Preventing Childhood Obesity

Book Description

Children's health has made tremendous strides over the past century. In general, life expectancy has increased by more than thirty years since 1900 and much of this improvement is due to the reduction of infant and early childhood mortality. Given this trajectory toward a healthier childhood, we begin the 21st-century with a shocking developmentâ€"an epidemic of obesity in children and youth. The increased number of obese children throughout the U.S. during the past 25 years has led policymakers to rank it as one of the most critical public health threats of the 21st-century. Preventing Childhood Obesity provides a broad-based examination of the nature, extent, and consequences of obesity in U.S. children and youth, including the social, environmental, medical, and dietary factors responsible for its increased prevalence. The book also offers a prevention-oriented action plan that identifies the most promising array of short-term and longer-term interventions, as well as recommendations for the roles and responsibilities of numerous stakeholders in various sectors of society to reduce its future occurrence. Preventing Childhood Obesity explores the underlying causes of this serious health problem and the actions needed to initiate, support, and sustain the societal and lifestyle changes that can reverse the trend among our children and youth.

Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence

Book Description

Obesity in childhood and adolescence has reached epidemic proportions in all industrialized countries around the world. Its impact on individual lives as well as on health economics has to be recognized by physicians and the public alike. Among the most common consequences of obesity in the adolescent are hypertension, dyslipidemia, back pain and psychosocial problems. Therapeutic strategies include psychological and family therapy, lifestyle/behavior modification and nutrition education. The role of regular exercise and exercise programs is emphasized. Surgical procedures and drugs used in adult obesity are still not generally recommended for obese adolescents. This book aims to increase physicians knowledge and understanding of obesity in childhood and adolescence as well as to further public awareness of the health burden and economic dimension of obesity at a young age. Several chapters deliver insights into the basic understanding of which factors contribute to or prevent the development of overweight and obesity in young people. Other contributions provide tools for the clinician to manage the care of the child and adolescent with overweight/obesity. In addition, knowledge from the latest scientific studies on the molecular biology of obesity is also presented.

Childhood Obesity

Book Description

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and continues to increase in prevalence in almost all countries in which it has been studied, including developed and developing countries around the globe. The causes of obesity are complex and multi-factorial. Childhood obesity becomes a life-long problem in most cases and is associated with long term chronic disease risk for a variety of diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, as well as psychosocial as issues and obesity seems to affect almost every organ system in the body. In recent years there has been tremendous progress in the understanding of this problem and in strategies for prevention and treatment in the pediatric years. Childhood Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Intervention Approaches presents current reviews on the complex problem of obesity from the multi-level causes throughout early life before adulthood and the implications for this for long-term disease risk. It reviews numerous types of strategies that have been used to address this issue from conventional clinical management to global policy strategies attempting to modify the global landscape of food, nutrition, and physical activity. Each chapter is written by a global authority in his or her respective field with a focus on reviewing the current status and recent developments. The book features information on contributing factors to obesity, including developmental origins, social/family, birth cohort studies, influence of ethnicity, and global perspectives. It takes a life-course approach to the subject matter and includes exhaustive treatment of contributing factors to childhood obesity, such as assessment, environmental factors, nutrition and dietary factors, host factors, interventions and treatment, consequences, and further action for future prevention. This broad range of topics relevant to the rapidly changing field of childhood obesity is suitable for students, health care professionals, physicians, and researchers.

A Parent's Guide to Childhood Obesity

Book Description

Research-based evidence informs this guide to understanding—and combating—childhood obesity. Addressing medical, emotional, and psychological factors, the sensible and tested guidelines help parents create balanced meals, encourage physical activity, and partner with pediatricians, family, schools, and child-care providers in their fight against obesity. A section on setbacks and detours addresses such challenges as sneaking food, snacking and grazing, and eating during the holidays. Self-assessment questionnaires, worksheets, and parent tips discuss age-specific obesity issues ranging from the prenatal period to age 21.

Local Government Actions to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Book Description

The prevalence of childhood obesity is so high in the United States that it may reduce the life expectancy of today's generation of children. While parents and other adult caregivers play a fundamental role in teaching children about healthy behaviors, even the most positive efforts can be undermined by local environments that are poorly suited to supporting healthy behaviors. For example, many communities lack ready sources of healthy food choices, such as supermarkets and grocery stores. Or they may not provide safe places for children to walk or play. In such communities, even the most motivated child or adolescent may find it difficult to act in healthy ways. Local governments-with jurisdiction over many aspects of land use, food marketing, community planning, transportation, health and nutrition programs, and other community issues-are ideally positioned to promote behaviors that will help children and adolescents reach and maintain healthy weights. Local Government Actions to Prevent Childhood Obesity presents a number of recommendations that touch on the vital role of government actions on all levels-federal, state, and local-in childhood obesity prevention. The book offers healthy eating and physical activity strategies for local governments to consider, making it an excellent resource for mayors, managers, commissioners, council members, county board members, and administrators.

Childhood Obesity in America

Book Description

Obesity among American children has reached epidemic proportions. Laura Dawes traces changes in diagnosis, treatment, and popular conceptions of the most serious health problem facing American children today, and makes the case that understanding the cultural history of a disease is critical to developing effective public health policy.

The Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Book Description

This title includes a number of Open Access chapters.Child obesity is a serious condition that affects children around the world in growing numbers. With obesity comes an increased risk of other chronic diseases as well, making it even more important to understand and treat this condition from a variety of angles. This current volume seeks to under

Childhood Obesity

Book Description

Childhood obesity has several early-onset adverse effects on all body organs and the metabolism. Moreover, as obesity tracks from childhood to adulthood, it can be an underlying factor for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, which are the worldwide leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Such chronic diseases can result from lifelong accumulation of some risk factors, including obesity. Therefore, sustained interventions are necessary to tackle the onset or progression of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is no more limited to high-income countries; it has a rapid growing trend in low and middle-come countries. In addition to genetic background, environmental disruptor chemicals and their epigenetic effects are of important underlying factors for the escalating trend of childhood obesity and the trans-generational aspects of obesity. It is noteworthy to consider the early life determinants of childhood obesity, including prenatal, perinatal and post-natal factors, are usually preventable. Dietary habits are formed in the first years of life; therefore it is of crucial importance to establish healthy habits from early life. Food industry, food environment, and social media are important factors influencing the food choices for families and their children. On the other hand, parents are the most important role models for lifestyle habits of their children. In addition to preventative measures, it is important to know how to manage excess weight in growing children, who need enough macro- and micronutrients for their growth, but need to have controlled food intake. Various family-based and school-based interventions are suggested in this regard. In addition to energy intake, it is essential to increase the energy expenditure by regular exercise. Most healthcare providers are not aware of appropriate physical activity for weight control in the pediatric age group. Sometimes the process of weight gain is not correctly prevented or controlled in children and adolescents, and they would suffer from morbid obesity necessitating surgical treatment. Limited evidence-based information is available about these aspects of childhood obesity. This book is written with collaboration of international experts with different scientific backgrounds, who contributed in gathering the updates and findings from their experience on how to deal with the complex factors related to childhood obesity. The main focus of this book is on providing updated information on all above-mentioned aspects related to childhood obesity. It is expected that researchers, health care providers, physicians, health decision makers, and families would find this book as a beneficial tool for implementing widespread measures for prevention and control of childhood obesity.

Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity

Book Description

Understanding the complex factors contributing to the growing childhood obesity epidemic is vital not only for the improved health of the world's future generations, but for the healthcare system. The impact of childhood obesity reaches beyond the individual family and into the public arenas of social systems and government policy and programs. Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity explores these with an approach that considers the current state of childhood obesity around the world as well as future projections, the most highly cited factors contributing to childhood obesity, what it means for the future both for children and society, and suggestions for steps to address and potentially prevent childhood obesity. This book will cover the multi-faceted factors contributing to the rapidly growing childhood obesity epidemic The underlying causes and current status of rapidly growing obesity epidemic in children in the global scenario will be discussed The strategies for childhood obesity prevention and treatment such as physical activity and exercise, personalized nutrition plans and school and community involvement will be presented

Childhood Obesity

Book Description

The consequences of childhood obesity are serious and far reaching, with both physical and psychological components that add to its complexity. Childhood Obesity: Contemporary Issues provides an up-to-date account of the increase of obesity in children, its causes, and its prevention. The expert editorial panel has chosen contributors with consider