Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Historical Series).

Book Description

Contains transcripts of certain Senate Foreign Relations Committee executive session hearings and minutes of Senate Foreign Relations Committee executive sessions held from Jan. 14 through Aug. 1, 1953. Transcribed hearings are. a. Briefing on NATO readiness. Jan. 19, 1953. pages 3-28. Includes discussion of expectations for development of European Coal and Steel Community, and European Defense Community. born Review of committee nomination procedures. Jan. 28, 1953. pages 35-59. c. Loyalty-security problems in the State Dept. Feb. 5, 1953. pages 65-108. d. Briefing on Korean War military strategies by JCS Chairman. Feb. 10, 1953. pages 111-137. Includes discussion of Chinese coast naval blockade proposal and Taiwanese military capabilities. e. Summary of State Dept briefing given to the Subcommittee on Far Eastern Affairs. Feb. 13, 1953. pages 139-143. f. Soviet persecution of minorities. Feb. 23, 24, 1953. pages 145-165. g. Resolution to repudiate wartime agreements with the Soviet Union and to protest Soviet subjugation of Eastern Europe and Far Eastern nations, Feb. 26, Mar. 3, 1953. pages 167-201, 217-246. h. Nomination of Charles E. Bohlen to be Ambassador to Soviet Union. Mar. 2, 25, 1953. pages 203-215, 269-278. Restores deletions made to published 1953 hearings. i. Briefing on Soviet international influence and activities. Mar. 5, 1953. pages 247-267. Includes discussion of impact of Stalin's death. j. Briefing on NATO. Apr. 1, 1953. pages 281-286. Restores deletions made from executive session testimony of Gen. Gruenther. k. Briefing by French Defense Minister Rene Pleven. Apr. 13, 1953. pages 289-308. Includes discussion of French ratification of European Defense Community agreements, NATO, and French Indochina War. leaves NATO and Far East policies. Apr. 17, 1953. pages 309-330. Includes discussions of prospects for French and German ratification of European Defense Community agreement and Korean War armistice and reunification negotiations. m. NATO agreements on aircraft production, airfield construction, and levels of military forces Apr. 28, 1953. pages 335-567. Includes discussions of European reaction to Soviet foreign policy revision and foreign aid mutual security programs FY54 authorization. n. Austrian Treaty on withdrawal of Soviet and Allied Forces, and NATO Council meeting, Apr. 29, 1953. pages 369-395. o. Mutual Security Act of 1953 (Mark-Up). May 19, June 5, 9, 10, 12, 1953. pages 407-433, 483-523, 527-579, 581-618, 621-648. Includes discussion of U.S.-Spain airbase negotiations and European Coal and Steel Community. pages Foreign aid program for Middle East. June 3, 1953. pages 437-456. q. Foreign aid and mutual security programs. June 4, 1953. pages 459-482. r. Condemnation of Soviet union suppression of East Berlin workers' uprising, July 2, 1953. pages 653-656. s. Korean War armistice and reunification negotiations status. July 16, 1953. pages 661-687. t. Observations of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., on UN operations. July 23, 1953. pages 695-704. Includes discussion of UN nuclear arms control promotion.