Anna, Grandmother of Jesus

Book Description

The self-published spiritual word-of-mouth bestseller. Anna, Grandmother of Jesus became a publishing sensation when the self-published version sold 50,000 copies through word of mouth alone, amassing a worldwide following in the process. Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. Her teachings and service birthed a spiritual lineage that changed the world. In this book, you'll discover missing pieces of history concerning Anna, Mary and Jesus, as channelled by Claire Heartsong, who has been receiving telepathic messages from Anna for 30 years. Told through the gentle and heartwarming voice of Anna herself, this book offers insights into unknown places the holy family visited, people they knew and intimate details of their daily struggle to complete the Resurrection challenges. You will learn about the Essenes of Mount Carmel and their secret teachings and initiations, and gain a new understanding of Jesus's mission. Containing encoded activations to bring Anna's wisdom and energy into your own spiritual life, this book is an invitation to complete a journey of initiation begun long ago.

Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes

Book Description

In this channelled sequel to the international bestseller Anna, Grandmother of Jesus, we journey with Anna, the Holy Family and 18 other Magdalene–Essenes as they travel to France and Britain after Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. This book gives a completely new perspective on the gnostic Mount Carmel Essene mystery school, in which Jesus and Mary Magdalene took initiations, as well as on the Holy Family and the Magdalene Order. Through Claire Heartsong, Anna tells not only the story of Jesus, but also the story of the women who surrounded him throughout his life. The book reveals the deeper mysteries they have safeguarded for aeons of time, including aspects of Jesus’s personal life not recorded in history – his relationships and, most radically, his offspring.In this one-of-a-kind story, Claire shares the information she received from Anna on the ‘Seeding of Light’ – the dispersion of Anna, Mother Mary and Jesus’s enlightened descendants whose ‘bloodline’ acts as a living catalyst for the awakening of the Christ–Magdalene potential today. Not only does this book give a new view of the Christ drama 2,000 years ago but, more importantly, it offers the potential to lift the suppressed Divine Feminine voice in our time.

Heaven Awaits the Bride

Book Description

While staying at a cabin in the mountains, Anna Rountree ws caught up in a tremendous vision of heaven. While there, she was met and taught by the angels around her and Jesus himself. In this book, Rountree provides readers with a stunning vision of what heaven is like and discusses the correlation between events today and what she saw in the spirit realm. Heaven Awaits the Bride is a combination of two previously released books, The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride, which together contain the account of Rountree’s visions of heaven. Positioned to make the most of the extreme interest in heaven in the market place, this new book presents the information in a integrative study format, interspersing valuable notes within the next pages.

The Perfect Way; Or, the Finding of Christ [by A. Kingsford and E. Maitland]

Book Description

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Power For: Feminism and Christ's Self-Giving

Book Description

Contesting the feminist critique of the dangers of Christianity's self-giving ethics, this book advances a contemporary feminist christology engaging the strength of self-giving power.

Anna: the Asian Angel, Warrior Princess of Jesus Christ, the God of Israel

Book Description

The God of Israel created the Asian nations and Asian Angels a 100 billion years ago in a previous universe. He loved His people and He blessed them to be "widespread". Japheth is the "symbolic" father of the Asians and the name means "widespread" or numerous. The Asians were blessed by the God of Israel to be more numerous then all the people He created.For a long time probably billions of years Chinese, Japanese and Asian Angels played with the people of Vietnam, Cambodia etc. There are Vietnamese and Cambodian Angels. Anna the Angel of Jesus Christ who I met was a Cambodian Angel. She is a militant warrior Princess Angel of Jesus Christ and she has been protecting China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia from Satan and evil forces. Other Asian Angels have been fighting with her against Satan and his demons. Asian Angels were upset about the Boxer rebellion when the West had signs in Chinese parks that said- "No dogs or Chinese in park." The Asian Angels of Jesus Christ were very upset. They were also upset about the Korean war and the Vietnam war where Shemites played war games in Vietnam killing 3 million Vietnamese. It was Satan who was attacking the Asians because he hates them. So there was a battle in heaven and the Asian Angels of Jesus Christ fought hard against the forces of evil. Anna the Cambodian Angel was upset about Polpot in Cambodia and has been fighting the forces of evil there. Jesus loves the Asians and He has sent His Angels to protect the people of Asia. Jesus Christ knows the trouble China has with population and has given them all the land that Ghenghis Khan staked out- from the Ural Mtns to Siberia, Mongolia etc now belongs to China. Jesus Christ also knows about the trouble Japan is in and Jesus has given 40% of Australia to Japan. Also He knows about the radiation contamination in Japan and He will eliminate it when He comes back. He might unite North, South Korea and Japan as one nation. They are brethren. Jesus is God and He commands the entire universe to expand and collapse with a word. He is also the Creator of the human race. When He comes back soon, He will give us Antigravity vehicles, teleportation and transmutation machines that changes dirt into food and into floating cars in seconds. Also when Jesus returns He will give us eternal life so that we never die. Actually death is called "Transferred." You die on earth then you just are transferred to heaven. No one really ever dies- read the Bible, the Book Jesus wrote for us- John 3:16. When Jesus returns we the human race will go into space and conquer it for 40 billion years- the 1000 yrs. Jesus has given China 10 billion galaxies in this universe with 10 billion earthlike planets. Also all the other Asian nations will be given millions and billions of galaxies and earths. When this universe collapses Jesus will give China a Septillion universes, Japan a Quintillion universes, Vietnam a Quintillion universes. All the other Asian nations will also get Quintillions of universes with Octillions of earthlike planets. And we will live forever and ever in new universes and heavens. Chinese and Japanese and Vietnamese Angels of Jesus Christ will fight for Asia. These mighty Angels serve Jesus Christ from a 100 billion years ago when the nations were created to forever and ever in the future. Satan and the evil people of Asia will be burned in the fire forever, but Jesus will save the good people of Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and the Korean Christians. Be good and follow the Right thinking, believe in Jesus and you will be saved. Follow Anna the Cambodian Angel and the Asian Angels. John 3:16 " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". God is Love.

What Christians Believe

Book Description

Many people today, both Christians and non-Christians, are confused about or unaware of the essentials of Christian faith. In this book, Anna Wierzbicka takes a radically new approach to the task of communicating "what Christians believe" to the widest possible audience. "The Story of God and People," the heart of the book, sets out the core tenets of Christian faith in narrative form using simple language that is accessible to anyone, even those with no familiarity with Christianity or Christian vocabulary. The Story is not only simple but also universal: though written in English, it is not phrased in full English--English as we know it today, shaped by history, culture, and tradition--but in "Minimal English." Minimal English contains only those 400 or so English words that can be translated into any other language; essentially, it corresponds to the shared core of all languages. In the introduction to the book, Wierzbicka explains Minimal English and minimal languages in general, and in "The Story of God and People" that follows, she demonstrates the effectiveness of Minimal English as a tool for global understanding. At the same time, the use of Minimal English allows her not only to retell the Christian story in a strikingly new way, but also to rethink its meaning, bringing into relief its internal cohesion, logic and beauty.


Book Description

In this memoir, Anna McGahan shares the story of reconciling with her body, mapping its journey from a cheapened product in a marketplace to a vessel of astonishing worth. This is a deeply personal and radical story, of a body rescued and set free. Of a life completely and irrevocably changed.

He Remembers the Barren

Book Description

Tackles the difficult subject of infertility using Jesus Christ's teachings and the Christian faith.

God Will Be All in All

Book Description

The early Christians saw in Jesus the focus and fulfillment of the conviction that God is with us. Over time, they learned to speak of that presence in terms of divine incarnation. That one theological affirmation raises questions for practically all other Christian beliefs. If God is incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, how does that change our understanding of God's presence in all things? What does it mean to be human if the life of God has been so intimately joined to human life? How can we say "God is with us" when there is so much suffering and evil in the world? What do we mean by “us”? Just us Christians or all of us? Just human beings or also the whole creation? If we find life in the wider cosmos, is God with them too? Looking through the lens of the incarnation, how wide is the divine embrace? In this volume, Anna Case-Winters demonstrates that the doctrine of the incarnation of God in Christ is not simply one belief among others; it is the cornerstone on which all other Christian convictions are built. Throughout, she carefully lays out the consequences for Christian belief and Christian life of the ancient confession that in Christ, “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily.”