Christ All and in All

Book Description

Christ Is All!

Book Description

CHRIST IS ALL! A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God’s Son. Have you looked beyond the threshold … recently? David asks this question of all Christians. For over 30 years David Bryant has watched God move His Church toward a “kairos” moment that waits for us, just beyond the threshold. First as a pastor, then ministering to university students, followed by a decade of mobilizing Christians for world evangelization coupled with 15 years of raising up prayer among the nations, Bryant has witnessed an unparalleled groundswell toward worldwide revival throughout the Body of Christ. Today he senses it is truly at hand – for all of us! David Bryant calls Christians to get ready. He says it’s time to look beyond the threshold! CHRIST IS ALL! points the way. Subtitled “A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God’s Son”, this 476-page hardback offers three “volumes” that explore: an extraordinarily refreshing biblical overview of the full extent of Christ’s supremacy (chapters 1-5); an in-depth analysis of the greatest crisis facing Christians today (a “crisis of supremacy”) and its impact on Christian discipleship and outreach (chapters 6-8); practical steps for curing this crisis, transforming individuals and congregations with a “campaign of hope” that awakens and revitalizes our life under the supremacy of God’s Son (chapters 9-12). It also contains a study guide embedded and can serve as a 13-week curriculum for small groups or Sunday school classes.

Christ In All The Scriptures

Book Description

This book seeks to demonstrate that those references to Christ are found in all of the Sciptures. On the glorious resurrection morning Mary went to seek for Jesus. She sought Him in the tomb, but He stood beside her. She thought He was the gardener, but the one word "Mary " revealed to her her Saviour. As we read some passage in the Old Testament how often our eyes are holden, and we see only the earthly form: we see Aaron the priest, or David the shepherd, or Solomon the king; but if, like Mary, we are really seeking the Lord Jesus, He manifests Himself to us through the outward type, and we turn in glad surprise, and, looking up, say, " Rabboni " (lit. my great One). As we continue to seek, we find Him in the least expected places of the Old Testament, until the whole grows luminous with the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. "In the volume of the book it is written of Me." All the lines of history and type, of Psalm and prophecy, converge towards one centre Jesus Christ, and to one supreme event. His death on the Cross for our salvation. And from that centre again all the lines of history in the book of Acts, of experience in the Epistles, and of prophecy in Revelation radiate out once more to testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. After His resurrection our Lord not only "opened the Scriptures" to His disciples, but also "opened their under- standing that they might understand the Scriptures." He is ready to do the same for us. The same Holy Spirit who moved holy men of old to write the Scriptures, is close at hand to make the words life to our souls, by taking of the things of Christ and revealing them unto us. Of the books of the New Testament only a brief summary is here given, partly because they are so much more studied, partly because to treat of them at any adequate length would swell this book beyond the limits of a single volume, and still more because the chief aim of the present Studies is to show that Christ is the Key to the Old Testament Scriptures.

Preaching Christ in All of Scripture

Book Description

Voicing one theme for the entire Bible and structuring all sermons around that idea may seem to be an impossible challenge. For veteran pastor and preaching professor Edmund Clowney it will not do to preach a text from either the Old or New Testaments without fully preaching its ultimate and primary focus-the person and work of Jesus Christ. He writes, "To see the text in relation to Christ is to see it in its larger context, the context of God's purpose in revelation." Clowney's rationale for emphasizing Christ's presence in the Old Testament rests on the purpose of the Hebrew Scripture. The Old Testament follows God's one great plan for human history and redemption, and the plan is not only from him but centers on him: his presence in his incarnate Son. The witness of the Scriptures to Christ is the reason they were written, so it is appropriate to emphasize this element in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament. By offering numerous full-length examples of his own sermons that emphasize Christ as the principle theme of Scripture, Clowney illustrates for those who will never have the privilege of being his students how they can craft sermons which present Christ as the primary consideration of the text. He also offers specific instructions on preparing such a sermon. He discusses the personal habits of prayer and Bible study that prepare pastors to seek out Christ's presence. Clowney emphasizes the importance of including a specific application in every sermon so that Christ is presented both in what he says and does to reveal himself in the biblical text and in what he says and does to direct Christians' lives today. Students preparing for the pastorate, pastors desiring to increase their emphasis on Christ in their sermons, and those seeking Christ's presence in all of Scripture will find a help in Clowney's writings.

Christ for All People

Book Description

A collection of Christian art from every region of the world celebrating Christ's early ministry, Christ as a teacher, the last days of his life, the Crucifixion and the days after - Images of God - Images and Christianity.

Christ Is ALL! (the New Revised Version)

Book Description

Christ Is ALL! Join In the Joyful Awakening to the Supremacy of God's Son David Bryant condensed and updated with Richard Ross Christ is ALL! (condensed and updated) is not a rehash of old Sunday School lessons on the life of Jesus. Quite the opposite. Christ Is ALL! (CIA) opens a new point of departure for your walk with God's Son. It explores nothing less than the full scope of His supremacy. It does so in anticipation of, and preparation for, something almost too wonderful to hope: a fresh work of God's Spirit among God's people to enlarge our vision of the reigning majesty of God's Son. The promise is poised ... impending ... bearing down upon us. It is a God-given "Christ-awakening", meant for the whole Church, in every part. The Subtitles Tell The Story In 2003, New Providence Publishers (NPP) issued to wide acclaim David Bryant's Christ Is ALL! A Joyful Manifesto On The Supremacy of God's Son. Hardback, at nearly 470 pages, a Second Edition came out in 2005. Now, in 2010, NPP presents a "new revised version", a "reincarnation", as it were, of the original book in a 176 page paperback. Working with one of the nation's most respected trainers of youth workers, Dr. Richard Ross (professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth), David Bryant has condensed, remixed and updated his book. Originally written to train pastors and Christians leaders, this revised version specifically focuses its message on inspiring and equipping day-to-day Christians in every stream of the Church. Cutting out 300 pages, however, is not the most significant development in this process. The modified subtitle is! The original CIA was tagged "A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God's Son". But this revised CIA urges "Join the Joyful Awakening to the Supremacy of God's Son". Notice the shift? Frankly, its titanic. A decade ago, many parts of Christ's Body were sleeping through a major crisis, which Bryant called a "crisis of supremacy" (analyzed in chapters here, as well). To borrow Max Lucado's metaphor, too often Jesus was seen as a computer mouse, readily available to move the cursor across the screen to click-on whatever we needed next from God. I wrote my "manifesto" to help call the Church to re-engage with the active reign of Jesus-to wake-up to who He really is as God's Son, where He's leading in God's purposes and what He's doing with God's people, as well as across our land and among the nations. But things are changing. Today this revised CIA invites readers to expect, prepare for and even experience something so joyous no Jesus-follower would dare be left behind. Many call it a Christ-awakening defined as "God's Spirit using God's Word to re-introduce God's people to God's Son for ALL He is". Editors for The Economist magazine recently authored God Is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith Is Changing the World. Similarly, this revised CIA might have been renamed: CHRIST IS BACK: The Awakening of the Church That Will Change the Nation and the World (and All of Us in the Process!). Except, of course... the Lord Jesus Christ is not "back". He never left! Christ is now. Ascended. Ruling. Redeeming. Triumphant. Moving sovereignly throughout His church. His reign is as undiminished in this hour as it will be the hour we stand before Him at the Climax, in the new heaven and earth. His irrevocable authority needs no re-instatement. Rather, it is many of us Christians who need restoration. It is the vision of our hearts that needs to replenished, re-conquered and re-commissioned in Him and for Him. More Than Meets The Eye: The CIA website However, there's more to the new, revised version than one might guess simply looking its cover. Because, behind this slim volume is a website packed with free resources to help Christians implement much of what David Bryant calls for. For example, when readers visit, they can download a four-week CIA devotional guide, or a CIA small group discussion guide, or an audio book taken from parts of CIA, or they can access expanded commentary on each chapter in the book-and so much more. This dynamic interface between book and website offers a whole new opportunity for a life-changing reading experience. Also, orders can be placed there for major quantity discounts of the revised version, to encourage friends or even whole congregations. In addition, one can order a copy of the 470 page edition of Christ Is ALL!, still in print. Invitation The past seven years, many national Christian leaders have urged David Bryant to adapt Christ Is ALL! for a wider Christian audience. That has now become reality. This new CIA is not so much a "manifesto" anymore. Rather, it's more like an "invitation". An invitation to enter into something worthy of our whole hearts. An invitation to join a Christ-awakening movement already underway. An invitation to start celebrating, as a way of life, nothing less than the supremacy of God's Son for all He is, for you and for me, for now and forever. An invitation for us to do this together.

Christ All and in All

Book Description

With All Your Heart

Book Description

“Here is a book to be welcomed enthusiastically, to be read carefully, and to be returned to frequently.” –Sinclair B. Ferguson In our world, we use the word heart to refer to our emotions. But the Bible uses the word heart to refer to the governing center of life. We need to grasp the true meaning of the heart in order to better understand ourselves, our sin, and our need for redemption. As we rediscover the heart as the source of all our thoughts, fears, words, and actions, we will discover principles and practices for orienting our hearts to truly love and obey God with all that we are.

Christ is God Over All

Book Description

This book is written against the background of Christological scholarly thought since thepublication of Kyrios Christos by Bousset. Carraway argues that the syntax of Romans 9:5 suggests Paul meant to refer to Jesus as God, and that his statement is not out of place at thebeginning of Romans 9-11.He addresses objections to this conclusion, responding to those who claim that a monotheist such as Paul would not refer to Jesus as God, and to those who point out that Paul does not elsewhere identify Jesus as God. After demonstrating that there is a connection between Romans 9:5 and the remainder of Romans 9-11, the argument continues by tying Paul's monotheistic statements regarding the one God of both Jews and Gentiles in Romans 3, the concept of the one Lord of all in Romans 10:5-13.The book concludes that the redeemer from Zion in 11:25-27 is Christ, and is the same as the Christ from Israel in 9:5.