Part-Time Prospects

Book Description

The growth in part-time employment has been one of the most striking features in industrialized economies over the past forty years. Part-Time Prospects presents for the first time a systematically comparative analysis of the common and divergent patterns in the use of part-time work in Europe, America and the Pacific Rim. It brings together sociologists and economists in this wide-ranging and comprehensive survey. It tackles such areas as gender issues, ethnic questions and the differences between certain national economies including low pay, pensions and labour standards.

Women's Employment in Europe

Book Description

Based on extensive original research, this volume examines contemporary patterns of womens employment in Europe in the context of the profound economic, social and cultural changes that have taken place in recent years. It considers the progress made towards equal treatment in the labour market in the light of European Union action programmes, and examines the prospects for womens employment under the fourth action programme. The authors conclude that progress towards equal treatment will only occur when gender issues are fully integrated into the European Commissions employment and labour market policies.

La actividad laboral femenina en el sur de Europa / Women and the labour market in the southern countries

Book Description

La penetración de las tecnologías de la información en los diversos ámbitos de la vida cotidiana está produciendo profundos cambios en todos los sectores; en algunos, particularmente en la televisión digital, se están viviendo momentos decisivos que conformarán un nuevo sistema comunicativo social. En este contexto, las televisiones locales serán unos agentes privilegiados para la formación de ese nuevo sistema audiovisual más acorde con las sociedades actuales, pero para conseguirlo es necesario acabar con la situación de incertidumbre normativa en que la actitud errática de la administración les ha obligado a sobrevivir desde que hace ya veinte años aparecieron las primeras televisiones locales en nuestro país. El libro hace un recorrido por la historia de la televisión, analizando el contexto socioeconómico, político y comunicativo en que se implantó y se ha venido desarrollando para caracterizar su momento actual. El texto se complementa con el informe detallado de la situación en que se encuentra el conjunto de las televisiones locales que operan en la provincia de Castellón, como muestra significativa de la crítica posición en que está el sector para afrontar la inminente transición a la TDT (televisión digital terrestre) que se le ha impuesto con tanta urgencia y que va acabar por determinar el equilibrio y la pluralidad de nuestro sistema comunicativo durante los próximos años y, en definitiva, el modelo de desarrollo futuro de nuestra sociedad.

Careers of Couples in Contemporary Society : From Male Breadwinner to Dual-Earner Families

Book Description

This is the first systematic international comparative study of the transformation of couples' careers in modern societies. The countries included are Germany, the Netherlands, the Flemish part of Belgium, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, and China. Using longitudinal data, this book explores what has and what has not changed for couples in various countries due to women's greater involvement in paid employment. It provides evidence that despite substantial improvement in women's educational attainment and career opportunities in all the countries studied, dimensions of role specialization in dual-earner couples have not undergone transformation to the same extent. Gender role change within the family has generally been asymmetric, so that housework and childcare primarily remain 'women's work'. There are, however, also significant institutional differences among modern societies which determine a country's timing, speed, and pattern of change from the traditional male breadwinner to the dual-earner family model. In particular, the impact of males' resources on their female partners' employment careers is dependent on the welfare state regime. In conservative and Mediterranean welfare state regimes, women's paid employment is negatively correlated with the occupational position of their husbands. In liberal welfare state regimes, no impact of husbands' resources on their wives' labour force participation could be detected. In the social democratic welfare state regime and generally in (former) socialist countries, husbands' resources have a positive effect on their wives' employment so that occupational resources cumulate in dual-earner families.

Women and European Employment

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive and up-to-date study of the contribution of women and men to changing European economic activity patterns covering all fifteen member states. Based on the work of the European Commission's network of experts on women's employment, it draws on both national and European data sources. The book links trends in the structures of employment with new comparative data on the role of systems of welfare provision in order to explore economic activity patterns by gender. Participation patterns of women still vary widely within Europe, so much attention is paid to the institutions - both in the labour market and welfare - which help to explain these variations.

Transformation of the Employment Structure in the EU and USA, 1995-2007

Book Description

This collection describes the changing structure of employment during the period of robust employment expansion that preceded the credit crunch and features contributions from a team of leading labour market researchers from Europe and the United States.