The Effect of Radiation on the Electrical Properties of Aluminum Gallium Nitride/Gallium Nitride Heterostructures

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AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors (HFETs) were irradiated at low temperature and the temperature dependent changes to drain current, gate current, capacitance, and transconductance were measured. The results were compared to the charge control model of the drain current and trap-assisted tunneling model of the gate current to determine the source of the radiation-induced changes. AlGaN/GaN HFETs demonstrated threshold voltage shifts and drain current changes after irradiation. After electron and neutron irradiation applied at ~80 K, measurement of the drain current at this temperature showed an increase that saturated after 10^13 electrons/cm^2 or 10^10 neutrons/cm^2 due to positive charge build-up in the AlGaN layer. Measurement at room temperature after low-temperature irradiation showed a decrease in drain current due to the build up of charged defects along the AlGaN-GaN interface that decrease the mobility in the 2DEG and hence decrease the current. Gate leakage currents increased after low temperature irradiation and the increase was persistent after room temperature annealing. The increased leakage current was attributed to trap-assisted tunneling after application of the trap-assisted tunneling model. Comparison of the model to post-irradiation vs. pre-irradiation data showed that the dominant parameter change causing increased gate current was an increase in trap concentration.

Fabrication, Performance and Degradation Mechanism of Aluminum Gallium Nitride/gallium Nitride Heterostructure Field-effect Transistors

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Tremendous efforts to realize the potential of Al-GaN/GaN HFETs have been made over the last decade focusing on improving microwave power performance via optimizing material growth and semiconductor processing technologies. As the device performance is getting mature, the device's reliability becomes a major concern for manufacturability of commercially available AlGaN/GaN HFETs. However, comprehensive study on the reliability of these devices is still lacking.

Gallium Nitride Processing for Electronics, Sensors and Spintronics

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Semiconductor spintronics is expected to lead to a new generation of transistors, lasers and integrated magnetic sensors that can be used to create ultra-low power, high speed memory, logic and photonic devices. Useful spintronic devices will need materials with practical magnetic ordering temperatures and current research points to gallium and aluminium nitride magnetic superconductors as having great potential. This book details current research into the properties of III-nitride semiconductors and their usefulness in novel devices such as spin-polarized light emitters, spin field effect transistors, integrated sensors and high temperature electronics. Written by three leading researchers in nitride semiconductors, the book provides an excellent introduction to gallium nitride technology and will be of interest to all reseachers and industrial practitioners wishing to keep up to date with developments that may lead to the next generation of transistors, lasers and integrated magnetic sensors.

Chemical Abstracts

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