China's Governance Puzzle

Book Description

The apparent contradiction between China's rapid economic reforms and political authoritarianism is much debated by scholars of comparative political economy. This is the first examination of this issue through the impact of a series of administrative reforms intended to promote government transparency and increase public participation in China.

China's Governance Puzzle

Book Description

China is widely viewed as a global powerhouse that has achieved a remarkable economic transformation with little political change. Less well known is that China's leaders have also implemented far‐reaching governance reforms designed to promote government transparency and increase public participation in official policymaking. What are the motivations behind these reforms and, more importantly, what impact are they having? This puzzle lies at the heart of Chinese politics and could dictate China's political trajectory for years to come. This extensive collaborative study not only documents the origins and scope of these reforms across China, but offers the first systematic assessment by quantitatively and qualitatively analyzing the impact of participation and transparency on important governance outcomes. Comparing across provinces and over time, the authors argue that the reforms are resulting in lower corruption and enhanced legal compliance, but these outcomes also depend on a broader societal ecosystem that includes an active media and robust civil society.

The Chinese Puzzle

Book Description

With fresh statistics and two new chapters, author Mike Falkenstine is proud to present the second edition of his book, The Chinese Puzzle. Falkenstine has felt a direct leading to help you understand China and her Church. There is much confusion. Does persecution exist? Can Christians in China worship freely? As a Westerner, how may I most effectively pray for and engage in China? Many people are confused by these questions and issues. China is like a huge puzzle, with many pieces and moving parts; it''s hard to identify all that is happening today in China. China is experiencing some monumental, head-spinning changes, and even the most discerning China analyst may find it daunting to keep up. Information flows from multiple sources, and much of it seems contradictory; this doesn''t facilitate our understanding of China and her church. There are also some in the West who pose as ''China Experts,'' even though they haven''t been to China in many years, they don''t speak the Chinese language, and they are therefore functioning with old paradigms which foster old stereotypes of China. In writing this book, Falkenstine hopes to give you many more pieces to the puzzle that may deepen your understanding of China and thereby Christianity in China. With many more pieces to the puzzle, he believes you will be able to pray more effectively for China, engage with what God is doing there, and see China from a much more balanced perspective. As we finish the first decade of the 21st century, the situation in China is ripe for increased Western engagement based on mutual understanding, and he hopes this book serves as a catalyst to strengthen and deepen that understanding. Chapter one presents a history of Christianity in China and the missionary past. We can learn many valuable lessons as we look at the missionary effort in 19th century China. In 1905, novelist George Santayana wrote, "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." The history of Chinese ministry has great relevance as we engage in China today. This chapter is virtually unchanged from the first edition, since events in the 19th century aren''t going to change much! Chapter two looks at the current trends that are changing China, from the inside out. These changes and developments are important for our understanding of China. This may be a surprising chapter, as you learn some of the groundbreaking efforts taking place, including the rapidly emerging Christian book publishing efforts that he details for the first time in the second edition. As you may know, the Chinese people have different social and moral standards than we have in the West. In Chapter three, we will examine these differences. If we want to understand China, we need to recognize their relational differences and social standards. Chapter three also investigates the Chinese view on legality and the Rule of Law. Chapter four examines what he calls the ''Persecution Myth'': the false belief that Christians in China continue to suffer massive persecution for their faith in Christ. Persecution does not happen as much as we may think, and we must change our paradigm. Westerners who live in China and work with the Chinese church know that persecution is no longer the headlining story. We will look at the reasons the myth continues to persist and the organizations who don''t want the myth to die. Chapter five was born out of the intense coverage some Western ministries and Christian media have been giving to one of Beijing''s over 3000 unregistered ''house'' churches. In travelling regularly to Beijing, he was hearing that most of Beijing''s Unregistered Churches were operating without interference with the Beijing government officials. What I found will quite possibly change your opinion of not only Beijing''s Unregistered Churches, but also Unregistered Churches nationwide. For anyone who wants to become actively involved in God''s work in China, Chapter six can become your guidebook for involvement. You can read about new opportunities to work transparently, a new ''industry standard'' of engagement, and a practical guide for getting started in China. Chapter seven will educate you on China''s Ethnic Minorities. What he found out what not only fascinating, but also has broadened my understanding of the overall work that God is doing in China and the obstacles that lie before us as we desire to impact China for Christ. One of the other keys to our understanding of modern-day China is being able to see China and life through the eyes of the Chinese themselves. Through his work with the China Resource Center, he talks to many Americans about China. Through these countless conversations, he can see the inaccuracies in people''s thoughts and perceptions about the lives of today''s Chinese. By painting with broad strokes, Chapter eight will clarify the overall picture of how the Chinese view their government, life and democracy. In Chapter nine, Falkenstine uses his twenty years of China service to give an overview of his work in China and an introduction to the work of the China Resource Center, including a great new project that they''ve engaged in since the first edition of this book. In Appendix A, you''ll find the complete text of the Ethical Foundations for China Service, created by a number of China ministry leaders at Fuller Seminary in June 2006. This document provides a standard of best practices in China, both for China-interested organizations and individuals. We hope that you may take the Foundations into your own organization, and use it as a discussion starter and a point of dialogue about most effective practices in China. It has proved to be an invaluable tool for many organizations and he''d recommend it to anyone or any organization just starting out in China.

The Chinese Puzzle

Book Description

China's Governance

Book Description

This book elucidates fundamental governance features and issues in contemporary China. While especially focusing on principal governance areas, it offers comprehensive coverage, capturing the dynamics of governance across vertical and horizontal connexions. The book is succinctly written and systematically addresses essential governance aspects that to date have only been dealt with separately and sporadically: state governance, the executive branch and administration, organization of production and approaches to production, and governance conventions and protocols. Further, it examines the evolution of governance practice in terms of both political and legal superstructure and economic base/infrastructure. Adopting a purely analytical approach and making no value judgments on the country’s social institutions and political systems, the book offers a vital resource to help readers grasp the complexities of governance in China.

China’s Long-Term Economic Development

Book Description

This book examines the evolution of Chinese governmental governance and its long-lasting impact on Chinese economic development, firstly by examining the formation of Chinese style governance, the core contents of this governance and its vitality compared to other governance patterns in Chinese history. Secondly, this book discusses the effectiveness of this governance in supporting economic development before the Song dynasty and its failure in serving economic development during the past three to five centuries. Ultimately, Hongjun Zhao predicts the direction Chinese governance will take in the next 20 years.

Rivalry and Response

Book Description

" Southeast Asia has become a hotbed of strategic rivalry between China and theUnited States. China is asserting its influence in the region through economic statecraft and far-reaching efforts to secure its sovereignty claims in the South China Sea, while the United States has promoted a Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy that explicitly challenges China's expanding influence—warning other countries that Beijing is practicing predatory economics and advancing governance concepts associated with rising authoritarianism in the region. In this timely volume, leading experts from Southeast Asia, Australia, and the United States assess these great power dynamics by examining the strategic landscape, domestic governance trends, and economic challenges in Southeast Asia, with the latter focusing especially on infrastructure. Among other findings, the authors express concern that U.S. policy has become too concentrated on defense and security, to the detriment of diplomacy and development, allowing China to fill the soft power vacuum and capture the narrative through its signature Belt and Road Initiative. The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the policy challenges for Washington as China recovers faster from the outbreak, reinforcing its already advantaged economic position and advancing its strategicgoals as a result. As the Biden administration begins to formulate its strategy for the region, it would do well to consider these findings and the related policy recommendations that appear in this volume. Much is at stake for U.S. foreign policy and American interests. Southeast Asia includes two U.S. allies—Thailand and the Philippines—important security partners like Singapore, and key emerging partners such as Vietnam and Indonesia. Almost 42,000 U.S. companies export to the 10 countries that comprise the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), supporting about 600,000 jobs in the United States, but America's economic standing is increasingly at risk. "

Convenient Criticism

Book Description

Why and how does critical reporting persist at the local level in China despite state media control, a hallmark of authoritarian rule? Synthesizing ethnographic observation, interviews, survey and content analysis data, Convenient Criticism reveals evolving dynamics in local governance and the state-media relationship. Local critical reporting, though limited in scope, occurs because local leaders, motivated by political career advancement, use media criticism strategically to increase bureaucratic control, address citizen grievances, and improve governance. This new approach to governance enables the shaping of public opinion while, at the same time, disciplining subordinate bureaucrats. In this way, the party-state not only monopolizes propaganda but also expropriates criticism, which expands the notion of media control from the suppression of journalism to its manipulation. One positive consequence of these practices has been to invigorate television journalists' unique brand of advocacy journalism.

Human Rights for Pragmatists

Book Description

An innovative framework for advancing human rights Human rights are among our most pressing issues today, yet rights promoters have reached an impasse in their effort to achieve rights for all. Human Rights for Pragmatists explains why: activists prioritize universal legal and moral norms, backed by the public shaming of violators, but in fact rights prevail only when they serve the interests of powerful local constituencies. Jack Snyder demonstrates that where local power and politics lead, rights follow. He presents an innovative roadmap for addressing a broad agenda of human rights concerns: impunity for atrocities, dilemmas of free speech in the age of social media, entrenched abuses of women’s rights, and more. Exploring the historical development of human rights around the globe, Snyder shows that liberal rights–based states have experienced a competitive edge over authoritarian regimes in the modern era. He focuses on the role of power, the interests of individuals and the groups they form, and the dynamics of bargaining and coalitions among those groups. The path to human rights entails transitioning from a social order grounded in patronage and favoritism to one dedicated to equal treatment under impersonal rules. Rights flourish when they benefit dominant local actors with the clout to persuade ambivalent peers. Activists, policymakers, and others attempting to advance rights should embrace a tailored strategy, one that acknowledges local power structures and cultural practices. Constructively turning the mainstream framework of human rights advocacy on its head, Human Rights for Pragmatists offers tangible steps that all advocates can take to move the rights project forward.