Christ and the Spiritual World and the Search for the Holy Grail

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‘There is no way of approach to the Grail through words of any kind, or through philosophical speculations. The only way is by changing all these words into feeling, by becoming able to feel in the Grail the sum of all that is holy...’ - Rudolf Steiner (from lecture 6) Reviewing human history in relation to the cosmic-earthly events of Christ’s incarnation, Rudolf Steiner explains the significance of both the Gnostic religion and the legend of the Holy Grail. He indicates how the Grail emerges in human history, and how the ‘stellar script’ relates to the secret of Parsifal. Steiner examines humanity’s existential quest in the historical patterns of human thought and spiritual development. We are shown the widespread influence of the sibyls, who with their astrological and clairvoyant prophecies were a backdrop to one of the richest cultural epochs, the Greco-Roman world. Steiner contrasts the revelations of the sibyls to those of the Hebrew prophets. This course of lectures, a complete edition from Steiner’s Collected Works, offers an illuminating insight into the development of the soul through succeeding ages.

Christ and the Spiritual World

Book Description

Reassessing human history in relation to the cosmic-earthly events of Christ's incarnation, Rudolf Steiner stresses the significance of both Gnostic spirituality and the legends of the Holy Grail. The 'Christ-Impulse', he tells us, is not a one-time event but a continuous process, beginning well before Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth. This mighty impulse is a force that gives impetus to human development, such as with the extraordinary blossoming of free thinking of the last two millennia. Surveying this pattern of evolving human thought, Steiner explains the roles of contrasting historical figures, for example the great teacher Zarathustra, Joan of Arc and Johannes Keplar. We are shown the widespread influence of the clairvoyant prophetesses, the sibyls, who formed a backdrop to the Greco-Roman world. Steiner contrasts their revelations to those of the Hebrew prophets.The lectures culminate in the secret background to the Parzival narrative. Steiner illustrates how it is possible to experience the Holy Grail by reading the stellar script in the sky at Easter. Here, he provides a rare personal account of the processes he utilized to conduct esoteric research. The new edition of these much-loved lectures features a revised translation and an introduction, appendices and notes by Frederick Amrine.

The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail

Book Description

Recent works of fiction and popular history have promoted the idea that the Holy Grail symbolizes a physical bloodline that resulted from a union of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. It is claimed by some that this is the secret kept tirelessly by certain esoteric movements for the past two millennia. Based on her groundbreaking research, Sylvia Francke exposes this notion as a blatant misinterpretation of the mystery traditions that preceded and ran parallel to the birth of Christianity. She traces the ancient spiritual paths of knowledge from the Cathars, the Knights Templar, and the enigmatic Rosicrucians, to the work of Rudolf Steiner in the twentieth century. Here, she concludes, is true Grail knowledge--the Tree of Life and the Holy Grail itself, explained in their metaphysical context. She suggests a solution to the mystery of sudden wealth and the strange behavior of Bérenger Saunière, the mysterious priest of Rennes-le-Château in southern France. True Grail knowledge, Francke concludes, has nothing to do with bloodlines or worldly status; rather, it is an ancient lifeline to the spiritual origins of creation. Its energetic forces radiate out from the Earth and in from the constellations and planets, while interacting with human individuals. It represents the key to fulfilling humanity's quest and the next step in human evolution. The recent explosion of interest in revisionist Christianity history--the shadow Grail--prompted Sylvia Francke to revise The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail, first published in 1996. The result is a completely reworked and expanded book that offers a powerful and convincing refutation of distorted esoteric truths.

The Holy Grail

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In this fascinating work, Barber traces the history of the legends surrounding the Holy Grail, beginning with Chrtien de Troyes's great romances of the 12th century and the medieval Church's religious version of the secular ideal.

How Can Mankind Find the Christ Again?

Book Description

8 lectures, Basel and Dornach, December 22, 1918 - January 1, 1919 (CW 187) "This is the goal toward which mankind strives through the new wisdom, in the new spirit: To find in the spirit itself the power to overcome egotism and the falseness of life, to overcome self-seeking through love, the sham of life through truth, illness through health-giving thoughts that put us into immediate accord with the harmonies of the universe, because they flow from the harmonies of the harmonies of the universe" (Rudolf Steiner). Steiner examines the inner history of Christianity, explaining its relationship to ancient Judaism, Hellenism, Romanism, Gnosticism, and Egypto-Chaldean initiation. He describes the hidden spiritual battle raging today and the need for a renewal of the mysteries in a modern form. Today's road to Christ must involve a new, formative thinking whose Christian character is shown in the advent of selflessness, health, and a sense for truth. George O'Neil describes the nature of these lectures in his foreword: "As always, Rudolf Steiner spoke freely without using notes. Most of his audience had studied --or were at least familiar with --his written works and the published lecture cycles on the Gospels and related themes. A similar background will be needed for reading How Can Mankind Find the Christ Again? Such a background will prepare the reader for challenges and vistas not encountered elsewhere. Steiner's message of the new Christ Light midst the shadow existence of our age speaks to the modern soul in search of a cognitive reach" How Can Mankind Find the Christ Again? is a translation of Wie kan die Menschheit den Christus wiederfinden? Das dreifache Schattendasein unserer Zeit und das neue Christus-Licht (GA 187).

Eternal Individuality

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Prokofieff develops and expands Rudolf Steiner's occult research, leading the reader to an understanding of Novalis's crucial future mission amongst humanity, and indicating how this mission receives its form from the roots of its rich karmic past.


Book Description

These authoritative lectures, delivered during a period of deep crisis and conflict in world history, present a comprehensive spiritual teaching for contemporary humanity. Despite the raging world war, Rudolf Steiner was still actively touring Central Europe whilst simultaneously completing work on his architectural masterpiece, the first Goetheanum, in neutral Switzerland. The building of the Goetheanum – undertaken by a community of people from seventeen nations at war – forms a thematic backdrop to the lectures. In speaking of the walls in the new building, for example, Rudolf Steiner describes how their forms are not confining, but rather express an openness to the surrounding cosmos. Likewise, the carved motifs on the architraves of the wooden pillars are not fixed ‘symbols’ but are alive and continually metamorphosing . These observations are reflected in Steiner’s broader discussions. He speaks of extending and deepening our connection with the world and the cosmos, going beyond our usual narrow limits and definitions to engage in ‘community with the realities of existence’. We can do this, for example, with the so-called ‘dead’, who find it difficult to relate to sense-bound thinking. Rudolf Steiner explains how we can connect with them, greatly enriching our lives and ‘making an enormous difference to their souls’. The distinction between fixed symbols and living motifs takes us to the core of anthroposophy, striving never to rest in inert forms of thought. In the field of education, Steiner thus warns about ‘external measuring’ of pupils and linear models of cognitive learning. Throughout the three lecture courses included here – which together form a kind of compendium of anthroposophy at the time – Steiner touches upon a wealth of absorbing themes, including the ‘discovery’ of America, the contrast between East and West, the qualities of European ‘folk souls’, Valentin Andreae’s Chymical Wedding, and Darwinism. Regardless of his topic, however, Steiner consistently makes the urgent appeal that we ‘grasp reality’, looking further than abstract schemes of all kinds – such as social and political ‘programmes’ – to participate in the cosmos as conscious and fully human co-creators.


Book Description

In the uncertainty following the end of the First World War, Rudolf Steiner perceived a unique opportunity to establish a healthy social and political constitution. He began lecturing throughout post-war Germany, often to large audiences, about his social ideas. Here, speaking to a more intimate grouping at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, Steiner seeks to deepen the themes of social threefolding, showing specifically how new social thinking is integral to anthroposophy.Steiner speaks of the superficiality of the materialistic view of history, originating with the economic shift amongst the population at the time of the Reformation. Back in Egyptian-Chaldean times, initiates ruled out of spiritual impulses. Later, in the Greco-Roman period, priests had power over their congregations. Today, homo economicus – or 'economic man' – has become the dominant idea, with the capitalist and the banker taking control. But the healing of social relationships can only come about through different modes of thought; the life of spirit must be separated not only from politics but also from economics. True social understanding allows for comprehension of karma – the appreciation of each person's individual destiny. In parallel, says Steiner, we should work towards a global consciousness, as true social ideas are founded on people feeling themselves to be citizens of the world.In an important corollary, Steiner studies the incarnations of three significant spiritual beings in human evolution: Lucifer, Christ and Ahriman. Lucifer incarnated in the third pre-Christian millennium, Christ incarnated at the dawn of a new age, whilst an incarnation of Ahriman in the West is immanent. Ahriman is preparing this incarnation by insidiously promoting various ideas, for example that economic security is sufficient for healthy public life. A new wisdom must be achieved out of free human will, says Steiner, or else we will succumb to Ahriman.

Good and Evil Spirits

Book Description

'We learn gradually to raise our eyes not only to material existence; instead we discover spiritual entities and their actions wherever we look in the universe... We get to know the deeds of these spirits. We are alive and active and we are within the spiritual entities and their activities.' – Rudolf Steiner. >This classic series of lectures presents systematic knowledge on many different spiritual entities, ranging from the higher hierarchies of angels down to hindering demons. Basing his presentation on spiritual-scientific research, Rudolf Steiner intends to awaken us to the existence of these beings and how they interact with all aspects of our lives. Steiner describes how animals, plants and minerals have group souls – with even an inert stone having a spiritual counterpart in the invisible world. The various planets in the cosmos are connected to great spiritual beings and hierarchies too, as is the zodiac, which is not a static band of fixed stars but is also evolving. Steiner gives a remarkable picture of how Christ relates to the zodiacal constellations and to our own higher aspects. Spiritual entities are associated with the evolution of earth and the previous stages of its existence – and here Steiner elaborates relevant chapters of his book Occult Science, An Outline, explaining how our task on earth is ultimately to develop love rather than wisdom (which was the goal of earth's previous stage). From cosmic considerations, Steiner leads to the spirits of the kingdoms of nature – the elemental beings, with their four classes connecting to the four elements – gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders, or earth, water, air and fire spirits. He describes how elemental beings are created by human activities – with coercion of the views of others leading to 'demons', lying leading to 'phantoms', and bad social systems to 'spectres'. Spirits are also created in the association of humans and animals, whilst other spiritual entities connect us with the arts. Steiner emphasises the importance of developing and appreciating the arts – such as music, sculpture, architecture, painting and poetry – for the sake of humanity's future evolution.


Book Description

Delivered in the context of post-war cultural and social chaos, these lectures form part of Rudolf Steiner’s energetic efforts to cultivate social understanding and renew culture through his innovative ideas based on ‘threefolding’. Steiner develops a subtle and discerning perception of how social dynamics could change and heal if they were founded on real insight into our threefold nature as individuals, social beings and economic participants in the world. He doesn’t offer a programmatic agenda for change, but a real foundation from which change can organically grow. Social forms and reforms, says Steiner, are ‘created together’, not imposed by lone geniuses. Nevertheless, the detail of some of the thoughts and ideas he presents here as a possible model – down to the economic specifics of commodity, labour, taxation, ground rent and capitalism itself – are staggering in their clarity and originality. This is no mystic effusion but a heartfelt plea, backed by profound insights, to change our thinking and the world we live in. As he points out, thoughts create reality, and so it is vital how and what we think. Among the many contemporary and highly-relevant topics Steiner discusses here are: the nature of money and capital; taxation and the state; free enterprise and initiative; capitalism and Marxism; the relationship between employer and employee; ‘added value’ theory and the concept of commodity; and ‘class consciousness’, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.