China-us Trade Frictions Shaping New Equilibriums With The Eu And The Us: Towards A New Multilateralism Or Tripolarism

Book Description

This book shows the impact of the recent trade tensions between China and the US on the world trade order, and how parties have reached a deal (so called 'phase one', January 2020), which could lead to a more comprehensive agreement, and the consequences of these 'adjustments' in shaping new equilibriums.After 40 years, China has transformed into an economic superpower, which could now rival the US. This has evoked some concerns, and put the US in an uncomfortable position, as the US views the rise of China as a threat to its predominance and interests. However, China's development and its increasing economic power, which is a direct consequence of the ongoing reform process, is unstoppable.The confrontation between China and the US will favor Chinese expansion into the EU not only because the EU offers a more receptive environment for Chinese Foreign Direct Investment, but also because the EU and China have more in common if we consider the Belt And Road Initiative and the new bilateral investment agreement which is under negotiation. The EU, not only represents the final destination of the BRI, but also a more logical and convenient trade partner for China.The shift of Chinese attention toward the EU will also change the equilibrium between China, the EU and the US, bring forth the negotiation of new trade agreements, and move the entire international community towards a new world trade order and a new multilateralism which might evolve into a tripolarism.

China's Continued Reforms In A New Era: Their Impact On Chinese Foreign Direct Investments And Rmb Internationalization

Book Description

This book studies the new economic and financial reforms China is adopting to advance its economy, and the policies behind the Chinese Outbound Direct Investment (ODI). It also aims to illustrate the impact of China's reforms on Chinese Outward Investments, and the Internationalization of the RMB.The book explores the new wave of reforms, especially in the financial sector, together with President Xi Jinping's vision for a shared future for mankind together with his explanation on the 'new Era'. In fact, China is entering a 'New Era' and transforming its economy into a more sophisticated one, upgrading the industrial sector and introducing specific and dedicated reforms in the SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) to render them more efficient and allow them to compete fairly at the international level.The book also focuses on RMB 'internationalization'. It also contains an addendum on trade frictions between China and the US.

World's Transition Toward A Green Economy: Achieving The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals And Promoting The Role Of Green Finance

Book Description

This book treats different themes which are intrinsically linked and of extreme significance for the entire global community such as the necessity to cut emissions and transit toward a more sustainable and green economy. The content extends to the urgency to shape a new multilateralism and reinforce cooperation to achieve global goods, where the environment comes first, to the green finance which will play a fundamental role for the green transition paying particular attention to the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.A particular emphasis is given to the so-called 'Dual Circulation Strategy' (DCS) which is presently becoming the priority not only for China but also for the rest of the global community. Due to the uncertainties caused by the pandemic and other external factors, China has substituted GDP growth with the so-called six guarantees (liù bǎo 六保) which represent the six fundamental aspects of the economy and society that according to the central government must receive priority attention, and protection in economic policy to ensure economic recovery. China also introduced the concept of an 'ecological civilization' (shēngtài wénmíng 生态文明) through green, low-carbon economic development. One of the targets is to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, though the rest of the global community and in particular the European Union with its Green Deal, and the US with its renewed climate policies, are pushing to reach this objective in 2050.In order to grant all these developments, 'green finance' plays a fundamental role for the success of this green transition. Therefore, a substantial part of this book explores the many aspects surrounding this theme. Due to renewables playing a very important role in the green transition, the final part of this book explores investment opportunities related to the development of these alternative sources of energy.

Impact Of Covid-19 On World Aviation Industry, The: Challenges And Opportunities

Book Description

This book aims to illustrate the impact of COVID-19 on the global aviation industry and its many facets and disruptive innovations this crisis is bringing to the industry, triggering a new phase of development for air transportation. As a result, there has been increased attention on the green aviation industry using new sustainable fuels (including hydrogen). The aviation industry is also moving towards operating electric aircraft. The book emphasizes a new concept of air travel and an entirely new type of aircraft called eVTOL, which is to say - electric Vertical take-off and landing aircraft. This new reality is already taking place with the development of prototypes. However, the road to its implementation is full of challenges.The later part of the book focuses on how China has opened doors to the private aviation sector as the country foresees an enormous opportunity to push its internal economy and aviation industry further.

China's Continued Reforms in a New Era

Book Description

This book studies the new economic and financial reforms China is adopting to advance its economy, and the policies behind the Chinese Outbound Direct Investment (ODI). It also aims to illustrate the impact of China's reforms on Chinese Outward Investments, and the Internationalization of the RMB. The book explores the new wave of reforms, especially in the financial sector, together with President Xi Jinping's vision for a shared future for mankind together with his explanation on the "new Era". In fact, China is entering a "New Era" and transforming its economy into a more sophisticated one, upgrading the industrial sector and introducing specific and dedicated reforms in the SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) to render them more efficient and allow them to compete fairly at the international level. The book also focuses on RMB "internationalization". It also contains an addendum on trade frictions between China and the US.

China's Influence and American Interests

Book Description

While Americans are generally aware of China's ambitions as a global economic and military superpower, few understand just how deeply and assertively that country has already sought to influence American society. As the authors of this volume write, it is time for a wake-up call. In documenting the extent of Beijing's expanding influence operations inside the United States, they aim to raise awareness of China's efforts to penetrate and sway a range of American institutions: state and local governments, academic institutions, think tanks, media, and businesses. And they highlight other aspects of the propagandistic “discourse war” waged by the Chinese government and Communist Party leaders that are less expected and more alarming, such as their view of Chinese Americans as members of a worldwide Chinese diaspora that owes undefined allegiance to the so-called Motherland.Featuring ideas and policy proposals from leading China specialists, China's Influence and American Interests argues that a successful future relationship requires a rebalancing toward greater transparency, reciprocity, and fairness. Throughout, the authors also strongly state the importance of avoiding casting aspersions on Chinese and on Chinese Americans, who constitute a vital portion of American society. But if the United States is to fare well in this increasingly adversarial relationship with China, Americans must have a far better sense of that country's ambitions and methods than they do now.

Sticky Feet

Book Description

This report quantifies labor mobility costs in developing countries and simulates the implied adjustment paths of employment and wages following a change in trade policy. High mobility costs are shown to reduce the potential gains to trade reform.

The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners

Book Description

This wide-ranging book analyses EU-Asia security relations in a systematic, substantive and comparative manner. The contributions assess similarities and differences between the EU and its Asian partners with respect to levels of threat perception, policy response and security cooperation in the context of historical, institutional and external factors – such as the influence of the United States. The book presents original empirical research organised in four parts: a number of contributions providing discussions of the global context in which EU-Asia security relations develop; a series of chapters covering the range of dimensions of EU-Asian security, including both traditional and non-military aspects of security; chapters addressing the specific issues touching on bilateral relations between the EU and its partners in the Asia-Pacific region; and a final part presenting the overall findings across the various contributions together with the future outlook for EU-Asia security relations.

The European Union and China’s Belt and Road

Book Description

This book explores key elements of European Union (EU) engagement with the Belt Road Initiative (BRI), drawing on the expertise of leading practitioners and scholars of EU-China relations. Under the theme of discerning the BRI and its nexus with the EU, chapters examine the nature of the BRI as China’s approach to global governance and consider how BRI intersects with the EU as a very different regional integration project. Under the theme of BRI factors in EU law and policy, chapters examine the BRI as a factor in specific domains of EU law and policy, including investment, finance, the environment and the COVID-19 pandemic and consider EU responses. Under the theme of EU Member State experiences, chapters present a series of case studies of individual Member States, their engagement with the BRI and ongoing policy debates. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of International Relations, EU external relations, Chinese public policy and foreign relations, European studies and security studies as well as policymakers dealing with China in EU and Member State institutions.

China’s Grand Strategy

Book Description

To explore what extended competition between the United States and China might entail out to 2050, the authors of this report identified and characterized China’s grand strategy, analyzed its component national strategies (diplomacy, economics, science and technology, and military affairs), and assessed how successful China might be at implementing these over the next three decades.