Channel Surfing the Bible

Book Description

Two thousand years ago, a simple man walked this planet with a simple message. They called him Jesus. His was a message of radical exclusion in a world he called the Kingdom of God. He spoke in parables grounded in common, everyday experiences, parables about yeast and leavened bread, weeds and mustard seeds, fishing nets and pearls. In the Kingdom of God, everyone was equal and differences made no difference. But the world couldnt handle such an outrageous message. Whoever heard of a world where differences make no difference? Of course, they make a difference. So they dangled him from a cross for all the world to take note. After his death, they honored him with a title, the Christ, and began a whole new religion in his name. But for two thousand years far too many have been dishonoring him by misrepresenting his message. His message of radical inclusion has been twisted and contorted into a message that far too many of his followers use to sanction that which he came to overcome. Instead of eliminating distinctions between insiders and outsiders, pure and impure, clean and unclean, his message has been used to perpetuate sexism, racism, age-ism, homophobism, imperialism, and all the other -isms that stand in the way of radical inclusion. All this has happened so gradually, literally over centuries if not millennia through crusty old doctrines, dogma, and creeds that very few have even noticed. Christianity has become fat and happy, just like the frog in the Parable of the Boiling Frog. You stick a frog in a vat of boiling water, and it will struggle with all its might to escape an otherwise certain death. But if you stick a frog in a vat of lukewarm water and ever so gradually keep warming it one degree at a time, the frog will grow comfortable in the increasing warmth of its environment until, before he realizes it, he has been boiled. Two thousand years later, it is time to set the record straight; time to return to Jesus simple message through the common, ordinary experiences of today. In the biblical witness, Moses wandered in the wilderness for forty years; Jesus, for forty days. So, too, shall we wander by channel surfing through forty chapters of scripture. From Adam and Eve to Ricky Nelsons Garden Party at Madison Square Garden; from the Book of Jobs Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar to The Three Stooges; from Matthews and Lukes nativity scenes to Larry, Darryl, and Darryl of The Bob Newhart Show; from the temptation stories and Jesus wandering in the wilderness to American Bandstand, the Temptations, and Dion & the Belmonts The Wanderer; from Pilate and Herod cross-examining Jesus to Judge Wapner and Judge Judy; from atonement theology to Lets Make a Deal, it is time to paint our antiquated parables with a more contemporary brush; in so doing, it is time to turn Jesus simple message into a profound reality. Onward, radical inclusion! On to the Kingdom of God. In the immortal words of Bart Simpson, Surfs up, dude.

Deceiving the Elect - Quickening Dreams

Book Description

A quiet book about how an intensely deceptive movement can begin, with its almost innocent origins buried deeply in the hopes and fears of good people. Quickening Dreams is the first book in the Deceiving the Elect series, introducing us to a cast of quirky, lovable characters, both good and bad. This book speaks to that growing feeling of uncertainty, deep in your heart, where you are beginning to question the reality of this world, and the religion your parents taught you. In distant echoes you are beginning to hear the still, small voice, and perhaps you are one of the very few that is having odd dreams, dreams that seem to waken you, and bring you to life.

Life in the Heart of God

Book Description

You are a spiritual being, having a human experience. Do you have a clear sense of that reality? Do you believe that you are a spiritual being? For thirty years, I have been a pastor within a traditional church, one that is both progressive in its thinking and firmly rooted in love and grace. News flash! Those within traditional churches and those outside church of any kind are often confused, uncertain, and detached from what I call relevant faith. Do you describe yourself as a person of faith? If the answer is yes or if the answer is no, Life in the Heart of God will take you on a journey that will clarify what you do believe and what you do not believe. Most importantly, you will gain insight and affirmation related to your true divine identity. Growing up in a churchgoing family or simply attending church does not guarantee that your faith will be relevant in your daily life. For faith to be relevant, it must make sense. When faith is relevant in your daily life, who you are, whose you are, and the purpose of your life becomes clear. Remembering who you are, who you truly are, is of great importance. Alone, the physical world that is finite obscures your ability to see the infinite, and you easily fall victim to your fears. When you are able to understand your life on this earth to be a progressive journey from divine light to divine light, you will enter your personal spiritual dawn and awaken to life in and from the heart of God. Home!

The Macintosh Bible

Book Description

The original Macintosh reference. 1.1 million copies in print. Covers through Mac OS 9.2.1 and Mac OS X 10.1.

Partnering with God

Book Description

God has an epic plan for the flourishing of all people and places. Want to join in? Partnering with God will help you find your place in that quest as we join in building God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Mission is no spectator sport, and God invites our participation in the millennia old story of the missio Dei. Lynette Edge and Gregory Morgan have lived and taught mission within The Salvation Army for many years. In these pages, they offer a missiological framework and practice in the West today from a Salvation Army perspective. You will be challenged in these pages to think and live missionally. We are called to join a profound partnership with God to bring about the world as it was intended to be. Are you in?

Return to Forever

Book Description

Once you complete this journey your eyes will be open FOREVER! - MIA CALABRESE The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary, and even humble individual -M.Scott Peck.... Nino Jones, an elderly homeless man from New York City, agrees to join a group of Heavenly mercenaries who are risking their eternities to pull off one of the most heroic challenges of all time. The target is Satan himself, and the future of the entire civilized world hangs in the balance. Follow Nino as he tours the magnificant Kingdom of Forever, the devastation of the Outerdarkness, and the absolute horrors of Hell. Listen as he learns about the origins of the cosmos and the meaning of human existence from such characters as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., Pontius Pilate, King Solomon, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Malcolm X, Virgin Mary, and many others. Flee with Nino through the streets of Manhattan as he is pursued by demons who are trying to prevent him from delivering his holy message, the truth about who we are, where we come from, and why we must RETURN TO FOREVER!

Emerging Hope

Book Description

How do we "do" church in this era of cynicism? Jimmy Long looks at the connections between postmodernism and the emerging generations--GenXers and millennials--highlighting implications for evangelism and discipleship. Here is a hopeful strategy for ministry that will appeal to a generation starved for belonging.

Plugged-In Parenting

Book Description

Plugged-In Parenting comes at a time when parents find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They want to protect their children from the increasingly violent and sexualized content of movies, TV, the Internet, and music as well as cyberbullying and obsessive cell phone texting. But they fear that simply "laying down the law" will alienate their kids. Can parents stay connected to the media while staying connected to God and to each other? This book makes a powerful case for teaching kids media discernment, but doesn't stop there. It shows how to use teachable moments, evidence from research and pop culture, Scripture, questions, parental example, and a written family entertainment constitution to uphold biblical standards without damaging the parent-child relationship.

The Longevity Bible

Book Description

Only a hundred years ago, people were lucky to live past forty. Now, modern medicine is striving to keep us alive well into our nineties. Based on his latest scientific discoveries, Dr. Small shows us how we can live longer, stronger, better lives by following simple guidelines such as cross-training our diets, maintaining a positive attitude, promoting stress-free living, and exercising our bodies and minds. With his Eight Essential Strategies, this invaluable book shows us how to live longer, empower ourselves, and remain healthy and fulfilled throughout our lives. Book jacket.

The Macintosh Bible

Book Description

The popular Macintosh Bible has been redesigned inside and out. A fresh and lively new crew of editors supplies the authoritative information readers need to choose the right Mac, make their systems purr, and get the most from the latest products and applications.