Inflation Dynamics in Asia

Book Description

The perception that Asia's inflation dynamics is driven by idiosyncratic supply shocks implies, as a corollary, that there is little scope for a policy reaction to a build-up of inflationary pressures. However, Asia's fast growth and integration over the last two decades suggest that the drivers of inflation may have changed, and that domestic demand pressures may now play a larger role than in the past. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of inflation dynamics in Asia using a Global VAR (GVAR) model, which explicitly incorporates the role of regional and global spillovers in driving Asia's inflation. Our results suggest that over the past two decades the main drivers of inflation in Asia have been monetary and supply shocks, but also that, in recent years, the contribution of these shocks has fallen, whereas demand-side pressures have started to emerge as an important contributor to inflation in Asia.

Inflation in China

Book Description

Inflation plays a central role in macroeconomic and financial policy regulation, and its dynamic formation has gradually become a popular research topic in this field. This book comprehensively studies the dynamic mechanism of inflation in China from the perspective of New Keynesian economics. By combining the dynamic trajectory of price changes since China's reform and opening-up under Deng Xiaoping as well as the underlying economic operating characteristics, the book deploys a multifaceted approach to understand the mechanism of inflation dynamics. The author explores the microfoundations of inflation dynamics, and underlines their importance in the context of modern monetary policy. In particular, he builds upon the traditional New Keynesian Phillips curve to include factors of globalization and financialization within the inflation formation regime of modern China. As the book explores the dynamic mechanism of China's inflation from different perspectives including inflation cycle theory, price index internal conduction, price index chain transmission, capital rotation, and industry inflation mechanisms, international readers will gain a full understanding of China's inflation, monetary policy, and economy.

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Fall 2019

Book Description

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) provides academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research on current economic issues. Contents: All Medicaid Expansions Are Not Created Equal: The Geography and Targeting of the Affordable Care Act Craig Garthwaite, John Graves, Tal Gross, Zeynal Karaca, Victoria Marone, and Matthew J. Notowidigdo Policies and Payoffs to Addressing America’s College Graduation Deficit Christopher Avery, Jessica Howell, Matea Pender, and Bruce Sacerdote The Optimal Inflation Target and the Natural Rate of Interest Philippe Andrade, Jordi Galí, Hervé Le Bihan, and Julien Matheron Inflation Dynamics: Dead, Dormant, or Determined Abroad? Kristen J. Forbes Macri’s Macro: The Elusive Road to Stability and Growth Federico Sturzenegger Progressive Wealth Taxation Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman

Globalisation, Inflation and Monetary Policy in Asia and the Pacific

Book Description

The research papers presented at the conference covered the dynamics of inflation forecasts in the region; the measurement of economic slack; supply chains and inflation spillovers; financial globalisation and the role of exchange rate in monetary policy; global commodity price cycles and their monetary policy implications; and the role of inflation in China's monetary policy rule. This volume is a collection of the speeches, presentations and a background paper from the conference."--Abstract.

Price Dynamics in China

Book Description

Chinese inflation, particularly non-food inflation, has been surprisingly modest in recent years. We find that supply factors, including those captured through upstream foreign commodity and producer prices, have been important drivers of non-food inflation, as has foreign demand for Chinese goods. Domestic demand and monetary conditions seem less important, possibly reflecting a large domestic output gap generated by many years of high investment. Inflation varies systemically within China, with richer (and urban) provinces having lower, more stable, inflation, but this urban inflation also influence that in lower-income provinces. Higher Mainland food inflation also raises inflation in non-Mainland China.

Global Value Chain and Inflation Dynamics

Book Description

We study the inflationary impacts of pandemic lockdown shocks and fiscal and monetary stimulus during 2020-2022 using a novel harmonized dataset of sectoral producer price inflation and input-output linkages for more than 1000 sectors in 53 countries. The inflationary impact of shocks is identified via a Bartik shift-share design, where shares reflect the heterogeneous sectoral exposure to shocks and are derived from a macroeconomic model of international production network. We find that pandemic lockdowns, and subsequent reopening policies, were the most dominant driver of global inflation in this period, especially through their impact on aggregate demand. We provide a decomposition of lockdown shock by sources, and find that between 20-30 percent of the demand effect of lockdown/reopening is due to spillover from abroad. Finally, while fiscal and monetary policies played an important role in preventing deflation in 2020, their effects diminished in the recovery years.

China's Economic Slowdown and International Inflation Dynamics

Book Description

I fit a high-dimensional macroeconomic dataset of 41 countries to a factor-augmented vector autoregressive model to examine the role of the recent Chinese economic slowdown for international inflation dynamics. I identify Chinese supply and demand shocks and examine their contributions to international price indicators. My main findings are: (i) Impulse response analyses indicate that Chinese business cycle shocks and especially demand shocks significantly spill over to inflation rates in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania, mainly transmitted through global oil, commodity and manufacturing prices. (ii) The Chinese growth slowdown that started in 2012 can be attributed to a fall in aggregate Chinese demand and supply. (iii) Historical decompositions indicate that the fall in Chinese demand lowered national prices in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania by up to 12 percent from the third quarter of 2013 on.

Inflation Dynamics in Chinese Provinces

Book Description

China's swift economic development and share in global trade increasing rapidly imply a need to understand its inflation dynamics with internal and external pressures. While recent papers focus on inflation process analysis in the mainland of China by using a country-level data (see, e.g. Brandt & Zhu, 2000; Feyzioğlu & Willard, 2006; Porter, 2010), less attention has been paid to differences across China's jurisdictions. Thus, understanding of inflation dynamics and its interaction among the Chinese provinces are the important issues for central bank's monetary policy decisions. Firstly, considering the internal and external inflation pressures, I analyze the inflation dynamics among the CMU (Chapter 3). Secondly, because of the free flow of goods and internal migration across the country, I'm interested in analyzing the effect of inflation interaction among its provinces with internal and external pressures (Chapter 4). Finally, we combine the interest in the provincial variation in China's inflation dynamics with its characteristic of economic openness by estimating hybrid open-economy Phillips curves for the Chinese provinces(Chapter 5).