Change and Continuity in Poland’s Environmental Policy

Book Description

This book takes a long-term view of environmental policy in Poland, which thus serves as an example to increase our understanding of environmental policy making in general in the former Eastern bloc countries. The perspective adopted also includes the pre-transition period, since the transformation process cannot be understood without reference to the preceding period. The book investigates the driving forces underlying policy changes, both prior to and after the transition, and identifies elements both of change and continuity - topics that have hitherto been neglected in the literature. A change of political system in Poland did not lead to a major change in the thrust of environmental policy: the policy makers adopted a cautious approach to new instruments and institutions during the transition period. What did change with the transition was the implementation aspect: the effectiveness of environmental policy increased dramatically after the abolition of socialism. The rule of law meant that the state administration and the polluters were subordinated to the legal system, thus increasing the power to environmental policy. Readership: Researchers and students interested in the environment and the countries in transition.

Environmental Protection in Transition

Book Description

This book takes an interdisciplinary look at environmental protection during Poland’s transition to market democracy. The contributors are recognised experts in their fields, making this an authoritative volume, combining the perspectives of economists, legal scholars, political scientists and sociologists.

Environmental Politics in Poland

Book Description

This text examines the development of the Polish environmental movement as a lens through which to understand the reconstruction of civil society and the adaptation of a social movement to new political institutions. The book focuses on the period between Solidarity's formation in 1980 and the first years after the establishment of a Solidarity-led government in 1989. It argues that environmental groups, as a form of independent collective action aimed at changing official policies and institutions, were part of the larger social transformations that undermined communist rule.

Environmental and Technology Policy in Europe

Book Description

This book contains six studies on various national environmental policies and environment -oriented technology policy systems in Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom, sandwiched between this introductory and a concluding chapter. These studies were conducted as part of the ENVINNO research project, "Towards an Integration of Environmental and Ecology-Oriented Technology Policy: Stimulus and Response in Environment Related Innovation Networks", which formed part of the Targeted Social and Economic Research (TSER) Programme of Directorate-General XII of the European Commission, now 1 Directorate-General for Research. We like to thank Mrs. Genevieve Zdrojewski of GD Directorate-General Research for her kind support of our research project. The project was carried out between 1998 and 2001 by research teams from the six countries. The co-ordinating institute was the Department of Environmental Economics and Management at the Vienna University of 2 Economics and Business Administration. At this place we want to mention all researchers involved in the ENVINNO project and we want to thank them all for their contributions to this book and the project and for the good time we have had performing the project and meeting each other at regular intervals in Vienna (A), Enschede (NL), Berlin (D), and Sevilla (E). Department of Environmental Economics and Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration in Austria: • Univ. Prof. Dr. Uwe Schubert, • Mag. Judith Kock, • Mag. Jiirgen Mellitzer, 1 Under contract-number SOEI-CT98-110S. 2 The project website is

Transnational Politics of the Environment

Book Description

A study of the effect of EU membership on Central and Eastern European environmental policy and the interplay of political incentives and industry behavior that determines policy In Transnational Politics of the Environment, Liliana Andonova examines the effect of the Europen Union (EU) on the environmental policies of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Compliance with EU environmental regulations is especially onerous for Central and Eastern European countries because of the costs involved and the legacy of pollution from communist-era industries. But Andonova argues that EU integration has a positive impact on environmental policies in these countries by exerting a strong influence on the environmental interests of regulated industries. With her empirical study of chemical safety and air pollution policies from 1990 to 2000, she shows that export-competitive industries such as the chemical industry that would benefit from economic integration have an incentive to adopt EU norms. By contrast, industries such as electric utilities that primarily serve the domestic market remain opposed to EU environmental standards and must be prodded by their own governments to implement environmental-protection measures. These differences in domestic interests greatly influence the course of reforms and the adoption of EU standards. Transnational Politics of the Environment challenges the current focus on intergovernmental cooperation between East and West by highlighting the roles of industries, transnational norms, and domestic institutions in promoting change in environmental regulation. It offers a generalizable framework for understanding the politics of environmental regulation in emerging market economies, and helps bridge the divide between the study of domestic and international environmental politics.

Political Modernisation and the Environment

Book Description

Recent years have witnessed a substantial change in both the organisation and substance of environmental policy, both national and international. Western societies have seen a change in the relationships between the state, the market, and civil society, leading to new conceptions of governance, a process here called political modernisation that gives rise to the institutionalisation of new policy arrangements. An environmental policy arrangement refers to the organisation and substance of a policy domain in terms of policy coalitions, policy discourses, rules of the game, and resources. The book uses these theoretical notions to analyze changes in organisation, substance and governance in several environmental policy domains, such as infrastructure policies, global policies on climate change and biodiversity, green planning, and agriculture policy. Changing relationships between the state, the market and civil society, caused by processes of globalization, privatisation and individualisation, have resulted in a plurality of policy arrangements in different domains. Despite the fact that environmental politics has been substantially renewed, there is a delicate balance between traditional and new policy arrangements. One of the main themes of the book is the explanation of this balance.

The Handbook of Environmental Voluntary Agreements

Book Description

Here is a practical reference which provides common methodologies, implementation rules and evalutation criteria for researchers, policy makers and business operators in the use of environmental voluntary agreements between regulators and polluters The book takes into account the variety of forms and application situations characterizing this environmental policy instrument, illustrating methodologies, implementation rules and evaluation criteria for researchers, policy makers and business operators.