
Book Description

"Read with great interest and was very impressed by the level of research committed to the project." - Katie Hopkins Productions, Radio DJ for LBC UK "J.K Sheindlin has done something incredible!" - WND Online News 'Censored' is the explosive tell-all autobiography from #1 international bestseller J.K Sheindlin, the critically acclaimed author of 'The People vs Muhammad - Psychological Analysis', and 'Questions that Islam can't answer'. Persecuted by Big Tech and reviled by the liberal elites, Sheindlin is the ultimate insider to global censorship who dared to psychoanalyse the founder of the world's most intolerable religion. After popular demand, the author finally shares the controversial story. Driven from the social media landscape, and labeled as persona-non-grata in the emerging globalist world, Sheindlin unveils the dirty communist tactics used by Big Tech to intimidate, crush and censor opponents of the liberal-Marxist agenda. In this book, you will... * Be informed firsthand from the insider's experience. * Learn how the tech elites broke their own rules in desperation to kill the author's exposure. * Discover how Big Tech historically aided in creating the holocaust, and the formation of the European political superstate. * Be warned about the master plan Silicon Valley is ushering in to silence your speech, and how the industry protects pedophiles but punishes patriots. * Learn how the CIA created the global censorship and media manipulation program today known as Project Mockingbird. * Find out how Obama became the catalyst to bring the west to its knees. * Discover how Obama's mother's CIA family history has infiltrated the tech industry to usher in communism. * Witness leaked documents and sources showing liberal infiltration of Big Tech. * Find out how even the mainstream churches have been infiltrated. * Be aware of how each of the bill of rights have been violated. * Learn how to protect your rights and to resist global censorship. A timely and erudite release due to the increase of draconian online censorship, J.K Sheindlin is the harbinger for humanity, and brings a warning to all of the coming global persecution complex.

CENSORED - Exposing the New World Order's Agenda to Control Mankind Through Hate Speech Laws and Revived Nazism

Book Description

"Read with great interest and was very impressed by the level of research committed to the project." - Katie Hopkins Productions, Radio DJ for LBC UK "J.K Sheindlin has done something incredible!" - WND Online News 'Censored' is the explosive tell-all autobiography from #1 international bestseller J.K Sheindlin, the critically acclaimed author of 'The People vs Muhammad - Psychological Analysis', and 'Questions that Islam can't answer'. Persecuted by Big Tech and reviled by the liberal elites, Sheindlin is the ultimate insider to global censorship who dared to psychoanalyse the founder of the world's most intolerable religion. After popular demand, the author finally shares the controversial story. Driven from the social media landscape, and labeled as persona-non-grata in the emerging globalist world, Sheindlin unveils the dirty communist tactics used by Big Tech to intimidate, crush and censor opponents of the liberal-Marxist agenda. In this book, you will... - Be informed firsthand from the insider's experience. - Learn how the tech elites broke their own rules in desperation to kill the author's exposure. - Discover how Big Tech historically aided in creating the holocaust, and the formation of the European political superstate. - Be warned about the master plan Silicon Valley is ushering in to silence your speech, and how the industry protects pedophiles but punishes patriots. - Learn how the CIA created the global censorship and media manipulation program today known as Project Mockingbird. - Find out how Obama became the catalyst to bring the west to its knees. - Discover how Obama's mother's CIA family history has infiltrated the tech industry to usher in communism. - Witness leaked documents and sources showing liberal infiltration of Big Tech. - Find out how even the mainstream churches have been infiltrated. - Be aware of how each of the bill of rights have been violated. - Learn how to protect your rights and to resist global censorship. A timely and erudite release due to the increase of draconian online censorship, J.K Sheindlin is the harbinger for humanity, and brings a warning to all of the coming global persecution complex.

The People Vs Muhammad - Psychological Analysis

Book Description

"The shocking evidence which exposes his catalogue of mental illnesses - psychopath - sex addict - schizophrenic - and more"--Cover.

Your Post Has Been Removed

Book Description

This open access monograph argues established democratic norms for freedom of expression should be implemented on the internet. Moderating policies of tech companies as Facebook, Twitter and Google have resulted in posts being removed on an industrial scale. While this moderation is often encouraged by governments - on the pretext that terrorism, bullying, pornography, "hate speech" and "fake news" will slowly disappear from the internet - it enables tech companies to censure our society. It is the social media companies who define what is blacklisted in their community standards. And given the dominance of social media in our information society, we run the risk of outsourcing the definition of our principles for discussion in the public domain to private companies. Instead of leaving it to social media companies only to take action, the authors argue democratic institutions should take an active role in moderating criminal content on the internet. To make this possible, tech companies should be analyzed whether they are approaching a monopoly. Antitrust legislation should be applied to bring those monopolies within democratic governmental oversight. Despite being in different stages in their lives, Anne Mette is in the startup phase of her research career, while Frederik is one of the most prolific philosophers in Denmark, the authors found each other in their concern about Free Speech on the internet. The book was originally published in Danish as Dit opslag er blevet fjernet - techgiganter & ytringsfrihed. Praise for 'Your Post has been Removed' "From my perspective both as a politician and as private book collector, this is the most important non-fiction book of the 21st Century. It should be disseminated to all European citizens. The learnings of this book and the use we make of them today are crucial for every man, woman and child on earth. Now and in the future." Jens Rohde, member of the European Parliament for the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe "This timely book compellingly presents an impressive array of information and analysis about the urgent threats the tech giants pose to the robust freedom of speech and access to information that are essential for individual liberty and democratic self-government. It constructively explores potential strategies for restoring individual control over information flows to and about us. Policymakers worldwide should take heed!" Nadine Strossen, Professor, New York Law School. Author, HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship.

Questions that Islam Can't Answer - Volume One

Book Description

"Read with great interest and was very impressed by the level of research committed to the project." - Katie Hopkins Productions, Radio DJ for LBC UK - on the author's work. "J.K Sheindlin has done something incredible " - WND Online News - on the author's work. From #1 international bestseller J.K Sheindlin, author of the critically acclaimed and controversial 'The People vs Muhammad', comes the new book series which will equally, and undoubtedly, set the Islamic world on fire... once again. 'Questions that Islam can't answer' is the multipart series which asks the embarrassing questions that Muslims will find impossible to answer. Researched entirely using a wide spectrum of certified Islamic sources, this series turns the tables on the Islamic world, by placing the burden of proof on all Muhammadans. As every Muslim on the planet insists, Islam is allegedly the most perfect and faultless religion which apparently provides the irrefutable answers to life's questions. In volume one, J.K Sheindlin puts this assertion to the test by asking the most heretical, politically-incorrect and palpitation-inducing arguments that no Muslim will dare answer. Without a doubt, this series will be the ultimate source of embarrassment for the Islamic nation, especially when Muslims will not be able to answer the following questions regarding their 'holy' texts... Why are Muslims and Muhammad going to hell? Why is there no salvation in Islam? Why is there absolutely no proof Muhammad existed? Why has the Quran been corrupted? Why is there no proof Mecca existed in Muhammad's time? Why is there no evidence of Islam after Muhammad died? Why is Islam incapable of progression? Why does Sharia law fail everyone? Why does the oldest Quran negate '72 wide-eyed virgins' with 'grapes'? And much, much more... Factually written, and often humorous, the long list of compelling and unanswerable questions are guaranteed to have your Muslim friends gnashing their teeth and cursing their prophet for years to come. Designed to be an easy read and accessible for people of all ages, 'Questions that Islam can't answer' will provide all the fun and embarrassing facts for all your Muslim friends

World Report 2019

Book Description

The best country-by-country assessment of human rights. The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. Reflecting extensive investigative work undertaken by Human Rights Watch staff, in close partnership with domestic human rights activists, the annual World Report is an invaluable resource for journalists, diplomats, and citizens, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the fight to protect human rights in every corner of the globe.

Striking a Balance

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Book Description

Because social media and technology companies rule the Internet, only a digital constitution can protect our rights online.

To Tell You the Truth

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Freedom in the World 2012

Book Description

A survey of the state of human freedom around the world investigates such crucial indicators as the status of civil and political liberties and provides individual country reports.