Child Protection Policies in Egypt

Book Description

This study seeks to provide a critical analysis of child protection policies in Egypt and examine whether these policies are based on the rights-based model of child protection that is embodied in the Convention for Child Rights (CRC). It identifies the ways in which these policies fail to link child rights and child protection and thus are unable to provide integrated and accessible services that meet children's needs. Cairo Papers in Social Science 30:1

Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems

Book Description

"cross the spectrum of political ideologies there is, in principle, widespread agreement that the state has a legitimate role in protecting children from harm. Even the Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman (1962), among the most ardent liberal supporters of the laissez faire philosophy, recognized this "paternalistic" function of government. At the same time, the traditional view of children, that they are the property of the father (pater) or the parents, is under pressure (Zelizer, 1994; James & Prout, 1997; Archard 2004). Societies are at an intersection when it comes to how children are treated and how their rights are respected, which creates tensions in the traditional relationship between the family and the state. Children are a focus of government responsibility under certain state-defined norms relating to harm and need. And parents are sometimes constrained by the state from exercising their (familial or property) rights under state-defined criteria of harm and need"--

Towards a Child-friendly Justice System in Egypt Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

Book Description

This report analyses Egypt’s legal and policy framework and takes stock of the Egyptian Government’s efforts to co-ordinate child justice services and make the justice system in Egypt more child-friendly. It includes an analysis of specific design and delivery mechanisms of justice and support services based on the legal needs of children and identifies the roles, responsibilities and co-operation opportunities for relevant governmental stakeholders involved in child-friendly justice.

Institutional Reforms, Governance, and Services Delivery in the Global South

Book Description

This edited book explores the link between institutional reforms, governance and services delivery in the Global South, mapping how and to what extent resource-poor governments deliver public services to their citizens. The book concludes that delivery of public services responsibly and efficiently remains largely unachievable because of weaker institutions and poor quality of governance in the Global South countries. Reforms to governance and institutions are generally considered fitting measures to overcome public service delivery challenges.

Children's TV and Digital Media in the Arab World

Book Description

Who analyses children's screen content and media use in Arab countries, and with what results? Children, defined internationally as under-18s, account for some 40 per cent of Arab populations and the proportion of under-fives is correspondingly large. Yet studies of children's media and child audiences in the region are as scarce as truly popular locally produced media content aimed at children. At the very time when conflict and uncertainty in key Arab countries have made local development and diversification of children's media more remote, it has become more urgent to gain a better understanding of how the next generation's identities and worldviews are formed. This interdisciplinary book is the first in English to probe both the state of Arab screen media for children and the practices of Arabic-speaking children in producing, as well as consuming, screen content. It responds to the gap in research by bringing together a holistic investigation of institutions and leading players, children's media experiences and some iconic media texts.With children's media increasingly linked to merchandising, which favours US-based global players and globalizing forces, this volume provides a timely insight into tensions between differing concepts of childhood and desirable media messages.


Book Description

Context -- Overview of the juvenile justice system -- Arrest and transport -- Police lockups -- The child law : arbitrary enforcement and vague laws -- Institutional barriers to ensuring children's rights -- International standards -- Recommendations -- Appendix A. Selected articles from the child law and its executive statute -- Appendix B. Social inquiry report : short form -- Appendix C. Social inquiry report : long form -- Appendix D. United Nations rules for the protection of juveniles deprived of their liberty -- Acknowledgments.

Understanding the Public Sector in Egyptian Cinema: A State Venture

Book Description

In 1957 the public sector in Egyptian cinema was established, followed shortly by the emergence of public-sector film production in 1960, only to end eleven years later, in 1971. Assailed with negativity since its demise, if not earlier, this state adventure in film production was dismissed as a complete failure, financially, administratively and, most importantly, artistically. Although some scholars have sporadically commented on the role played by this sector, it has not been the object of serious academic research aimed at providing a balanced, nuanced general assessment of its overall impact. This issue of Cairo Papers hopes to address this gap in the literature on Egyptian cinema. After discussion of the role played by the public sector in trying to alleviate the financial crisis that threatened the film industry, this study investigates whether there was a real change in the general perception of the cinema, and the government’s attitude toward it, following the June 1967 Arab–Israeli war.

Egyptian Hip-Hop: Expressions from the Underground

Book Description

This ethnographic study of the Egyptian underground hip-hop scene examines the artists who collectively molded the scene and analyzes their practices and explores how these artists have interacted with and responded to political and social upheaval and change. It reveals how rappers approached and reformulated the genre in times of revolution and stasis to reveal how rap acts as a multi-layered form of expression. More specifically, it examines the location of the art form within the broader history of oppositional cultural expression in Egypt, outlining the artists' oppositions to various hegemonic structures and critically deconstructing them to reveal that they often reflect dominant ideology.

Criminal Law and the Rights of the Child in Muslim States

Book Description

By analyzing legislative and judicial actions in a selection of Muslim and non-Muslim States in relation to the rights of the child in criminal matters, this book identifies the possible harmonization between the obligations of international human rights law (e.g. the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child [UNCRC]) and the criminal justice systems within each State, particularly Islamic law (Sharia).The book features introductory chapters on child offenders in criminal law and Islamic law, and country reports (from rapporteurs) on Afghanistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Spain, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, as well as the UK. Among other issues, the book discusses: the definition of 'child' in criminal law * the rights for child offenders under international law (UNCRC, the Beijing Rules, etc.) * the rights of the child under Islamic regional instruments * Islamic law, as it relates to child offenders * the age of criminal liability * the death penalty * the role of the judiciary in criminal cases within Muslim jurisdictions. Theoretical and comparative research methods highlight that the position of Islamic law on the age of criminal liability and the legal rights of child offenders is nuanced, both through the way various ways Islamic criminal law is implemented and the role of the judiciary in expanding the protection of juvenile offenders.