Charlie Deleo

Book Description

Charlie DeLeo's lifelong devotion to keeping the Statue of Liberty's Flame burning bright is a story that will inspire young and old alike and anyone who values faith and freedom. (Practical Life)

The Leatherneck

Book Description

Raising the Curve

Book Description

Brookside Elementary in Norwalk, Connecticut, is preparing for a new school year and another chance to improve its failing scores on the statewide standardized test known as the CMT. The challenges are many, and for the faculty—whose jobs may depend on their students’ ability to improve on the test—the stakes are high. Ten-year-old Hydea is about to start fifth grade with second-grade reading skills. Her friend Marbella is only a little further along. In past years, these students would have received help from the literacy specialist Mrs. Schaefer. But this year, due to cutbacks and a change in job description, she will have to select the few students whom she and the teachers can bet on—the ones who are close to passing the exams. And, for added measure, Principal Hay has already asked his faculty to teach to the test. Journalist Ron Berler spent a full year at Brookside. In Raising the Curve, he offers a nuanced and personal portrait of the students, teachers, and staff who make up the Brookside community, capturing their struggles as well as their pride, resilience, and spirited faith.

Made for Living

Book Description

Based on newspaper columns written by the author between 1980 and 1985, this compilation of personal reflections brings to the reader a fresh and open perspective on those days and times. Incredibly timely, this book offers inspiration, encouragement, and the recognition of the beauty and wonder of ordinary, everyday life. From celebrating high school graduations to ruing the deterioration of good manners, from cherishing friendships to looking honestly at both the joys and difficulties of parenting, Linda's eye and voice are uniquely hers as a woman of faith, inviting the reader in with both common sense about and delight in everyday living.

Soul and the City

Book Description

Your City Guide to God Beneath the relentless rhythms of city life beats the heart of God, and award-winning author Marcy Heidish takes you into a more intimate relationship with him in the midst of crowds, chaos, and concrete. Her experiences from a curb in Brooklyn, the bay in San Francisco, a rooftop of Chartres Cathedaral in Paris, and the busy halls of Washington, D.C., help you see the city in a new light. She turns common city distractions, annoyances, and challenges into spiritual invitations or “gateways” to a new kind of contemplation where: •screaming sirens become cues to silent intercession, •skyscrapers, like spires, pull your eyes and thoughts heavenward, •and red traffic lights work as “pause” buttons that call for you to stop and pray. “In the city there is grit,” Marcy writes. And grime and garbage. But her practical tools in every chapter for reflection, discussion, and application help you see–whether you’re visiting, working, or dwelling in Philadelphia or Phoenix, New York or Los Angeles, Seattle or Syracuse–that in the city there is also grace.

Statue of Liberty, The (Spanish version)

Book Description

Como el monumento estadounidense que mejor representa la libertad y la independencia, la Estatua de la Libertad ha vigilado el Puerto de Nueva York desde hace decadas. Su firme mirada ha visto crecer al pa's desde sus dias de mero observador de los asuntos mundiales, hasta su constitucion en la nacion m's poderosa en el mundo. Su brazo levantado ha saludado a los innumerables barcos que han pasado frente a ella. Su grandeza ha dado la bienvenida tanto a los estadounidenses que regresaban a su hogar y ha dado esperanza a los recion llegados que iban en busca de un nuevo comienzo en el pa's de la libertad.

Statue of Liberty, The (French version)

Book Description

En tant que monument le plus profond repr'sentant la liberte et l'independance des Etats-Unis, La Statue de la Liberte domine le Port de New York depuis des decennies. Son regard fixe a vu le pays croitre d'un simple observateur des affaires mondiales " la nation la plus puissante du monde. Son bras leve a salu" de nombreux bateaux alors qu'ils passaient. Sa dignite a accueilli des Americains lorsqu'ils rentraient de l'etranger et elle a donne de l'espoir aux nouveaux venus -- la recherche d'une nouvelle vie dans le pays de la liberte

The Statue of Liberty

Book Description

The world's most famous sculpture, the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Enlightening the World, rises to a height of 305 feet from the base of her pedestal to the top of the golden flame of her torch. Conceived, designed, and originally built in France, she was unveiled on her new island home in 1886. The postcard trade, still in its infancy, embraced the icon, and Miss Liberty's commanding figure soon appeared on millions of postcards. In this book, one will see the statue from many angles--profiles, long shots, close-ups, aerials, torch views, and more.

Liberty Falling

Book Description

Anna Pigeon is in Manhattan to look after her hospitalized sister, and explores the Statue of Liberty in her spare time. But when a teenage girl falls to her death from Liberty's ledge, Anna wonders if the suicide was actually a homicide-and begins an investigation that puts her in the line of fire.

The Ellis Island Snow Globe

Book Description

In The Ellis Island Snow Globe, Erica Rand, author of the smart and entertaining book Barbie’s Queer Accessories, takes readers on an unconventional tour of Ellis Island, the migration station turned heritage museum, and its neighbor, the Statue of Liberty. By pausing to reflect on what is and is not on display at these two iconic national monuments, Rand focuses attention on whose heritage is honored and whose obscured. She also reveals the shifting connections between sex, money, material products, and ideas of the nation in everything from the ostensible father-mother-child configuration on an Ellis Island golf ball purchased at the gift shop to the multi-million dollar July 4, 1986 Liberty Weekend extravaganza celebrating the Statue’s centennial just days after the Supreme Court’s un-Libertylike decision upholding the antisodomy laws challenged in Bowers v. Hardwick. Rand notes that portrayals of the Statue of Liberty as a beacon for immigrants tend to suppress the Statue’s connections to people brought to this country by force. She examines what happened to migrants at Ellis Island whose bodies did not match the gender suggested by the clothing they wore. In light of contemporary ideas about safety and security, she examines the “Decide an Immigrant’s Fate” program, which has visitors to Ellis Island act as a 1910 board of inspectors hearing the appeal of an immigrant about to be excluded from the country. Rand is a witty, insightful, and open-minded tour guide, able to synthesize numerous diverse ideas—about tourism, immigration history, sexuality, race, ethnicity, commodity culture, and global capitalism—and to candidly convey her delight in her Ellis Island snow globe. And pen. And lighter. And back scratcher. And golf ball. And glittery pink key chain.