Chemical Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis II

Book Description

I have been privileged to witness and participate in the great growth of knowledge on chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis since 1939 when I entered graduate school in biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin Madison. I immediately started to work with the carcinogenic aminoazo dyes un der the direction of Professor CARL BAUMANN. In 1942 I joined a fellow graduate student, ELIZABETH CA VERT, in marriage and we soon commenced a joyous part nership in research on chemical carcinogenesis at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison. This collaboration lasted 45 years. I am very grateful that this volume is dedi cated to the memory of Elizabeth. The important and varied topics that are reviewed here attest to the continued growth of the fields of chemical car cinogenesis and mutagenesis, including their recent and fruitful union with viral oncology. I feel very optimistic about the application of knowledge in these fields to the eventual solution of numerous problems, including the detection and estimation of the risks to humans of environmental chemical carcinogens and re lated factors.

Chemical Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis II

Book Description

I have been privileged to witness and participate in the great growth of knowledge on chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis since 1939 when I entered graduate school in biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin Madison. I immediately started to work with the carcinogenic aminoazo dyes un der the direction of Professor CARL BAUMANN. In 1942 I joined a fellow graduate student, ELIZABETH CA VERT, in marriage and we soon commenced a joyous part nership in research on chemical carcinogenesis at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison. This collaboration lasted 45 years. I am very grateful that this volume is dedi cated to the memory of Elizabeth. The important and varied topics that are reviewed here attest to the continued growth of the fields of chemical car cinogenesis and mutagenesis, including their recent and fruitful union with viral oncology. I feel very optimistic about the application of knowledge in these fields to the eventual solution of numerous problems, including the detection and estimation of the risks to humans of environmental chemical carcinogens and re lated factors.

Chemical Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis I

Book Description

I have been privileged to witness and participate in the great growth of knowledge on chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis since 1939 when I entered graduate school in biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin Madison. I immediately started to work with the carcinogenic aminoazo dyes un der the direction of Professor CARL BAUMANN. In 1942 I joined a fellow graduate student, ELIZABE1H CAVERT, in marriage and we soon commenced a joyous part nership in research on chemical carcinogenesis at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison. This collaboration lasted 45 years. I am very grateful that this volume is dedi cated to the memory of Elizabeth. The important and varied topics that are reviewed here attest to the continued growth of the fields of chemical car cinogenesis and mutagenesis, including their recent and fruitful union with viral oncology. I feel very optimistic about the application of knowledge in these fields to the eventual solution of numerous problems, including the detection and estimation of the risks to humans of environmental chemical carcinogens and re lated factors.

Chemical Carcinogens & Dna

Book Description

First published in 1979, Chemical Carcinogenesis and DNA is an essential guide to the relationship between mutagens, carcinogens and our own genetic makeup. Covering a range of associated topics, this volume provides information that would prove most beneficial for practitioners of medicine and students alike.

Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Testing

Book Description

Cancer has become the most critical health problem in the United States. It is expected that 25% of the people will develop this dread disease, and many of these will die from the malady. The causes of cancer are varied, but the best estimate available is that 70--90% arise from environmental factors. These statistics have triggered widespread governmental action along two lines: (l) An effort to identify those chemicals and conditions that give rise to malignant processes has been mounted by the Carcino genesis Testing Program, the National Cancer Program, and subse quently, the National Toxicology Program. (2) Regulatory laws have been enacted that are administered by agencies such as TSCA, FIFRA, EPA, FDA, OSHA, and so on, whose mission is to minimize public ex posure to carcinogens. Since direct verification that specific chemicals induce cancer in hu of unanticipated expo mans is necessarily limited to known incidences sure and is therefore rare, most chemicals are identified as carcinogens only by laboratory experiments. At present, the only accepted procedure is long-term animal bioassay, and not only are these studies expensive and time-consuming, but current worldwide resources permit the evalua tion of only 300-400 chemicals per year, a miniscule amount compared to what is available in the commercial world: 30,000 existing chemicals, with approximately 700 new such materials being introduced every year.

Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis

Book Description

but also the possibility of intervention in specific stages. In Human behavior, including stress and other factors, plays an important role in neoplasia, although too little is known addition, variables which affect cancer development as well on the reasons for such development. Carcinogens, which as some endogenous factors can be better delineated help initiate the neoplastic process, may be either synthetic through such investigations. The topics of this volume encompass premalignant non or naturally-occurring. Cancer causation may be ascribed to invasive lesions, species-specific aspects of carcinogenicity, certain chemicals, physical agents, radioactive materials, viruses, parasites, the genetic make-up of the organism, and radiation, viruses, a quantum theory of carinogenesis, onco bacteria. Humans, eumetazoan animals and vascular plants genes, and selected environmental carcinogens. are susceptible to the first six groups of cancer causes, whe reas the last group, bacteria, seems to affect only vascular plants. Neoplastic development may begin with impairment ofJmdy defenses by a toxic material (carcinogen) which acts as an initiator, followed by promotion and progression to an overt neoplastic state. Investigation of these processes Series Editor Volume Editor allows not only a better insight into the mechanism of action Hans E. Kaiser Elizabeth K. Weisburger vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Inspiration and encouragement for this wide ranging project on cancer distribution and dissemination from a comparative biological and clinical point of view, was given by my late friend E. H. Krokowski.

Comparative Oncology

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