Central Banking Technical Assistance to Countries in Transition

Book Description

This book, edited by J.B. Zulu, Ian S. McCarthy, Susana Almuiña, and Gabriel Sensenbrenner, presents the proceedings of the special Joint Meetings on Central Banking Technical Assistance held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1994, and provides detailed information on important issues in central banking, including a comparative sample of 31 countries. The arrangements concerning such issues as the size and composition of the policymaking board, the role of the central bank in monetary and exchange rate policy, resolution of conflict between the central bank and the government, public accountability, relations with the markets, and credit to the government are reviewed.

IMF Technical Assistance

Book Description

An introductory guide to the IMF's technical assistance. Providing technical assistance to member countries--particularly developing countries and countries in transition--is at the core of the IMF's mission. Technical assistance, which includes training for government and central banks officials, is one of the benefits of IMF membership. It complements and enhances the IMF's other key forms of assistance, i.e., surveillance and lending. The IMF provides technical assistance mainly in its areas of expertise and responsibility; fiscal policy, monetary policy, and macroeconomic and financial statistics.

Central Bank Reform in the Transition Economies

Book Description

Since 1992, the central banks of the Baltic states and the Commonwealth of Independent States have undertaken comprehensive reform of their monetary and exchange arrangements in support of their stabilization efforts. Their efforts have been supported by extensive technical assistance provided by the IMF and 23 central banks. This book edited by V. Sundararajan, Arne B. Peterson, and Gabriel Sensenbrenner, contains the background papers prepared for the second joint coordinating meeting of participants. That meeting focused on the progress of structural reforms in central banking and bank restructuring and identified priorities for the deepening of reforms. The book documents the remarkable progress achieved by the Baltic and CIS central banks and the catalytic role they have played in financial market development.

Economies in Transition

Book Description

The Latin American Development Forum promotes debate and disseminates knowledge and analysis on economic and social development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Institutional Sponsors of this series are the World Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). The transition economies of the Europe and Central Asia Region faced unprecedented political, economic, and social change after me break-up of the Soviet Union. With assistance from the World Bank and other donors, many countries quickly accomplished a number of reforms, but progress in others has been slower. Much has been achieved--"the private share of GDP in the transition countries is nearly 70 percent, and 8 countries have joined the EU--"but much remains to be completed.

Report on the Technical Assistance Evaluation Mission to Transition Economies - Albania and Georgia

Book Description

This evaluation of technical assistance (TA) and training in statistics looks at the experience of two transition economies, Albania and Georgia, during roughly the period 2005–2010. The TA, including the training, to these countries covered all the topical areas on which the IMF’s Statistics Department’s (STA) focuses, i.e., national accounts, price statistics, and monetary, balance of payments and government finance statistics, albeit with differing emphases between the two countries. Part of the assistance was funded directly from the IMF’s budget, while other elements (in particular the peripatetic advisors) were financed externally, in these cases by the Japanese government.

Moving Beyond Assistance

Book Description

This Report provides a thoughtful and broad-ranging analysis of Western assistance to transition in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Hungary and Poland. The Report also gives a list of concrete and practical recommendations which deserve to be carefully studied by decision-makers in both donor partner countries and recipient partner countrie

Страны с переходной экономикой : содействие Всемирного банка: оценка ДООД

Book Description

The transition economies of the Europe and Central Asia Region faced unprecedented political, economic, and social change after the break-up of the Soviet Union. With assistance from the World Bank and other donors, many countries quickly accomplished a number of reforms, but progress in others has been slower. Much has been achieved - the private share of GDP in the transition countries is nearly 70 percent, and 8 countries have joined the EU - but much remains to be completed. 'Economies in Transition' assesses the effectiveness of Bank assistance to the transition, focusing particularly on five topics: 1) private sector development; 2) governance, public sector management, and institution-building; 3) the financial sector; 4) social protection; and 5) energy. Overall Bank assistance has been successful, but there were mistakes before the true nature of transition was fully understood. The Bank internalized the emerging lessons and shifted its emphasis accordingly. This study highlights the importance of lending at prudent levels until a solid knowledge base is established, with convincing evidence of government and societal ownership of the assistance program. It contends that analysis of governance and poverty monitoring should be early features of the assistance program, active programs of stakeholder inclusion should be widely replicated, and country assistance strategies used to bolster reform capacity.

Evolving Monetary Policy Frameworks in Low-Income and Other Developing Countries

Book Description

Over the past two decades, many low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) have improved control over fiscal policy, liberalized and deepened financial markets, and stabilized inflation at moderate levels. Monetary policy frameworks that have helped achieve these ends are being challenged by continued financial development and increased exposure to global capital markets. Many policymakers aspire to move beyond the basics of stability to implement monetary policy frameworks that better anchor inflation and promote macroeconomic stability and growth. Many of these LLMICs are thus considering and implementing improvements to their monetary policy frameworks. The recent successes of some LLMICs and the experiences of emerging and advanced economies, both early in their policy modernization process and following the global financial crisis, are valuable in identifying desirable features of such frameworks. This paper draws on those lessons to provide guidance on key elements of effective monetary policy frameworks for LLMICs.