Charms of the Gaels

Book Description

This unique collection of living spirituality, rising from the depths of Celtic Christianity, represents a hidden, oral tradition of greatest power and beauty, handed down through countless generations of Hebridean peasants. During his travels, Alexander Carmichael would visit the peasants in their huts, spending hours in front of their peat fires while they "intoned in a low, recitative manner" these poems and prayers. This is the most complete anthology of Celtic oral tradition ever assembled.

Charms, Charmers and Charming in Ireland

Book Description

• The first study of the full chronological range of Irish charms, from the Middle Ages until the present. • Includes survey articles, which give the reader a broad overview of major aspects of the subject. • Includes new discoveries in the field, information concerning which is not yet available elsewhere. • Includes articles dealing with folk medicine and traditional healing.


Book Description

List of members in each vol.

Call to Compassion

Book Description

Covering doctrine and the lived experience of the world's religious practitioners, Call to Compassion is a collection of stirring and passionate essays on the place of animals within the philosophical, cultural, and everyday milieus of spiritual practices both ancient and modern. From Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism, through the Abrahamic traditions, to contemporary Wiccan and Native American spirituality, Call to Compassion charts the complex ways we interact with the world around us.

By Land, Sea, and Sky

Book Description

This book is a selection of modernized, paganized prayers and charms from volumes one and two of Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica, intended for use by Druids, Celtic Reconstructionists, or others interested in Celtic spiritulaity. The Carmina Gadelica is a six volume collection of prayers, charms, and folklore from Scotland assembled around 1900 by Alexander Carmichael. This book represents modernized, re-paganized versions of selected prayers and charms from the first two volumes of the series. It is designed to be used by Celtic Polytheists, Druids, or anyone else interested in Celtic Spirituality. All original deity references have been replaced with the names of Irish gods, and the language has been modernized, but otherwise the content has been kept as true to the original as possible.

The Power of Words

Book Description

n medieval and early modern Europe, the use of charms was a living practice in all strata of society. The essays in this latest CEU Press publication explore the rich textual tradition of archives, monasteries, and literary sources. The author also discusses texts amassed in folklore archives and ones that are still accessible through field work in many rural areas of Europe.

The Gael

Book Description

The Charm of Ireland

Book Description