Chiral Three-Nucleon Interactions in Light Nuclei, Neutron-[alpha] Scattering, and Neutron Matter

Book Description

Here we present quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei, neutron- scattering, and neutron matter using local two- and three-nucleon (3N) interactions derived from chiral e effective fi eld theory up to next-to-next-to-leading order (N2LO). The two undetermined 3N low-energy couplings are fi t to the 4He binding energy and, for the first time, to the spin-orbit splitting in the neutron- P-wave phase shifts. Furthermore, we investigate different choices of local 3N-operator structures and find that chiral interactions at N2LO are able to simultaneously reproduce the properties of A = 3; 4; 5 systems and of neutron matter, in contrast to commonly used phenomenological 3N interactions.

Probing Chiral Interactions in Light Nuclei

Book Description

Chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions are studied in a few-nucleon systems. We investigate the cut-off dependence and convergence with respect to the chiral expansion. It is pointed out that the spectra of light nuclei are sensitive to the three-nucleon force structure. As an example, we present calculations of the 1{sup +} and 3{sup +} states of {sup 6}Li using the no-core shell model approach. The results show contributions of the next-to-next-to-leading order terms to the spectra, which are not correlated to the three-nucleon binding energy prediction.

Few Particle Problems

Book Description

Few Particle Problems in the Nuclear Interaction emerged from the International Conference on Few Particle Problems in the Nuclear Interaction held in Los Angeles, from August 28-September 1, 1972. The aim of the conference was to discuss recent developments in low and medium energy few-particle problems. This included the fields of the nuclear three-body problem; nuclear forces (in particular, three-body forces); symmetries; and the interaction of mesons, leptons, and photons with few-nucleon systems. Special sessions were also devoted to the application of the results and techniques of the few-particle research to the problems of other fields, in particular nuclear structure and astrophysics. The conference was organized into nine plenary sessions and 13 parallel sessions. This volume contains 184 papers presented during the nine sessions on the following topics: the nucleon-nucleon interaction; three-body forces; hypernuclear systems; symmetries; three-body problems; multiparticle reactions; proposed studies of few-nucleon systems with meson factories; few-nucleon systems and leptons, mesons, and photons; and applications.

Nuclear Theory in the Age of Multimessenger Astronomy

Book Description

Over the last decade, astrophysical observations of neutron stars — both as isolated and binary sources — have paved the way for a deeper understanding of the structure and dynamics of matter beyond nuclear saturation density. The mapping between astrophysical observations and models of dense matter based on microscopic dynamics has been poorly investigated so far. However, the increased accuracy of present and forthcoming observations may be instrumental in resolving the degeneracy between the predictions of different equations of state. Astrophysical and laboratory probes have the potential to paint to a new coherent picture of nuclear matter — and, more generally, strong interactions — over the widest range of densities occurring in the Universe. This book provides a self-contained account of neutron star properties, microscopic nuclear dynamics and the recent observational developments in multimessenger astronomy. It also discusses the unprecedented possibilities to shed light on long standing and fundamental issues, such as the validity of the description of matter in terms of pointlike baryons and leptons and the appearance of deconfined quarks in the high density regime. It will be of interest to researchers and advanced PhD students working in the fields of Astrophysics, Gravitational Physics, Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics. Key Features: Reviews state-of-the-art theoretical and experimental developments Self-contained and cross-disciplinary While being devoted to a very lively and fast developing field, the book fundamentally addresses methodological issues. Therefore, it will not be subject to fast obsolescence. Omar Benhar is an INFN Emeritus Research Director, and has been teaching Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Structure of Compact Stars at “Sapienza” University of Rome for over twenty years. He has worked extensively in the United States, and since 2013 has served as an adjunct professor at the Center for Neutrino Physics of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Prof. Benhar has authored or co-authored three textbooks on Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Gauge Theories, and Structure and Dynamics of Compact Stars, and published more than one hundred scientific papers on the theory of many-particle systems, the structure of compact stars and the electroweak interactions of nuclei. Alessandro Lovato is a physicist at Argonne National Laboratory and an INFN researcher in Trento. His research in theoretical nuclear physics focuses on consistently modeling the self-emerging properties of atomic nuclei and neutron-star matter in terms of the microscopic interactions among the constituent protons and neutrons. He has co-authored more than eighty scientific publications on the theory of many-particle systems, the structure of compact stars, and the electroweak interactions of nuclei. He is at the forefront of high-performance computing applied to solving the quantum many-body problem. Andrea Maselli is an Associate Professor at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, in L’Aquila, where he teaches Gravitation and Cosmology and Physics of Black Hole. His research focuses on strong gravity, which plays a crucial role in many astrophysical phenomena involving black hole and neutron stars, representing natural laboratories to test fundamental physics. Prof. Maselli has co-authored more than eighty scientific papers on the modelling of black holes and neutron stars in General Relativity and extension thereof, their gravitational wave emission, and on tests of gravity in the strong filed regime. He is active in various collaborations aimed at developing next generation of gravitational wave detectors, such as the LISA satellite, the Einstein Telescope, and the Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna. Francesco Pannarale is an Associate Professor at “Sapienza” Univeristy of Rome, where he teaches Gravitational Waves, Compact Objects and Black Holes, Computing Methods for Physics, and Electromagnetism. His research interests are in gravitational-wave physics and multimessenger astronomy, and they range from modelling compact binary sources to data analysis. He has co-authored over one hundred and eighty scientific publications and was at the forefront of the joint observation of GW170817 and GRB 170817A. He is currently serving as co-chair of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Data Analysis Council.

Interaction Of Photons And Neutrons With Matter

Book Description

This book is based on lecture notes developed for a one-semester graduate course entitled “The Interaction of Radiation with Matter”, taught in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The main objective of the course is to teach enough quantum and classical radiation theory to allow students in engineering and the applied sciences to understand and have access to the vast literature on applications of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in materials research. Besides presenting the fundamental physics of radiation interactions, the book devotes individual chapters to some of the important modern-day experimental tools, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, photon correlation spectroscopy, and the various types of neutron, x-ray and light-scattering techniques.

On the Interaction Between Neutrons and Electrons

Book Description

The possible existence of a potential interaction between neutron and electron has been investigated by examining the asymmetry of thermal neutron scattering from xenon. It has been found that the scattering in the center-of-gravity system shows exceedingly little asymmetry. By assuming an interaction of a range equal to the classical electron radius, the depth of the potential well has been found to be 300℗±5000 ev. This result is compared with estimates based on the mesotron theory according to which the depth should be 12000 ev. It is concluded that the interaction is not larger than that expected from the mesotron theory; that, however, no definite contradiction of the mesotron theory can be drawn at present, partly because of the possibility that the experimental error may have been understimated, and partly because of the indefiniteness of the theories which makes the theoretical estimate uncertain.

Chiral Nuclear Dynamics Ii: From Quarks To Nuclei To Compact Stars (2nd Edition)

Book Description

This is the sequel to the first volume to treat in one effective field theory framework the physics of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions. This is vital for understanding the high temperature phenomena taking place in relativistic heavy ion collisions and in the early Universe, as well as the high-density matter predicted to be present in compact stars. The underlying thesis is that what governs hadronic properties in a heat bath and/or a dense medium is hidden local symmetry which emerges from chiral dynamics of light quark systems and from the duality between QCD in 4D and bulk gravity in 5D as in AdS/QCD. Special attention is paid to hot matter relevant for relativistic heavy ion processes and to dense matter relevant for compact stars that are either stable or on the verge of collapse into black holes.