Chiral Quark Dynamics

Book Description

These notes give an introduction to the description of hadrons, i.e., mesons and baryons, within a quark model based on a chirally invariant quantum field theory. Emphasis is put on a didactic approach intended for graduate students with some background on functional integral techniques. Starting from QCD a motivation of a specific form of the effective quark interaction is given. Functional integral bosonization leads to a theory describing successfully meson properties. It possesses solitonic solutions which are identified as baryons. Via functional integral techniques a Faddeev equation for baryons describing them as bound states of a diquark and a quark is derived. Finally, a unification of these two complementary pictures of baryons is proposed.

Quarks, Baryons and Chiral Symmetry

Book Description

This book describes baryon models constructed from quarks, mesons and chiral symmetry. The role of chiral symmetry and of quark model structure with SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry are discussed in detail, starting from a pedagogic introduction. Emphasis is placed on symmetry aspects of the theories. As an application, the chiral bag model is studied for nucleon structure, where important methods of theoretical physics, mostly related to the semiclassical approach for a system of strong interactions, are demonstrated. The text is more practical than formal; tools and ideas are explained in detail while solving actual problems. By checking each step of the computations, readers can learn not only the calculational techniques but also the essential ideas behind them.

Chiral Nuclear Dynamics

Book Description

The physics of strongly interacting many-body systems known as nuclear physics is a mature discipline which has achieved a remarkably quantitative success. It has explained with an impressive accuracy the properties of nuclei from the deuteron to heavy nuclei containing several hundreds of nucleons. This is the more remarkable when one realizes that in no way did the success depend on the existence of, or knowledge derived from, the fundamental theory of strong interactions now believed to be quantum chromodynamics (QCD).This monograph is a first, albeit embryonic, attempt to explain how a nucleus can be understood without invoking the explicit degrees of freedom of quarks and gluons while still staying within the basic premise of QCD and furthermore why do quark-gluon signatures not show up prominently in nuclear processes, including those processes involving short-distance encounters within nuclei. Such an understanding is largely based on the modern concepts of broken chiral symmetry and is believed to be essential in uncovering new physics expected to figure in the hadronic environment under extreme conditions of high temperature and/or high density.

Baryons '98 - Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference On The Structure Of Baryons

Book Description

This volume encompasses current issues in the physics of baryons, including their spectroscopy and quark-gluon substructure, and investigations with electroweak and strong interacting probes. The topics covered are: Baryon and Meson Spectroscopy, Chiral Physics, Heavy Quarks, Deep Inelastic Scattering, Form Factors and Exclusive Processes, Hadron-Nucleon Interaction, Hadrons in Nuclear Medium, and Special Topics in the First and Second Resonance, as well as a special part on the current status of neutrino physics. Each topic begins with an Introduction and Overview so as to make the more specialized papers readily accessible to non-experts.

Baryons As Skyrme Solitons - Proceedings Of The International Workshop

Book Description

The revival of the Skyrme model for baryons has led to a large variety of investigations ranging from the foundations of effective meson theories and chiral soliton models, over numerous extensions of Skyrme's original concept, to many impressive results in applications to the meson-baryon system. Each author has made essential contributions to the field of his expertise, and the lectures collected in this proceedings review and asses the present status of these achievements and serve as guiding lines for future developments.

Quantum Chromodynamics

Book Description

Aimed at graduate students and researchers in theoretical physics, this book presents the modern theory of strong interaction: quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The book exposes various perturbative and nonperturbative approaches to the theory, including chiral effective theory, the problems of anomalies, vacuum tunnel transitions, and the problem of divergence of the perturbative series. The QCD sum rules approach is exposed in detail. A great variety of hadronic properties (masses of mesons and baryons, magnetic moments, form factors, quark distributions in hadrons, etc.) have been found using this method. The evolution of hadronic structure functions is presented in detail, together with polarization phenomena. The problem of jets in QCD is treated through theoretical description and experimental observation. The connection with Regge theory is emphasized. The book covers many aspects of theory which are not discussed in other books, such as CET, QCD sum rules, and BFKL.

Baryons '95 - Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference On The Structure Of Baryons

Book Description

The conference focused on the current status of baryon spectroscopy, form factors and structure functions, electroweak interactions and symmetries, strange and exotic states, chiral perturbation theory, heavy quark physics, and medium modifications, through plenary session summaries and reviews and parallel session reports of recent experimental and theoretical advances. Plans for future facilities and upgrades were highlighted in special plenary sessions.

Baryons 2002

Book Description

This book deals with the latest developments in the area of three-quark systems. Emphasis is given to the discussion of new experimental results in the areas of form factors, unpolarized and polarized structure functions, and baryon structure and spectroscopy. Of particular interest are the new theoretical developments in the area of generalized parton distributions and lattice quantum chromodynamics.