Oil In China: From Self-reliance To Internationalization

Book Description

This book examines the political and conceptual metamorphosis of China's oil industry from self-reliance to internationalization. Through the empirical case study of Daqing, the premiere oilfield of the People's Republic of China (PRC) for most of the postwar period and a symbol of industrialization as well as self-reliance, key historical developmental concepts and events are analyzed. Japan's role in stimulating the development of the China's oil industry will also be highlighted as the Japanese government and its business sectors emerged as a supplier of technology and equipment to the Chinese oil industry as well as China's first major oil customer in the early internationalization phase of the PRC's oil industry.

China's Quest for Self-reliance in Oil

Book Description

This project looks at how Fushun and Yumen's equipment, infrastructure and trained manpower were contributive to the People's Republic of China's (PRC) efforts in discovering and exploiting Daqing. To show the forms of continuity in the quest for self-reliance, particular attention is given to the three decades between 1931, with the annexation of Manchuria and the buildup of Fushun's oil shale facilities that would be useful for the postwar oil industry in China. Also analyzes important events in 1963, when Daqing achieved the ultimate goal of the Chinese oil industry: self-reliance. This periodization is crucial in studying the Chinese oil industry's transition through different regimes from Japanese-occupied Fushun/wartime Nationalist Yumen to the founding of the PRC oil industry, and the establishment of Daqing and oil self-reliance.

Oil in China

Book Description

The Chinese State, Oil and Energy Security

Book Description

Monique Taylor analyses the policy rationale and institutional underpinnings of China's state-led or neomercantilist oil strategy, and its development, set against the wider context of economic transformation as the country transitions from a centrally planned to market economy.

Chinese Oil Dependence: Opportunities and Challenges

Book Description

China's dependence on foreign energy sources to fuel its economic growth represents a new influence on her national strategy. Prior to 1993 China was self sufficient in oil production. By 2000 she was importing one million barrels of oil per day this represented one quarter of her petroleum needs. China is projected to be importing eight million barrels per day by 2020 this will represent 75% of her oil requirement. Like Japan in the 1930's a disruption in China's supply of oil; either through events unrelated to Chinese growth or contrived to slow the spread of her power in east Asia; would be viewed by China as a threat to her security and could precipitate a decisive response potentially involving armed conflict. Understanding why oil is so critical to China's national security and what China may do to secure sources of oil in the future will contribute to the western pacific security strategy of the United States. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how oil dependence is shaping China's security strategy identify recent steps China has taken to ensure her continued access to oil and recommend actions the United States should take in light of China's new dependence on foreign oil.

The Chinese Oil Industry

Book Description

The Chinese Oil Industry: History and Future presents a wealth of tables and figures with new data on Chinese fossil fuel production and consumption, together with a peak oil model to forecast future trends in energy supply and demand. Energy experts in China and the United States provide you with a unique overview of the entire Chinese oil industry. The authors discuss trends in production and consumption of global significance through to the middle of the 21st century, including the energy returned on energy invested (EROI) for China’s oil and gas. The role of oil in the industrialization of China is described as are four phases in the history of the Chinese oil industry. Detailed coverage of resources and exploration, pipeline development, refining and marketing, petroleum and natural gas pricing policies, and international cooperation is followed by consideration of conservation, renewable energy, and environmental impact. The authors also address the importance of coal and the probable future of coal production. - Offers a comprehensive view of the Chinese oil industry - Presents new and previously unpublished data - Covers history and future trends in production and consumption - Introduces a new peak oil model for China - Discusses EROI trend of oil and natural gas and its consequences for the Chinese economy - Written from an objective viewpoint by leading energy experts

China and the Global Energy Crisis

Book Description

. . . a very detailed and fascinating description of the development of China s oil and natural gas industry and an assessment of its prospects. . . certainly a recommended read. Anthony D. Owen, Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business . . . this book should be a part of the library of anyone interested in the Chinese energy system. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies This is a timely and important book to help enhance understanding of China s petroleum industry and to assess China s energy policy in a more sensible way. Janet Xuanli Liao, The China Journal This is a timely volume. Understanding the oil and gas industry that China has at home is an essential prerequisite to understanding Chinese foreign policy and the future role of China in world oil and gas markets. It is certain to be a major one. From the preface by Ron Oxburgh, Lord Oxburgh of Liverpool, (Climate Change Capital) China s rapid economic development is having profound implications for energy resources. China has always been exceptionally reliant on its abundant coal, but consumption of oil and gas have grown rapidly since reform began in the 1980s. In spite of vigorous domestic development most recently in the Tarim Basin China is now consuming approximately 8 per cent of the world s oil output but producing only 4 per cent. China s emergence as an energy importer has given rise to concerns that it is a major contributor to recent turmoil in energy markets. This book examines China s record of oil and gas development, its refining capacity, and energy prospects. The authors conclude that there are no fundamental reasons for anxiety about China s demands on the world energy economy, but they emphasize that its energy future will depend critically on a continuation of reform and internationalization. China and the Global Energy Crisis is a concise but detailed study of these issues. This book will appeal not only to readers concerned with China and energy issues, but also to a wider readership seeking to understand China s development and its global meaning.