system.

Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Developmental Axon Pruning

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The formation of neural connections in the mammalian nervous system is a complex process. During development, axons are initially overproduced and compete for limited quantities of target-derived growth factors. Axons which participate in functional circuits and secure appropriate amounts of growth factors are stabilized, while those axons that are either inappropriately connected or do not obtain sufficient concentrations of growth factors are eliminated in a process termed 'axon pruning'. In this thesis, I examined the mechanisms that regulate pruning of peripheral, NGF-dependent sympathetic neurons that project to the eye. I determined that pruning of these projections in vivo requires the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) and synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) from the activity-dependent exon IV promoter. Furthermore, analysis of an in vitro model of axon competition, which is regulated by the interplay between nerve growth factor (NGF) and neuronal activity, revealed that p75NTR and BDNF are also essential for axon competition in culture. In this model, in the presence of NGF, neural activity confers a competitive growth advantage to stimulated, active axons by enhancing downstream TrkA (NGF receptor) signaling locally in axons. More interestingly, the unstimulated, inactive axons deriving from the same and neighboring neurons acquire a "growth disadvantage" due to secreted BDNF acting through p75NTR, which induces axon degeneration by suppressing TrkA signaling that is essential for axonal integrity. These data support a model where, during developmental axon competition, successful axons secrete BDNF in an activity-dependent fashion which activates p75NTR on unsuccessful neighboring axons, suppressing TrkA signaling, and ultimately promoting pruning by a degenerative mechanism.

Axon Growth and Regeneration: Part 1

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Published since 1959, International Review of Neurobiology is a well-known series appealing to neuroscientists, clinicians, psychologists, physiologists, and pharmacologists. Led by an internationally renowned editorial board, this important serial publishes both eclectic volumes made up of timely reviews and thematic volumes that focus on recent progress in a specific area of neurobiology research. This volume reviews existing theories and current research surrounding Axon Growth and Regeneration. - Leading authors review state-of-the-art in their field of investigation and provide their views and perspectives for future research - Chapters are extensively referenced to provide readers with a comprehensive list of resources on the topics covered - All chapters include comprehensive background information and are written in a clear form that is also accessible to the non-specialist

Analysis of Axon Guidance in the Embryonic Central Nervous System of Drosophila Melanogaster

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Abstract: The goal of developmental neurobiology is to understand how a complex nervous system is wired. During development of the central nervous system (CNS) neural connections are assembled in a highly stereotyped fashion. How do axons find their targets with such accuracy? We know that axon migration is direct by attractive and repulsive guidance cues located in the extracellular environment. While many guidance molecules have been identified, we are only just beginning to understand the mechanisms of axon guidance. In order to identify additional genes involved in axon guidance and CNS development we performed a misexpression screen. Using P-elements and the UAS/GAL4 system, transcription of endogenous genes was induced in the embryonic CNS. Misexpression phenotypes were then identified immunohistochemically with two monoclonal antibodies: BP102, a general axon marker, and 1D4, which labels a subset of axon pathways. Over 4100 individual P-element insertion lines were screened. Twenty-five insertions corresponding to 18 genes resulted in misexpression phenotypes. Genes involved in axon guidance, embryonic patterning, and cell cycle regulation were identified. Several transcription factors that have not been previously implicated in CNS development were isolated and characterized as well. The identification of these transcription factors is intriguing since little is known about the transcriptional regulation of axon guidance genes. Additionally, we have studied the regulation of the previously identified guidance molecule Commissureless (Comm). Comm is necessary for proper axon guidance at the CNS midline of the Drosophila embryo. In the absence of Comm, commissural axons fail to cross the midline and instead make ispilateral projections on their respective sides of the midline. Using mosaic analysis, we have identified a cell autonomous neuronal requirement for Comm. Clones containing mutant alleles of comm formed commissural projections at a statistically significant reduced frequency when compared to wild type clones. This result suggests that regulation of Comm expression in neurons is critical for Comm's function in axon guidance at the CNS midline. These studies have both advanced the understanding of the regulation of Comm, and have identified new potential regulators of guidance molecules.

Molecular Mechanisms Orchestrating Commissural Axon Guidance

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Commissural neurons ensure the coordination of motor and somatosensory information between halves of the central nervous system. In the caudal part of the CNS, commissural axons, first grow toward the ventral midline, the floor plate, to cross it and reach their final target. The cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling midline crossing have been extensively studied. Ram--n y Cajal, in his neurotropic theory, suggested that floor plate cells could release diffusible factors chemo-attracting commissural axons to the ventral midline. Netrin-1, a protein discovered more than 2 decades ago, is a secreted protein expressed both by floor plate cells and ventricular zone progenitors and with long-range chemoattractive activity in vitro. Today, Netrin-1 is widely accepted as the textbook example of long-range chemoattractive guidance cue. However, our results, challenge this model by proposing a short-range mechanism of action for Netrin-1 during commissural axon guidance. Indeed, we determined that floor plate-derived netrin-1 is dispensable for commissural axon guidance. Instead, ventricular zone-derived netrin-1 is necessary and sufficient to promote the dorso-ventral extension of hindbrain commissural axons and midline crossing. We also confirmed that ventricular zone progenitors are the main Netrin-1 source for ventrally migrating precerebellar neurons. In addition, we observe that in absence of ventricular zone-derived netrin-1, commissural axons and precerebellar neurons cell bodies invade several cranial nerves. This appears to be a cell- autonomous and Dcc-dependent process. This mechanism is not conserved in the spinal cord, where both netrin-1 sources act synergistically to ensure commissural axon guidance and midline crossing. Commissural neurons are diverse and found throughout the nervous system. To analyse the molecular diversity of hindbrain and spinal cord commissural neurons, we used approaches combining mouse genetics and transcriptomics. We are currently working on some novel transcription factors that might play a role in the development of hindbrain and spinal cord commissural neurons.