Chance Discoveries in Real World Decision Making

Book Description

For this book, the editors invited and called for contributions from indispensable research areas relevant to "chance discovery," which has been defined as the discovery of events significant for making a decision, and studied since 2000. From respective research areas as artificial intelligence, mathematics, cognitive science, medical science, risk management, methodologies for design and communication, the invited and selected authors in this book present their particular approaches to chance discovery. The chapters here show contributions to identifying rare or hidden events and explaining their significance, predicting future trends, communications for scenario development in marketing and design, identification effects and side-effects of medicines, etc. The methods presented in this book are based on the interaction of human, machine, and human's living environment, rather than based purely automated predictions of the future. This is a promising direction of computer-supported decision of human in a radically changing environment.

Communications and Discoveries from Multidisciplinary Data

Book Description

This book collects selected papers by authors for CODATA 2006, which are relevant to the acquisition of knowledge and the assessment of risk and opportunity that comes from combining data from a number of different disciplines.

Data Mining for Design and Marketing

Book Description

Data Mining for Design and Marketing shows how to design and integrate data mining tools into human thinking processes in order to make better business decisions, especially in designing and marketing products and systems.The expert contributors discuss how data mining can identify valuable consumer patterns, which aid marketers and designers in de

Chance Discovery

Book Description

Chance discovery means discovering chances - the breaking points in systems, the marketing windows in business, etc. It involves determining the significance of some piece of information about an event and then using this new knowledge in decision making. The techniques developed combine data mining methods for finding rare but important events with knowledge management, groupware, and social psychology. The reader will find many applications, such as finding information on the Internet, recognizing changes in customer behavior, detecting the first signs of an imminent earthquake, etc. This first book dedicated to chance discovery covers the state of the art in the theory and methods and examines typical scenarios, and it thus appeals to researchers working on new techniques and algorithms and also to professionals dealing with real-world applications.

Advances in Chance Discovery

Book Description

Since year 2000, scientists on artificial and natural intelligences started to study chance discovery - methods for discovering events/situations that significantly affect decision making. Partially because the editors Ohsawa and Abe are teaching at schools of Engineering and of Literature with sharing the interest in chance discovery, this book reflects interdisciplinary aspects of progress: First, as an interdisciplinary melting pot of cognitive science, computational intelligence, data mining/visualization, collective intelligence, ... etc, chance discovery came to reach new application domains e.g. health care, aircraft control, energy plant, management of technologies, product designs, innovations, marketing, finance etc. Second, basic technologies and sciences including sensor technologies, medical sciences, communication technologies etc. joined this field and interacted with cognitive/computational scientists in workshops on chance discovery, to obtain breakthroughs by stimulating each other. Third, “time” came to be introduced explicitly as a significant variable ruling causalities - background situations causing chances and chances causing impacts on events and actions of humans in the future. Readers may urge us to list the fourth, fifth, sixth, ... but let us stop here and open this book.

Information Sciences 2007 - Proceedings Of The 10th Joint Conference

Book Description

This proceeding contains the cutting-edge research results in information science and technology, and their related technology. Recent scientific breakthroughs such as invisibility cloak and meta-materials, data mining techniques, advanced game playing in artificial intelligence, nano-technology, unlikely event probability, and fuzzy logic reasoning are just a few outstanding examples. Walter Freeman's 80th birthday celebration is another highlight of this proceedings, because this major event is attended by many leading scientists from around the world. Key speakers include Charles Falco, Water Freeman, Thomas Huang, Meyya Meyyappan, Lotfi Zadeh, Bernette Bouchon Meunier, Heather Carlson, Ling Guan, Etienne Kerre and John Mordes.

Innovators' Marketplace

Book Description

This book presents a powerful method for innovation that reinforces combinatorial and analogical thoughts, with interdisciplinary communications among stakeholders in the market. In this method called Innovators' Marketplace, two games - Innovators' Market Game and Analogy Game - accelerate the spiral of innovation with visualizing data on the connectivity of pieces of existing knowledge. Some players invent ideas by connecting and combining pre-existing knowledge, while others evaluate the ideas to decide whether or not to buy. In a joyful atmosphere created by the games, players look beyond resistance to criticism, as experiments real cases show. They will start thinking and talking about the best segment of the majority, latent requirements in the future market, and scenarios for satisfying those requirements. This process embodies the principle that an interdisciplinary combination of business actors and resources, possibly with the appearance of new actors, triggers innovation.

Trends in Applied Knowledge-Based Systems and Data Science

Book Description

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2016, held in Morioka, Japan, in August 2-4, 2016. The 80 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 168 submissions. They are organized in topical sections: data science; knowledge base systems; natural language processing and sentiment analysis; semantic Web and social networks; computer vision; medical diagnosis system and bio-informatics; applied neural networks; innovations in intelligent systems and applications; decision support systems; adaptive control; soft computing and multi-agent systems; evolutionary algorithms and heuristic search; system integration for real-life applications.

Decision Making in Complex Systems

Book Description

The study of complex systems attracts the attention of many researchers in diverse fields. Complex systems are characterized by a high number of entities and a high degree of interactions. One of the most important features is that they do not involve a central organizing authority, but the various elements that make up the systems are self-organized. Moreover, some complex systems possess an emergency priority: climate change and sustainable development research, studies of public health, ecosystem habitats, epidemiology, and medicine, among others. Unfortunately, a great number of today’s overlapping approaches fail to meet the needs of decision makers when managing complex domains. Indeed, the design of complex systems often requires the integration of a number of artificial intelligence tools and techniques. The problem can be viewed in terms of goals, states, and actions, choosing the best action to move the system toward its desired state or behavior. This is why agent-based approaches are used to model complex systems. The main objective of this book is to bring together existing methods for decision support systems creation within a coherent agent-based framework and to provide an interdisciplinary and flexible methodology for modeling complex and systemic domains.

Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing

Book Description

Welcome to the 12th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2009), held at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, India, during December 15-18, 2009. RSFDGrC is a series of conferences spanning over the last 15 years. It investigates the me- ing points among the four major areas outlined in its title. This year, it was co-organized with the Third International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2009), which provided additional means for multi-facetedinteractionofboth scientists andpractitioners.Itwasalsothe core component of this year's Rough Set Year in India project. However, it remained a fully international event aimed at building bridges between countries. The ?rst sectin contains the invited papers and a short report on the abo- mentioned project. Let us note that all the RSFDGrC 2009 plenary speakers, Ivo Düntsch, Zbigniew Suraj, Zhongzhi Shi, Sergei Kuznetsov, Qiang Shen, and Yukio Ohsawa, contributed with the full-length articles in the proceedings. The remaining six sections contain 56 regular papers that were selected out of 130 submissions, each peer-reviewed by three PC members. We thank the authors for their high-quality papers submitted to this volume and regret that many deserving papers could not be accepted because of our urge to maintain strict standards. It is worth mentioning that there was quite a good number of papers on the foundations of rough sets and fuzzy sets, many of them authored byIndianresearchers.ThefuzzysettheoryhasbeenpopularinIndiaforalonger time. Now, we can see the rising interest in the rough set theory.