HarvestChoice: Supporting strategic investment choices in agricultural technology development and adoption

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HarvestChoice began in 2006, when detailed and readily accessible data on agriculture, human welfare, and the environment were scarce for Africa South of the Sahara (SSA). Statistics to support agricultural policy and investment decisions in the region were often too coarse—available only at national scale. Since then, technology advances (e.g., remote sensing, geographic information systems, and modeling tools) have enabled rapid data generation.

Farmers' Choice

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Farmers' Choice outlines the RIPAT intervention, and examines how effective it has been. This evaluation of RIPAT brings together the analyses of economists, agricultural scientists, and anthropologists who studied the impact, implementation, adoption, and spread of the programme approaches.

Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development

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The aim of the book is to present contributions in theory, policy and practice to the science and policy of sustainable intensification by means of technological and institutional innovations in agriculture. The research insights re from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The purpose of this book is to be a reference for students, scholars and practitioners inthe field of science and policy for understanding and identifying agricultural productivity growth potentials in marginalized areas.

Agricultural Technology Choice and Transport

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This article seeks to address an old and recurring theme in development economics--the slow adoption of new technologies by farmers in many developing countries. We explore a somewhat novel explanation for this puzzle--the link between market access and the incentives to adopt a new technology when there are non-convexities. We develop a theoretical model to guide the empirical analysis that uses spatially disaggregated agricultural production data from the International Food Policy Research Institute and Living Standards Measurement Study survey data for Nigeria. We estimate the impact of transport costs on crop production, adoption of modern technologies, and the differential impact on returns of modern versus traditional farmers. To overcome the limitation of data availability on travel costs for much of Africa, we combine road survey data and GIS roads networks to generate the most thorough and accurate road network available, to our knowledge. Using these data and the Highway Development Management Model (HDM-4), we compute minimum travel costs from each location to the market. Consistent with our theory we find that transportation costs are critical in determining technology choices, with a greater responsiveness among farmers who adopt modern technologies, and at times a perverse (negative) response to lower transport costs among those who employ more traditional techniques. In sum, we present compelling evidence that the constraints to the adoption of modern technologies and access to markets are interconnected, and so should be targeted jointly.

Agricultural Technology Choice and Transport

Book Description

This paper addresses an old and recurring theme in development economics: the slow adoption of new technologies by farmers in many developing countries. The paper explores a somewhat novel link to explain this puzzle -- the link between market access and the incentives to adopt a new technology when there are non-convexities. The paper develops a theoretical model to guide the empirical analysis, which uses spatially disaggregated agricultural production data from Spatial Production Allocation Model and Living Standards Measurement Study survey data for Nigeria. The model is used to estimate the impact of transport costs on crop production, the adoption of modern technologies, and the differential impact on returns of modern versus traditional farmers. To overcome the limitation of data availability on travel costs for much of Africa, road survey data are combined with geographic information road network data to generate the most thorough and accurate road network available. With these data and the Highway Development Management Model, minimum travel costs from each location to the market are computed. Consistent with the theory, analysis finds that transportation costs are critical in determining technology choices, with a greater responsiveness among farmers who adopt modern technologies, and at times a perverse (negative) response to lower transport costs among those who employ more traditional techniques. In sum, the paper presents compelling evidence that the constraints to the adoption of modern technologies and access to markets are interconnected, and so should be targeted jointly.

Agricultural Technology Choice and Transport

Book Description

This paper addresses an old and recurring theme in development economics: the slow adoption of new technologies by farmers in many developing countries. The paper explores a somewhat novel link to explain this puzzle -- the link between market access and the incentives to adopt a new technology when there are non-convexities. The paper develops a theoretical model to guide the empirical analysis, which uses spatially disaggregated agricultural production data from Spatial Production Allocation Model and Living Standards Measurement Study survey data for Nigeria. The model is used to estimate the impact of transport costs on crop production, the adoption of modern technologies, and the differential impact on returns of modern versus traditional farmers. To overcome the limitation of data availability on travel costs for much of Africa, road survey data are combined with geographic information road network data to generate the most thorough and accurate road network available. With these data and the Highway Development Management Model, minimum travel costs from each location to the market are computed. Consistent with the theory, analysis finds that transportation costs are critical in determining technology choices, with a greater responsiveness among farmers who adopt modern technologies, and at times a perverse (negative) response to lower transport costs among those who employ more traditional techniques. In sum, the paper presents compelling evidence that the constraints to the adoption of modern technologies and access to markets are interconnected, and so should be targeted jointly.

Agricultural Technology Adoption and the Provision of Public Goods

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Agricultural technologies are widely promoted as a tool for poverty alleviation in countries where the rural poor rely primarily on agriculture. This dissertation considers two related factors that can greatly impact agricultural productivity: technology choice and the role of natural resource management in agriculture. Water and the infrastructure to manage water effectively are inputs into agricultural production that can be necessary for farmers to adopt potentially beneficial technologies. I study the introduction of a new agricultural technology that relies on a well-functioning irrigation system, focusing on the household impacts of the technology and possibilities for local farmer-led institutions to provide and manage the irrigation infrastructure. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a rice cultivation method that promises yields far greater than those of the traditional technology. The first essay examines the household impacts of SRI, finding increased yields but failing to detect an impact on either farm profits or household-level income. We do find a small but significant negative impact on self-reported food security, driven primarily by food insecurity during the planting season, when the high cost of implementing SRI may prevent families from being able to purchase enough food. Adoption of the full technology package is low, but farmers exposed to the technology adopt some components of the technology in a form of partial adoption, moving toward SRI-like practices. Farmers exposed to SRI training are also more likely to be able to describe the specifics of their cultivation practices, indicating that the training may have focused attention to farmers' specific techniques. Public goods are often crucial inputs into agriculture, and their availability may be an important factor in farmers' decisions regarding technology choice. When the provision of a public good relies on farmer participation, as is often the case for local irrigation systems, farmers have to make complex decisions regarding technology choice and participation in public goods provision. The second essay explores whether the introduction of SRI, a technology that depends on precise water management, shifts farmers' decisions about their contributions to management of the shared irrigation system. I use public goods experiments, conducted before and after the introduction of SRI, that offered farmers the opportunity to form institutions to manage public goods after several rounds of providing the public goods by voluntary contribution. I find that farmers who adopted the new technology contribute the same amount as non-adopters during the voluntary contribution rounds, but that they were more likely to vote for costly institutions to promote public goods provision when the institutions were offered in the experiment. Informal institutions and norms can play an important role in farmer-led management of public goods, and the development community has focused attention on how such institutions emerge and evolve. The third essay examines whether exposure to the strategic considerations of a collective action dilemma in an experimental setting can change behavior in the real world when they face similar strategic trade-offs. Farmers participated in public goods games framed to mimic the real trade-off they face between private work and participation in the management of shared canals, and over the subsequent planting season, were invited to participate in voluntary canal-cleaning work days. Farmers who participated in the experiments were 69% more likely than the control group to volunteer. The mechanism through which the experiments seem to operate is by shifting participants' expectations of others' contributions to the public good, suggesting that experiments provide a setting in which to learn about one's neighbors and develop common norms of behavior.

Transforming Food Systems for a Rising India

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This open access book examines the interactions between India’s economic development, agricultural production, and nutrition through the lens of a “Food Systems Approach (FSA).” The Indian growth story is a paradoxical one. Despite economic progress over the past two decades, regional inequality, food insecurity and malnutrition problems persist. Simultaneously, recent trends in obesity along with micro-nutrient deficiency portend to a future public health crisis. This book explores various challenges and opportunities to achieve a nutrition-secure future through diversified production systems, improved health and hygiene environment and greater individual capability to access a balanced diet contributing to an increase in overall productivity. The authors bring together the latest data and scientific evidence from the country to map out the current state of food systems and nutrition outcomes. They place India within the context of other developing country experiences and highlight India’s status as an outlier in terms of the persistence of high levels of stunting while following global trends in obesity. This book discusses the policy and institutional interventions needed for promoting a nutrition-sensitive food system and the multi-sectoral strategies needed for simultaneously addressing the triple burden of malnutrition in India.

Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement – A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development

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This volume deals with land degradation, which is occurring in almost all terrestrial biomes and agro-ecologies, in both low and high income countries and is stretching to about 30% of the total global land area. About three billion people reside in these degraded lands. However, the impact of land degradation is especially severe on livelihoods of the poor who heavily depend on natural resources. The annual global cost of land degradation due to land use and cover change (LUCC) and lower cropland and rangeland productivity is estimated to be about 300 billion USD. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounts for the largest share (22%) of the total global cost of land degradation. Only about 38% of the cost of land degradation due to LUCC - which accounts for 78% of the US$300 billion loss – is borne by land users and the remaining share (62%) is borne by consumers of ecosystem services off the farm. The results in this volume indicate that reversing land degradation trends makes both economic sense, and has multiple social and environmental benefits. On average, one US dollar investment into restoration of degraded land returns five US dollars. The findings of the country case studies call for increased investments into the rehabilitation and restoration of degraded lands, including through such institutional and policy measures as strengthening community participation for sustainable land management, enhancing government effectiveness and rule of law, improving access to markets and rural services, and securing land tenure. The assessment in this volume has been conducted at a time when there is an elevated interest in private land investments and when global efforts to achieve sustainable development objectives have intensified. In this regard, the results of this volume can contribute significantly to the ongoing policy debate and efforts to design strategies for achieving sustainable development goals and related efforts to address land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.